Thursday, April 30, 2015

Muslims in Norway now demand a separate state, Greece will soon see similar!

Muslims of Norway are now demanding a separate Islamic state and threaten terrorist actions if their demands are not met. Norway has already completed phase 3 of Islamization. The following explains the three phases.
Phase 1:  When muslims constitute 1-3% of the population. Their behavior in society is decent and non intrusive.
Phase 2: When Muslims constitute 4-20% of the population, political demands BEGIN, such as building of mosques, minarets, bans on Christian ceremonies and events and celebrations Muslim holidays like Ramadan.
Phase 3: When muslims constitute over 20% of the population a holy war begins (jihad). Muslim areas of the city (ghettos) now become inaccessible to non-Muslims. Full implementation of ghetto Sharia laws begin, along with conducting terrorist attacks for secession and the creation of an Islamic state.
Norway, is already in phase 3. The terrorist organization Ansar al-Sunna threatens that if the capital Oslo is not recognized by the Norwegian State as a Muslim city and a Muslim nation they will declare a holy war, with all that this entails. The announcement of the Islamic terrorist organization states:
“We do not want to be part of the Norwegian society. We also do not want to leave Norway because we were born and raised here. The land of Allah we belong. “
The traitorous politicians teamed with Turkish like Erdogan and the Zionists have brought our country already into phase 2 and in a very short time Greece will be found in phase 3 and experience events such as those in Norway.
The Golden Dawn is the only political force that can SAVE Greece from the upcoming Islamization of our cities and the jihad terrorists.

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