Thursday, December 17, 2015

This is How I Remove Kidney Stones in 6 Days (Recipe)

This specific all-natural formula will help you break down and remove kidney stones as well as any of its remains, including the sand, and also cleanse your kidneys at the same time.

A person, who practiced this specific 6-day treatment method for kidney stones, shared the effects through the social media. All those who have tried this specific formula have described that it is very effective.
That person discovered exactly how it aided him to remove a stone that had been bigger than a grain of wheat, furthermore he explained the method of its preparation.

Needed ingredients:

3.5 oz – Beer
3.5 oz – Extra virgin olive oil
3.5 oz – Lemon juice
Use only squeezed lemon juice.

Method of preparation:

Make a mixture from all these ingredients, stir them well and pour them in a glass bottle.


Once you wake up in the morning, you need to consume it half of the recipe or (1.75 oz).
Always shake well before you consume it.
This specific remedy needs to be consumed on a regular basis throughout 6 days.
This natural treatment will start melting the stones, after that you should be able to throw it out through the urine. The sand will begin coming out within just 4 days.
In case there are large stones, it is strongly recommended to use this specific recipe carefully, mainly because it is usually not recommended to use for stones that are larger, for this kind of stones, when melted, may cause damage.

At the least, you shouldn’t try it out when your kidney stones are of 0.5 inch or higher size.

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