Saturday, September 26, 2015

Philippine Media And The Masses: A Cycle Of Stupidity And Madness

September 23, 2015
by Grimwald
While the release of Heneral Luna was quite a welcome change from the usual (okay, let’s be honest here now) garbage that our media churns out on a regular basis. Both Fallen Angel and I have both said our pieces about it, but what’s sad is that the film has proven to be rather unappreciated at theaters what with films like Ex with Benefits proving to be all the rage. I’ve written my piece about dreamstalent and superficiality and, unfortunately, my suspicions about typical Pinoys have turned out to be true. I know that you people are going to call me out on the way that I like to bash the media, but before I continue, let me tell you that it’s not the media I’m going to bash this time.
Before I continue, let me admit to you that I was once a big fan of Spider-Man. I think I’ve already mentioned that in a previous article. I was always a big fan of what he stood for. Ideas such as taking responsibility for one’s actions and being a good guy in an otherwise bad world was something I really liked about the guy. Indeed, I’m willing to admit that (I’m really sorry Wade, I really am) I was once one of his many fanatics. I collected notebooks, pens and other merchandise related to the Wall crawler because, when I look back on all that now, he was probably my favorite superhero.

But then, the movies came to the Philippines and everything changed. I have nothing against the idea of Spider-Man being portrayed by an attractive actor. I mean, I suppose that it’s the sex appeal of some superheroes that help keep them popular. After all, what would Superman be without his enormous biceps or Wonder woman without her prominent bust? However, what saddens me about majority Pinoy Spidey fans is that they latched onto his sex appeal and only his sex appeal while not even bothering to look into the ideals which made him what he was. None cared about Spider-Man’s heroism, his dedication to doing what was right even when it was hard and his deep sense of responsibility not just for himself but everyone else around him. What they did care about was the exterior of the character such as his “sexy nerd” feel and his overall cute appearance. What saddened me most was that people only saw the hunk aspect of Spider-Man and overlooked the man. They forgot that beneath all that muscle, beyond all the superpowers, Spidey was just a guy who wanted to do what was right because someone had to.
The thing is, as I’ve come to realize, it’s not really the media that’s the problem. It’s the people who continue to embrace the stupidity ground out by the media on a regular basis. I’ll admit, I’ve been holding back because I didn’t want to hurt people too badly as Fallen Angel has done in some of her articles. Unfortunately for you sensitive people out there, the poor treatment of Heneral Luna is the last straw for Thaddeus Grimwald.
Are you ready to be butt hurt, people of the Philippines?
Pinoys Are Irresponsible
Yes, this is why (to me at least), typical Pinoys cannot appreciate Spider-Man for what he really is. You see, reality is about cause and effect. When it comes to the media and how it affects the minds of the youth, we are almost completely careless. We laud programs about immorality and dishonesty and when children say and do bad things, we are quick to blame the media even though it is we, the people, who allow them to see such programs without any kind of thought regarding the consequences.
Pinoys Are Perverts
Sorry, but I just had to say this. I know that “sex sells” in just about every industry. I’d also like to say that there’s nothing wrong with being attracted to other people and finding them “sexy”. I’m sure that a lot of you out there will probably try to deny this and say that the Philippines is a “wholesome” country. Unfortunately, typical Pinoy behavior speaks for itself when people care more about Derek Ramsey’s abs or Anne Curtis’ boobs than they do about relevant stuff like the BBL, the fate of the Lumads or a film like Heneral Luna.
Pinoys Are Sadistic
The thing is, I believe that comedy is almost always a good thing. Unfortunately, as I’ve said quite a few times before, Pinoy comedy these days mostly just revolve around humiliating people. It’s less about laughing with someone and more about laughing at them which generally degrades a person. At the end of the day, while people have fun, it will always be at the expense of someone rather than something that is to be enjoyed by everyone.
Pinoys Are Stupid
Dumb people can be forgiven for being dumb. I mean, it’s no one’s fault if one’s IQ is lower than normal. Unfortunately, choosing to be dumb even when knowledge is presented to you is nothing more than stupidity. At the end of the day, most Pinoys would rather shun knowledge rather than accept the truth for what it is because it is both painful and, to some at least, unbearable. At the end of the day, Pinoys just see what they want to see, hear what they want to hear and think what they want to think rather than accept the bitter reality that they are essentially an ignorant and delusional people.
Pinoys Are Hypocrites
Last but not least, here we are with Pinoy hypocrisy. I know that a lot of you are going to deny a lot of what I’ve said so far. I know you’ll be upset too. I want you to be upset because I’m done coddling you. The truth of the matter is that while you can say anything you want, the truth will always speak for itself. Pinoys can claim they are responsible, wholesome, kind and smart but majority of them are careless, addicted to porn, outright mean to one another and are blind and deaf to reality.
Do you disagree with me?
Then prove me wrong!

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