Friday, June 12, 2015

3 Big Reasons Why I Think Filipinos are Doomed

June 11, 2015
by Grimwald
The Philippines is not exactly in the best of situations at the moment. In fact, it’s safe to say that the country is now in its most precarious state since the Second World War. Worse yet, it seems that everything that’s happened so far is all the result of the Pinoy’s own doing and mindset.
Now, I’m sure there are people out there who will take offense to this and say that there’s always hope. That hope does indeed “spring eternal” as they would have you believe. Unfortunately, I also need to point out that all the hope in the universe will amount to nothing if we refuse to act on it. Hope, unfulfilled is nothing more than false hope, if you ask me.
Anyway, here are three big reasons why I think we’re in trouble as a people and why I don’t think we’ll be able to get out of this situation as easily as some may think:
The Same People Are Always In Power
It doesn’t matter whether the said people are proven criminals, have evidence of being utterly incompetent or are just plain scumbags, it seems that the common Pinoy will vote for them anyway. They say that forgiveness is a good thing but forgiving people doesn’t mean giving them the chance to screw everyone over again. This kind of thing isn’t forgiveness but naivete.
Take for instance Alan Purisima being once again placed in the same position as he did before the Mamasapano Incident. I thought the guy was supposed to be under suspension but here he is again, smiling even in his latest photos. Then there’s the case with former President Estrada. I thought ex-presidents weren’t supposed to be allowed to run again for the same position as is written by the Philippine constitution. However, if memory serves correctly, he almost won the last presidential election just being a little behind President Aquino himself.
No One Trusts Authority Figures Anymore
For peace and order to reign, one must have a good system of laws and people who will enforce said system of laws. Unfortunately, if said people upholding the laws can’t even be trusted with their duties, how can the common people be expected to comply with them.
Tying in with the above statement regarding Alan Purisima, it is common knowledge that most Filipinos simply see common police officers as another form of criminal. Also, it’s not just cops but also politicians and other authority figures that the common people have come to mistrust and despise. When so-called authority figures are looked upon with suspicion and fear instead of trust and courage by the common people, who can we hope to turn to when things finally take a turn for the worst.
Nobody Even Cares
While the two points mentioned above are quite dire in their own right, the fact that nobody even seems to care about all of it effectively dooms any effort at improvement. Now, I can assume that GRP, its allies and those who follow them still care but we at best number among the hundreds of thousands and are still vastly outnumbered by Pinoys who are still in the grip of ignorance and delusion. If majority of us don’t even care about the above statements, how can we even hope to do anything about them?

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