Monday, August 3, 2015

Corruption Is Strong When Philippines Government Is Strong

#Corruption Is Strong When #Philippines Government Is Strong
I beg to disagree with the notion that corruption exists because of a weak state.
On the contrary, corruption exists because of the existence of a strong state.
It is a misconception to say that the Philippines has a weak state.
In fact, it has a very strong state footprint in every aspect of the lives of Filipinos – in all the choices they make.
Let me spell out in terms that every layman can understand – and hope that you too will understand the implications of what am writing here and the time I took to give you this information:
Let me cite something that’s dear to you – your food
The inflow and outflow of your food is regulated by the state – by many state agencies in fact.
One of these agencies is the Bureau of Customs is that agency. You know all those cheap garlic and onions that were confiscated at the port? You could have saved a lot of money had you bought those garlic – and then have more money available to get other stuff.
Another agency is the Dept of Agriculture. The DA has an array of regulations and programs that restrict what you can export and import. There are also lobbyists like the poultry and animal associations and a whole lot of other “industry associations” with populist names – that want to keep out lower costing food – simply because – well they are not made from here.They introduce barriers like tariffs – which are used to subsidize the local industries.
Where does this put YOU – the consumer?
You are left with higher costing, locally sourced food which does not satisfy your personal preferences.
In all instances of your daily life – the state is there to restrict your alternatives to the businesses that are “accredited” by the state.
Wake up buddy – there’s a word for that – CRONIES!
But, we are so used to the lie that we now believe that it is the truth.
So – here goes more ways of how the state presence is strongly felt in the lives of Filipinos:
Internet – State restricts your choices to Globe and Smart
In a free society – the state will have no role in restricting individuals to make choices on which firms provide the best service regardless of national origin of the internet service provider.
Media – State restricts your choices to Filipino-owned firms only (ABS-CBN, GMA7, INQUIRER, PHILSTAR) – as if Filipino ownership does not prevent mind control of the Filipino audience. And yet, they feature knock offs and covers of foreign content (Ai ai de las alas doing Lady Gaga cover.. on ABS-CBN duhh )
In a free society – the state will have no role in restricting individuals to make choices on which firms provide the best content regardless of national origin of the media content provider – why settle for Ai ai if you can get Lady Gaga herself or GAIAMTV for that matter.
Electric Power– State restricts your choices to Filipino-owned firms only – you have the DOE for that job – as if Filipino ownership ensures continuous flow of highly affordable electricity generated using environmentally sound technology
In a free society – the state will have no role in restricting individuals to make choices on which firms provide the best power source regardless of national origin of the power provider – even go off grid and generate their own power.
Repeat the same exercise for:
  • water
  • education
  • health
  • transportation
  • utilities
  • housing
  • clothing
  • banking
  • retailing
You will find the same recurring modus operandi.
  1. The Philippine state has agencies that dictate what you can and cannot do.
  2. Lobbyists pervade each of these agencies
  3. Lobbyists also work with congress to ensure their self serving measures are passed to the detriment of consumers.
  4. Program implementation is awarded to CRONIES of government officials
In all of these instances – the common thread is the state.
Stop. Think. Reflect.
If you are serious about corruption – here it is.
Do you have the balls to handle the truth?

Let me ask you this – what if instead – the presence of the state was removed in every step of the value chain?

What if – any firm that can provide internet services to any consumer will be able to do so without securing a DOTC permit or a congressional franchise?
What if there is no DOTC employee to pay or congressman to lobby for you to be able to open a business because you are free to do so?
What if there is no DOE or Congress or DENR or LGU  to pay if you want to provide electricity to consumers in your locality?
Will there be corruption in these process at all?
There will be none. Corruption is eliminated – there is NO ONE to pay, bribe, grease.
The private institutions I refer to (when the state is abolished – or a market is fully deregulated) are not “of the people”.
These are private – not public funded.
These are created by different individuals – with distinct personalities and preferences – not a homogenous blob called “the people”.
Their existence is not predicated on COMPULSORY collection of taxes under threat of penalty by imprisonment.
They have to provide a service or customers can go elsewhere.
In contrast, government COERCES and FORCES people to pay or go to jail – if they don’t pay taxes.
That is HIGHWAY ROBBERY IN BROAD DAYLIGHT – no different from the MAFIA.
Get in and operate.
If you don’t provide good service – customers take their money elsewhere – you go bankrupt (no protections, no subsidies).
Now replicate that for all aspects of your life in the Philippines – no corruption means no state intervention.
Wake up!

Filipinos fascist culture is a stumbling block

The hardest part for Filipinos to grasp, specially the so-called “intellectuals” of Pinoy society is the notion that the state and society are separate entities. Filipinos tend to associate the state with society – and then build their subsequent arguments on a faulty premise.
The typical Pinoy will face an existential crisis when told that he can live a life without government because all his life, he has been made to believe that his role is to follow government – and ensure its continuity.
The state in a democracy isn’t of the people – it is a minority.
The state is an ARTIFICIAL ENTITY whose existence is predicated on plundering the income of productive people.
People do not need to create a state in order to be free –
The people are already free to make their own decisions.
They are already free without the existence of a state.
People can exist without the state.
But the state cannot exist without people.
For instance the telecommunication sector.
  • The nationalized PLDT cannot function without people.
  • People can function without nationalized PLDT.
The act of plunder by a democracy does not eliminate the act of plunder.
Democracy is a FARCE. Rule of the mob.
Did societies start by having an entity that collects their money or else they are imprisoned or jailed?
I don’t think so. The native peoples every where do not have such coercive plundering institutions.
Council of Elders is not tax funded – nor are people coerced to pay for the upkeep of tribal councils, that is a phenomenon of the modern state.
Speaking of thou shall not steal, the government is the number one thief!
Just because the BIR has a form when it extorts money from you – does not make the act any less REPUGNANT and morally wrong.
The answer to poverty is removing the state – not more state actions.
By removing the state – you remove the cause of the reduction of wealth – the taxation and restrictions of the state.
Having a free and open market will ensure businesses are honest – or else customers will just go elsewhere – and businesses will go bankrupt if they lie.
With the state – liars just get re-elected – in case you haven’t noticed.
Historically – the nations that have addressed poverty Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia – have minimal state interventions in economics – minimal taxes, minimal regulations.
While countries that have strong state intervention – Philippines, Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea – are stuck in poverty.
MARKETS have the answer.
The STATE is just a parasite that preys on businesses and customers. It adds no value – it only collects taxes – no more no less.
Pinoy Zombie
So if you really are for eliminating corruption and reducing poverty – pursuing a strong state is the pigheaded wrong solution.
The anti-capitalist/pro-socialist culture of the Philippines will be its downfall…. just like the Greeks who are now reaping the effects of their pro-government stance – sold by their own government to cronies.
How did Greece get there? Want to ask the Greek voters?
Pinoy Zombies - Elections
By the way – do you recall how Noynoy was bragging about the sovereign credit ratings upgrade?
What do you think will they do with those credit ratings? Get into debt in your name.
Who will enjoy the benefits of the debt? Obviously, THEM, NOT YOU.
Who will pay when the debt matures? Obviously, YOU, NOT THEM.
How do I know? Wanna ask the Greeks?
Don’t expect new results from the same old tired socialist statist solution.
Pinoy Zombie Apocalypse is here

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