Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Philippine State and Noynoy Aquino Piggybacks on Paris False Flag

#Philippine State and @NoynoyAquino Piggybacks on #Paris #FalseFlag
When the manufactured media comes up with statements such as the gunmen shouting “Allahu Akbar” before shooting, my spidey sense went “oh goodness another false flag”.
Yesterday 100 innocent dead in Lebanon Attack: Not human???
500 innocent dead in Palestine: Not human???
200 dead In Yemen: Not human???
Last year 400,000 dead in Syria : Not human???
5 years ago 1.5 million dead in Iraq, Afghanistan & Kashmir Yet
How many dead from Davao’s BULLSHIT DRUG WAR???
Or 500,000 from the Mindanao conflict? Not human???
Filipinos killed overseas / drug mules / prostitutes  – (left after Aquino cronies captured the economy )-  Not human????
No one says a word : Not human???
The world stands in silence .
And In Paris Attack Today 150 Dead And World Goes Crazy .
You’ll see more truth in 10 minutes from RT in this interview than in 10 years of watching the Fake News in the USA! RT just made our news look like the disgusting lying pigs they are as they put on Geared O’Colman in Paris! I’ve never seen this guy before but he really impressed me! You’ve got to watch this interview and share it around because I’ve never seen somebody destroy the lies about everything so quickly. In just 10 minutes he brought out the truth that France is knee deep in Syrian evil as well as funding other terrorists in Africa and the Middle East!
Watch Gearoid rock the truth and notice the difference between RT and our scum media like Faux News. On Faux, they constantly interrupt their guests especially if they aren’t saying the propaganda properly but here, you get to hear Gerooid O’Colman for 10 solid minutes with only a few questions from the host. Can you imagine the Zio fangs coming out if this guy went on the Zionist Mossad operation at Fox? They would lose their mind and be foaming at the mout
Geared O’Colman Just Destroyed the CIA Fake News on RT in this Video! SHARE!
I wasn’t surprised. To me it wasn’t whether a false flag will happen or not, it’s a matter of where and when.
Operation Gladio first came to light in Italy in 1990, after over 40 years of clandestine operations. Members of the project revealed that similar projects existed in most if not all countries of Western Europe.[1] These stay-behind networks were, in essence, super secret armies in at least 14 European countries, which were kept secret from the official governmental structures of the host countries – being controlled by other forces such as the CIA and MI6. They remained mostly dormant but were also involved in anti-communist activities including anti-democratic agitation and false flag terrorism.
The name Gladio, (or ‘Sword’ in Italian) was technically the name given to their operations in Italy, but has since come by extension to stand for the phenomenon as a whole. Evidence of such arrangements, which had been kept secret from both public and politicians democratically elected governments in the host countries for a quarter of a century was revealed through a series of scandalous revelations in Italy and other NATO countries during the 90s, and meticulously documented by Swiss historian Daniele Ganser in his 2004 book NATO’s Secret Armies,[2] arguably the most shocking book ever to be ignored by the corporate media. The evidence contained in Ganser’s book, of terrorism directed against the people by secret armies funded and organised by NATO and answerable to deep state elements within NATO, MI6 and the CIA rather than the respective governments is so shocking that the initial reaction of most people would be to reject it. And yet the claims have been substantiated by juridical inquiries in Italy, Switzerland and Belgium and have been debated (and condemned) in the European Parliament.
For more false flags, check this out: 42 admitted false flag attacks.
Ok.. Bistado na.. Na ang ISIS ay peke at isang operasyon ng CIA at Mossad Nahuli na Ang Israel ang nagpasabog ng Rusong eroplano Na si Richard Armitage ay heroin dealer Na ang Bush family ay mga drug lords At partner ng mga cocaine cartel Na ang UK royal family ay cannibals at pedophiles Na ang banking system ay peke at nadenggoy ang mga tao Na ang pah phase out ny dollar as world reserve currency ay ongoing na So.. pinasabog ang paris
THe next thing that came to my mind was, WHAT IS THE STATUS OF THE FRENCH ECONOMY?
Why do I ask?
Because, history has shown that governments tend to manufacture external enemies when the domestic economy is bad. It takes people’s attention away from the local economy. Their fear immobilizes them from thinking and then they end up trading their liberties for more “security”. Had the people pushed back, and pursued an independent forensic investigation, they may eventually end up with the culprit – and the culprit could be government itself.
Anyways, here is the state of the French economy. The French a socialist stooge who raised more taxes – much like the Pinoy ta and spend politicians – Aquino, Binay, Duterte, Roxas, Santiago, Marcos – they are all the same champions of socialism – the art of mooching from productive people.
