Sunday, August 30, 2015

Get Real Iglesia Ni Cristo!

August 30, 2015
by Grimwald
Note: This is supposed to be another of my Sunday sermons but I decided to keep this secular because it would be very hypocritical of me to call out another religion while bringing up my own religious beliefs. So no, I won’t be wearing my stole, collar, chastity belt, garter belt and stockings this Sunday. Oh wait, I think I’ll keep my chastity belt on just in case.

And here we are again with another sequel of EDSA People Power! There was EDSA 1 that supposedly won our “freedom” from tyranny, there was EDSA 2 that led to the presidency of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (which the current administration insists was the worst president the Philippines ever had), EDSA 3 which just involved a lot of anarchy and violence that was somehow related to supporting former president Joseph Estrada and then there’s EDSA 4 which I honestly don’t know much about and don’t really care anymore. Seriously people, you guys are beginning to remind me of Abbadon the Despoiler and his thirteen ill-fated crusades against the Imperium of Man. Anyway, now we have another “People Power”, this time headed by none other than the Iglesia ni Cristo (INC). Well, my fellow realists Add, Fallen Angel and Paul Farol have said their pieces and now, I’ll give you mine.

4-lane EDSA traffic crunched to a one-lane trickle by Iglesia Ni Cristo 'protesters'. (Source: Inquirer Group on Twitter)
4-lane EDSA traffic crunched to a one-lane trickle by Iglesia Ni Cristo ‘protesters’.
(Source: Inquirer Group on Twitter)

As I’ve said many times before, I try to keep a sense of respect for all religions. After all, who am I to judge people for what divinity they choose to worship? Unfortunately, with things going the way they are now, I have little choice but to speak out. Things are getting out of hand and what’s worse is that religion itself is once again being used for the wrong reasons just as many historical groups have used it to justify their inconsiderate and often violent actions against hapless innocents.
So, let the criticisms begin…

The Hypocrisy Of Separation Of Church And State
The INC claim that they are rallying for the separation of church and state.
The INC is quite infamous for bloc voting, a sure-fire way that will certainly give them some leverage over presidential candidates (which is quite obvious in the way that Roxas, Binay and Poe are reacting to the situation) during election time. They claim that the reason they want the church separate from the state is because they want to prevent the government from “meddling” in their affairs when, thanks to their considerable leverage over presidential candidates, they can meddle with the government whenever they want to.
Of course, the INC isn’t really alone in this regard as the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines (which some have begun disdainfully calling the Philippine Catholic Church) is just as bad when it comes to meddling in politics. However, this does not at all absolve the INC from their own hypocrisy. The thing is, it’s more than a little awkward to tell people to mind their own business when you are thoroughly involved in someone else’s business. It’s like catching a pervert peeping on the ladies’ room, calling him out and then doing the same thing he was doing when he leaves.

Covering Up Their Crimes: Another Hypocrisy
Look, I don’t like De Lima either. To be honest, she is as much a criminal as the masterminds and murderers of the SAF 44 because of her willingness to cover up a heinous crime. However the INC insisting that De Lima focus on the case of the SAF 44 instead of the pending cases human rights violations against the ministers of the INC is just another show of hypocrisy.
I mean really, as Add in his own article said and tying in with my first statement above, what right have they to tell a government official anything when they are in fact clamoring for separation of church and state?
Furthermore, what is being discussed here is human rights violations. These can go on to include many frightening possibilities. Some of the most common forms of “human rights violations” we hear about are sexual harassment, physical assault, rape and outright murder. And take note ladies and gentlemen, these are cases that should not be taken lightly. No matter what religion we adhere to and which god we worship, we should always remember that a “crime is still a crime” and that no one is exempt from the law.
Yes, the SAF 44 deserve justice for what happened to them and the case should receive a thorough and just investigation. But let’s remember that “justice” is supposed to be for everyone, regardless of who one is or what is one’s standing in life. This goes to include members of any religious organization who may be victims of verbal or physical abuse.
The INC is right for demanding justice for the SAF 44 but this does not excuse them from being investigated when they could have done the same thing or worse to other people. If the INC are as righteous as they claim to be and have done right by the law, then there’s really nothing to fear from an investigation.

Another EDSA People Power Courtesy Of The INC
So the INC claim that they have a permit and therefore a “right” to cause a massive traffic jam in the streets of EDSA. Ladies and gentlemen, I remember fellow realist ChinoF saying that: “Just because you can do something doesn’t mean it’s right.” And I have to agree because, at the end of the day, while they may claim to have noble goals, the INC only made a nuisance of themselves in EDSA.
As a commenter said, how many ambulances with passengers requiring urgent medical help did they delay thanks to the traffic the protest caused? How many perishable goods like food arrived late and simply spoiled because of the heavy traffic congestion? How many people just wanted to hurry home to rest but were held back by the legions of protesters that clogged the main roads of EDSA? How many protesters even understood what they were actually fighting for?
So yes, the Iglesia Ni Cristo may have a permit, but this does not essentially mean that they have a right to wreak havoc on the lives of others. I honestly thing that, if they have a beef with the government, then let them take it up with the government and not the common people who are just trying to get by in the crappy third-world country we live in. They should go and block the exits and entrances of Malacanang instead of taking to the streets and ruining the day of many people just trying to make a living.
And to the people I haven’t offended yet, yes that’s you Roxas, Binay, Poe and De Lima, don’t worry. My next article will be just for you. Don’t think you’re exempt from my indignation.


Thaddeus Grimwald is an avid writer and supporter of the GRP website and writes his own fiction in his own Grow Up Philippines website. To check out his works of fiction, you can check the following: Hired Help.

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