Friday, November 20, 2015

Look What's New at Orlando Airport. You Have to be Concerned

ORLANDO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT to open special ‘Islamic Prayer Room’ for
Muslim travelers only
Not surprisingly,
they named it a “Reflection Room,” so Americans won’t suspect what it
really is. Because Arab-Muslim owned Emirates Airlines will start flying in and
out of Orlando International Airport within a few weeks, airport officials have
been pressured, bribed, or forced into catering to Muslim religious

Note: There are no special Christian-only prayer
rooms at the airport.
Orlando Sentinel
Orlando International opening reflection room for Muslim ...
Orlando International welcomes Muslim travelers with a room to pray. Emirates airlines will start flying in and out of Orlando International Airport daily ...

Many Emirates travelers will be Muslim, prompting the airport to spend almost $250,000 to build a  prayer room where people of the Islamic faith can pray. It should be open for the inaugural flight Sept. 1.
“Orlando is truly becoming a global community, and we want to be able to accommodate and provide high-quality amenities for all our Muslim passengers,” airport Director Phil Brown said in a written statement to the Orlando Sentinel. Right now, Muslims at Orlando International must pray in public or perform religious rites in restrooms. Some also go to the small, nondenominational chapel tucked away on Airside B, just past the security checkpoint. There are a couple of
prayer rugs available there.
Shayan Modarres, an Orlando civil-rights attorney and Muslim, said the reflection room will be a welcome addition for the followers of Islam. Many Muslims, he said, have felt isolated and uncomfortable in this country after the terrorist attacksof 9-11. But having a reflection room at the airport, he said, “is a great step in the right direction, especially for tolerance and inclusion.”
The room will feature an ablution area, or clean zone, carry-on-luggage bins and shoe racks, as well as directional signs for north, south, east and west. Modarres predicted the room will be popular with Muslims, who typically pray five times a day while facing east, which is the direction of the holy city of Mecca. “This is the right message we need to send,” Modarres said. “It’s
Special                                                          Muslim                                                          footbaths in                                                          the Muslim                                                          prayer                                                          restroom
Special Muslim footbaths in the Muslim prayer restroom

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