Once nearly the economic equal of Germany, France has fallen well behind over the past decade, with per capital GDP now about 10% lower. Back in the Seventies, the UK was the “sick man of Europe”. Now that title belongs to France. In a field, which includes Italy, Spain and Greece, the Eurozone’s second-biggest economy is now viewed as one of the most problematic country on the continent. There is a view that the French economy is vastly different in its operation from other modern economies. France is even sometimes depicted as a “rogue economy”, where workers are constantly on strike, businesses are held hostage to all powerful unions, and peoples aspiration of free enterprise is nearly impossible. Or so the story goes.
There’s data which showcases France’s “rogue” status. In the last five years, France has consistently lost more than 100 days of work a year through strikes for every 1,000 employees. For Germany, it is a fraction of that, at just under four days for 1,000 workers. While in the UK, 19 days lost for 1,000 workers in 2009 – comes above Germany but still nowhere near France. There are few people feeling confident about France’s economic future. Compounded by their 35-hour working week, France’s left-wing policy is coming through great security as their economy continues to unperformed.
Zero growth in the three months to June follows an expansion of 0.7% in the first three months of the year. This was revised up from an initial estimate of 0.6%. The second quarter figure was lower than the 0.2% expansion predicted by economists. Many said France was unlikely to post growth of much more than 1% this year. Nevertheless, progressive economists love the French government for spending a staggering 57% of GDP, compared with German government expenditure which stands at 44% of GDP. Many wonder how the Eurozone would’ve look if a healthy French materialized.
Back in 2012, President Hollande was sworn into power. His socialist inspired programme of more regulation, higher spending and punitive taxation – not least his 75 per cent top rate of income tax, which has seen a flood of wealthy French professionals move to London – is being widely blamed for this dismal French growth performance.
France’s struggles are highlighted by their bond price. The German 10-year Bund, yields at 0.616. Comparing this to the French 10-year which yields at 0.906. This higher yield indicates a lack of appetite in French bond, when comparing it to Germany. Recently, Moody’s cut France’s sovereign debt rating one notch to Aa2 on Friday, saying the country will struggle with slow growth and a high debt burden for the next five years. This is highlighted by the lack of demand in the France 10-year. The downgrade was by one notch from the previous Aa1 rating. France lost its top-flight Aaa rating in November 2012 as the Eurozone sank into crisis, and the new rating is two steps below that. Moody’s said that France’s credit-worthiness “remains extremely high” overall and gave the new rating a “stable” outlook.
Check – French economy is in deep sh*t.
Nobody wants to put money and just have it taken away by a bunch of thugs who call themselves “government”. When there’s no more business to hire them, I wonder who the unionists will rally against? And I thought being next door to the former communist Poland and USSR, Europeans would have learned the impact of taxes and regulations on people. When the French call in the Chinese to take over the French nuclear plants, you know something is really really wrong with the French economy.
Oh and I just remembered Charlie Hebdo – another false flag.
Initially I wanted to keep this nagging feeling that Paris was a false flag.
false flag
But, when I saw Aquino and the Philippine government, and the Philippine media chiming in with other Rothschild-captured states (aka states whose central banks are owned by the Rothschilds) – that was the final nail in the coffin.
One hundred sixty killings if true, deserve justice and the perpetrators identified.
However, the actions taken by the French government does not look like they are searching for a perpetrator, rather the French government is using this situation as an excuse to field more troops against ISIS.
The very ISIS created by the USA, UK, Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia’s Intelligence Services. Clandestine agents jokingly refer to ISIS as Israeli State Intelligence Services.
For a an alleged rabid Islamist group, isn’t it amazing how ISIS never even lobbed a grenade against Israel?
And now, some of these Europeans have the gall to keep refugees out – AFTER their countries bombed the Middle East. Hey f*ckers, you break it, you own it. I have many friends from Europe – and I would like to tell them – what the F*ck were you thinking voting for politicians who like to bomb other countries!
I presume the Philippines CRIMINAL PROPAGANDISTS like Noli de Castro still carry the Rothschild line that ISIS are moslem terrorists and that no mention has been made that the Russians wiped out ISIS camps in less than 3 weeks while it took America and its allies more than a year of bombing and all they can show are refugees to Europe.
I can just imagine ABS-CBN, GMA7, and TV5 blasting the waves with the Paris attack.
And, as Emmanuel Rahm said, “never let a crisis go to waste”, Aquino goes on a PR blitz to chime in with the Rothschild propaganda.
160 killings, if true, deserve justice. But doing more injustice in order to deliver justice is wrong.
That’s like asking a LAWLESS HOMICIDAL MANIAC to implement the LAW. Believe you me, there’s like certifed TWO MILLION morons who think like this down south.
The better solution is to catch the perpetrators, identify their handlers, and bring them to a court of their peers to give an accounting.

