Monday, June 22, 2015

Bongbong Marcos is the only Filipino REALLY qualified to talk about the future of Mindanao!

June 18, 2015
by benign0
First of all, why do people who favour the passing of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) in its current unconstitutional form see themselves as “peace advocates”? Does that imply that war is a certainty if the current draft BBL is not passed? What does that say about the Moro Islamic Liberation Front — that terrorist organisation the Philippine government foolishly got in bed with? Obviously, it implies that they will be flooding the Mindanao countryside with blood if they do not get their way. That seems to be the logic in the notion that pro-BBL Filipinos are “pro-peace”.
Faced with my expression of dissent to the passage of the fatally-flawed BBL now being debated in the Philippine Senate, some bozo on Twitter challenged me to provide a “better alternative”. So I gave her this response:
.@tatancast #Federalism. Grant autonomy to 1 group & it sets the precedent for others. So far only the MILF get its way coz it’s got guns.
After that there was silence. Or, to be more precise, some further inconsequential waffling that failed to address the pertinent points made during the short “discussion”.
And that little micro-debate, in essence, is a microcosm of the Philippine “debate”. You can easily see now why Filipinos stick to old, traditional, obsolete, and even fatal ideas. It is because they habitually fail to explore ways forward. Instead, they cling to the quaint historical myths that imprison their small minds.
Step further back and we will note that, today, the only Filipino politician providing real thought leadership in this time of abject national confusion is Philippine Senator Ferdinand ‘Bongbong’ Marcos Jr. He stands out amidst all the other politicians — more astoundingly those who have categorically proclaimed their intent to run for no less than the Philippine presidency in 2016 — who are spending their days contributing to the drivelous national noise of traditional Filipino-style political ‘debate’.
Marcos is the only Filipino politician who habitually maps a way forward. He was the first to do that back in the dark days following the cold-blooded massacre of 44 of the Philippines’ finest police officers by elements of the terrorist Moro Islamic Liberation Front. While Filipinos waited for days, utterly baffled by Malacanang’s silence following that tragedy, Marcos had been busy developing a roadmap forward to guide fellow Filipinos who had been reeling from the shock of that hideous atrocity.
Today, still consistent with that proactive approach to leadership and going against the tide of Filipinos’ renowned retrospective style of thinking things through, Senator Marcos is exploring viable alternatives to what is evidently the failed “Bangsamoro” enterprise of the administration of President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III. By all accounts, Marcos had done his homework. He spent months travelling the islands consulting with a soundly representative cross-section of stakeholders in that affair, making sure that all sectors of Philippine society are heard.
On the back of that hard work and unprecedented statesmanship, Senator Bongbong Marcos is the only Filipino national government official truly qualified to talk about the future of the people of Mindnanao.
Note the words in the statement above: the people of Mindanao. Senator Marcos has made this about all Filipinos who happen to be living in Mindanao. He does not make it about the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, nor about Muslims or Christians. Even Malaysia has been cut out of the discussion altogether.
Why then do Filipinos need to continue listening to the moronisms being served to them by the likes of Teresita Deles, Miriam Coronel-Ferrer, and the man still known as “Mohagher Iqbal”? That’s not a difficult question to answer. Filipinos habitually listen to idiots and allow themselve to be mesmerised by their ululations because they are too lazy to think like modern human beings.
A Filipino faced with a sound argument that runs counter to the body of ancient pre-21st Century beliefs she holds sacred acts like a cat frozen in its tracks in the middle of the road blinded by the headlights of a car barrelling towards it. Like that Twitter bozo I mentioned earlier, Filipinos, like the imminent roadkill that they are, simply lack the brain power to process alternative views essential to their very survival.
What does Senator Marcos get for his trouble? Well, when you are a bright strobe standing amongst dim bulbs, you become a target of the ambient dimness. According to a GMA News report, the following constitutes the “intelligent” response of the Philippines’ community of so-called “peace advocates”…
In a statement, the coalition of 32 peace advocacy groups called Marcos’ plan to draft an entirely new version of the BBL as indicative of the “depths of megalomania he is capable of and the utter disregard he has for all government institutions and peace process.”
Classy indeed.
If Filipinos can call spending months meeting with the people who are most affected by the BBL fantasy a “disregard” for the “peace process” with a straight face, that by itself describes the profoundness of the intellectual bankruptcy that grips this former American colony which, by the way, was given its independence by the United States in 1946 (not “won” in 1898 following some mythological “revolution”).
It’s time Filipinos step up and catch up with the modern way the rest of humanity thinks and put a stop to their comfy relationship with mediocrity.

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