Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Findings Confirmed, Doctors Did Not Believe: A Woman Cured Cancer In The Fourth Stage. She Ate Only This

This is the story of a woman called Candice Marie Fox, who did not give up and saved her own life.

Namely, Candice was diagnosed with cancer in 2011. As a result of the thyroid cancer which had spread to other organs, doctors did not believe that she would live more than five years, suggesting that she didn’t have time to fight against the disease.

Even though she left broken and devastated, Candice decided to stand and fight for her own life.  She decided to avoid chemotherapy and started curing herself naturally.

She believed that chemotherapy was not offering positive results, as she lost her cousin when he was only 13, as well as her friend Jamie at 31.

Instead, she simply didn’t quit and started gathering information on cancer.

During her investigation, she discovered that bromelain, which is found in papaya, pineapple and kiwi, destroys the protein layer of the cancer. Moreover, she also found that animal proteins feed it.

As soon as she found that bromelain contains extremely effective cancer- fighting power, Candice started consuming 3 pineapples a day together with lemon, kiwi, grapefruit, bananas, apples and papaya. She was consuming only fruits for days.

At the same time, she gave up smoking and using cosmetics and cleaning products, and what is even more important, she tried to reduce stress.

Stress, chemicals and animal products feed cancer, so I got rid of them.”

During her own healing procedure, she also found that when we consume big meals, our body spends its energy to digest all the food consumed. Hence, she now decided to save this energy to fight against the disease.

The results of her treatment were confirmed after six months. Her doctors were in a shock! Candice has succeeded to defeated cancer completely!

Other included sources linked in Healthy Food Team’s article: healthylifestory.net

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