Friday, December 4, 2015

What is the impact of the APEC2015 Summit on the Economy of the Philippines? BeInformed Pinas2016

What is the impact of the #APEC2015 Summit on the Economy of the Philippines? #BeInformed #Pinas2016
The impact of the APEC Summit on the economy of the Philippines can be measured by using the objectives of the summit.
the matter of traffic delays, money wasted on extravagant social events is very well impressed upon the public and is not included in this exercise.
It is interesting that APEC2015 took place under the radar while the beneficiaries were preoccupied with laglag bala and the false flag fake ISIS event in Paris.


1. The Philippine “government “- defined as GRP (GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC) or the trustee. The state as trustee is given control or powers of administration of property in trust with a legal obligation to administer it solely for the purposes specified. Who is this property of the state?
State Owned Enterprises (SOE) – A state-owned enterprise (SOE) otherwise known as a: state-owned company, state-owned entity, state enterprise, publicly owned corporation, government business enterprise, crown corporation, government-owned corporation, commercial government agency, public sector undertaking, or parastatal is a legal entity that undertakes commercial activities on behalf of an owner government.
The legal status of SOEs varies from being a part of the government to being stock companies with the state as a regular stockholder.
The defining characteristics of SOEs are that they have a distinct legal form and they are established to operate in commercial affairs. While they may also have public policy objectives, SOEs should be differentiated from other forms of government agencies or state entities established to pursue purely non-financial objectives.
Government-owned corporations tend to enforce monopolies and corner the industries involving infrastructure such as railways and telecommunications, strategic goods and services (mail, weapons), natural resources and energy, politically sensitive business, broadcasting, demerit goods (alcohol), and merit goods (healthcare).

2. The current residents/inhabitants of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao – regardless of ethnicity or national origin – defined as Filipinos or the “beneficiary
2.1 The current residents/inhabitants of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao – regardless of ethnicity or national origin – who own a business – defined as Filipino industries. These industries are either:
  • Filipino-owned private enterprise
  • Filipino-majority owned – with foreign partner minority private enterprise
  • Government Owned Corporations
2.2 The current residents/inhabitants of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao – regardless of ethnicity or national origin – who work for a business – defined as Filipino workers
2.3 The current residents/inhabitants of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao – regardless of ethnicity or national origin – buy goods and services – defined as Filipino consumers
Note the lack of foreign-owned private enterprise and foreign-majority owned private enterprise which is prohibited by the 1987 Cory Aquino Constitution. This is due to protectionism – a modern version of mercantilism.
Mercantilism is economic nationalism for the purpose of building a wealthy and powerful state. Adam Smith coined the term “mercantile system” to describe the system of political economy that sought to enrich the country by restraining imports and encouraging exports. This system dominated Western European economic thought and policies from the sixteenth to the late eighteenth centuries. The goal of these policies was, supposedly, to achieve a “favorable” balance of trade that would bring gold and silver into the country and also to maintain domestic employment. In contrast to the agricultural system of the physiocrats or the laissez-faire of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the mercantile system served the interests of merchants and producers such as the British East India Company, whose activities were protected or encouraged by the state.


Having laid down the background, we can now proceed to view the objectives of APEC in terms of what the trustee (GRP) has declared it will deliver to the beneficiary (Filipinos).
The agenda of the Philippines’ hosting of APEC 2015 is to focus on promoting and advancing inclusive growth in the Asia-Pacific region.
This goal on promoting inclusive growth is divided into three stages:
  • domestic/national
  • regional,
  • and macro levels. (wake up smell the bullsyet)
So, how has that turned out? Let’s look at the actual numbers.
I will use the indicator called share held of national income. The data is sourced from the World Bank World Development Indicators databank.
The charts below are self-explanatory.
Share of Income-Top 20
Share of Income - Top 10


When the top 20% own 50% of the income before and after Noynoy Aquino- that really says much about how Aquino et al “promoted” inclusive growth.
Inclusive Growth

As to whether APEC 2015 will have any impact on that?
Highly doubtful.
In other words, NONE.
And it might even get worse for the lower 80% if you let APEC 2015 get its way.
Allow me to explain further.
Let’s look at the priority agendas of APEC 2015.
  • Investing in Human Capital Development
  • Fostering Small and Medium Enterprises’ (SMEs) Participation in Regional and Global Markets
  • Building Sustainable and Resilient Communities
  • Enhancing the Regional Economic Integration Agenda


Here are comments/questions on how these agendas will impact the Philippine economy.

Investing in Human Capital Development

Who will be paying for this?
Do you really believe the government will pay for this?
Where’s the government going to get the money?
From you – withholding tax, sales tax, VAT, fees, charges, tariffs.
What that means is (if you give consent) goods will be more expensive, you will be paying more taxes and fees.
Whose Human Capital will be developed?
What does Human Capital mean?
Which agency will be doing that?
What is the cost of the budget?

Maybe, if income stayed in the pocket of the people who earned it – and there are no obstructions along the way – fines, penalties, taxes, regulations, protections, NBI clearance, POEA fees, business permit, cedula – am sure you can add some more to the list – people will have more money to invest in their own human development!

Fostering Small and Medium Enterprises’ (SMEs) Participation in Regional and Global Markets

Who will be paying for this?
Do you really believe the government will pay for this?
Where’s the government going to get the money?
From you – withholding tax, sales tax, VAT, fees, charges, tariffs.
What that means is (if you give consent) goods will be more expensive, you will be paying more taxes and fees.
Which agency will be doing that?
What is the cost of the budget?

Maybe, if income stayed in the pocket of the people who earned it – and there are no obstructions along the way – fines, penalties, taxes, regulations, protections, NBI clearance, POEA fees, business permit, cedula – am sure you can add some more to the list – people will participate whereever it makes sense for them to do so!

Building Sustainable and Resilient Communities

Who will be paying for this?
Do you really believe the government will pay for this?
Where’s the government going to get the money?
From you – withholding tax, sales tax, VAT, fees, charges, tariffs.
What that means is (if you give consent) goods will be more expensive, you will be paying more taxes and fees.
Whose Human Capital will be developed?
What does Human Capital mean?
Which agency will be doing that?
What is the cost of the budget?

Maybe, if income stayed in the pocket of the people who earned it – and there are no obstructions along the way – fines, penalties, taxes, regulations, protections, NBI clearance, POEA fees, business permit, cedula – am sure you can add some more to the list – we will have sustainable and resilient communities!

Enhancing the Regional Economic Integration Agenda

The issue isn’t really regional economic integration. This is a misnomer.
If you really think about it – the planet is already economically integrated.
The word REGIONAL will cue you in to the act of DIVIDING the planet into fiefdoms integrated under a global agenda to tax and regulate you. These people who have appointed themselves as trustees of the planet consider you not as the beneficiary – but as PROPERTY. How did this happen?


By your unawakened consent – i.e. participation in an election, you have declared yourself in a manner of speaking, lost at sea , a dead person. As a dead person, the trustee will now claim you, dead. By your vote you consent to be treated as a piece of flesh without sentient reason, and therefore property which the trustee can now dispose of in a manner they interpret.
Without national borders, governments, regulations, quotas, tariffs, subsidies – and an entire kaboodle of criminal practices – we already are INTEGRATED as humanity.
The question therefore is were we born to pay taxes ? To be regulated every which way you go?
Do you accept that as your destiny? You don’t have to. Spread the word and push back.

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