Saturday, January 30, 2016

You Can Eliminate The Bacteria That Causes Tooth Decay, Acne, Tuberculosis And Pneumonia

Tooth decay, acne, tuberculosis and pneumonia are all caused by Gram positive bacteria. Luckily, one natural substance can effectively be used against these diseases. This amazing cure is cashew nut.
Cashew nut is actually a seed of a cashew apple. Cashew trees grow primarily in Brazil and India, but can also be found in parts of Africa and throughout Southeast Asia.
Cashews have been used as a folk medicine for centuries. It has been reported that indigenous people used cashew leaves and bark to treat toothaches.
The cashews have a lower fat content than the other nuts, about 82% of the fat is unsaturated fatty acids, and around 66% of the unsaturated fatty acid content are those heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, very similar to those that you can find it in the olive oil.
Many studies have shown that patients with diabetes consume this monounsaturated fat reduce the high level of triglyceride levels.
A lot of the studies originate in Japan, starting in the early 1990s. Two Japanese scientists, Masaki Himejima and Isao Kubo, confirmed that bacteria-fighting components found in cashews and juice destroy tooth decay and other infections, and could be used commercially. A report published in The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, suggested that the cashew compounds could be safely included in toothpastes and mouth washes.
Antioxidant, antitumor and anti-Helicobacter pylori properties are also part of the liquid inside the cashew nut-shell and the anacardic acids.
Writing in Nature’s British Journal of Cancer, one group that made an analysis reported that the eating of nuts including the cashew nuts was discovered to be inversely connected with the risk of pancreatic cancer.
Many studies and data collected showed that women who eat minimum 1 ounce of cashew nuts every week lower the risk of developing gallstones.
1 ounce of cashew nuts is just 28.6 nuts or 2 tablespoons of nut butter, and because it can prevent gallbladder disease, maybe it is great to eat cashews as an afternoon snack, or maybe tossing some cashews on your salad or oatmeal.
One recent study published in OBESITY journal shows that people who eat nuts minimum 2 per week has lower risk to gain weight.
One 28 month study that included 8,865 adult women and men in Spain discovered that those who ate nuts minimum 2 times per week, were 31 percent less likely to gain weight than those who never or rarely ate nuts. Among the study participants who gained weight, those who never or rarely ate nuts gained more weight than those who ate nuts minimum 2 times per week.
In addition to the article if you want to protect yourself from hart failure or gaining weight try to include some of this nuts in your diet.

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