We are being programmed

One of the problems with TV is that it makes us take action based on incomplete information.
It gets worse when the TV networks are owned by the same CRIMINALS.
Do you think they will give you information that will liberate you from slavery? No they will not.
The powers that were  will keep you in a state of fear and ignorance so you will need them to provide you with knowledge.
The knowledge they provide is meant to enslave you not free you.
That’s how dangerous TV programing is.
TV seems to be an innocuous thingamagig. But, it isn’t.
It seems harmless, it isn’t.
What it does is manifold, and many are fooled.
If only the impact on our lives weren’t real, but it is so real.
TV disseminates erroneous information that people take unquestionably as gospel truth.
It is this unquestioning obedience and programming which has led this planet to the mess it is in today.
We never bothered to check that for every one study presented by the criminal media against marijuana or texting and driving, there are studies that dispute the agenda peddled by media handlers. Or that every act of terrorism, was initiated by governments.
Paris False Flag
The erroneous information then makes it to our living rooms. We watch all day long believing we were watching news. As the lies are repeated over and over again, it becomes truth to the viewers.
This is a tragedy to humanity As it breaks families and friendships and relationships apart.
The people we wish to save from mental slavery are the ones who will fight tooth and nail to save a corrupt fear based fraudulent system. They are afraid of the future. Afraid of freedom. They find security in their slavery. And that is one big heartache waiting to blow.
For those who tread “the path” – this will be our biggest challenge. But it can also be the biggest source of our personal growth and development.  As we raise the frequency of our consciousness, we will find that we no longer resonate with the fear based world and no longer want any part of it.
Perhaps it is the last lesson to learn on how to be truly yourself. Nobody said it was easy. And that’s why I am in this moment.
Human nature is loving, peaceful, joyful, generous and abundant. TV turns humans into something else.
How then do we get out of this? Turn the TV off. Literally unplug your mind.
World war 3 is not a war of armaments.
Bullets are just the last option if these criminals can’t win the war for the heart and mind – that’s where World War 3 really is.
Speaking of conspiracy theories:
There’s the government’s conspiracy theory – the “terrorist” did it.

Then there’s the truth

– the GOVERNMENT did it
– or the GOVERNMENT manipulated the situation to keep itself in power
Anyone recall how Enrile was “ambushed” which was used to justify the imposition of Martial Law?
Even Joma Sison resorted to false flag in Plaza Miranda  in order to make Marcos look bad.
Or the AFP bombing the churches in Davao and Mindanao and attributing it to the Moslems.
Those were classic false flags.
So if in your mind – that’s a theory – no sir that’s a FACT.
If you want conspiracy theory – GO TO THE GOVERNMENT or the GOVERNMENT-WANNABE.

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