Sunday, April 5, 2015

A Final Lash Of The Whip As Holy Week Ends

April 6, 2015
by Grimwald
Okay, it’s Easter and it seems the end for Holy Week 2015 for the Philippines. Before this Holy Week ends and we go on with our day to day lives, I’d like to add this short article as final words for our people (specifically the Christians) who will readjust to their regular schedules. After all, they say that Holy Week should be a time of reflection, so here’s one more thing you should reflect on before you GO BACK to your apathetic and oligarchy saturated Pinoy life. Of course, this isn’t just for Christians though, anyone is welcome to read and gain wisdom for what I’ve written here. This is more than just a religious rant ladies and gentlemen, this is a rant that also includes you because you will probably be affected in some way or another.
Among many Christians, the story of Judas Iscariot is a well known one. He was one of the twelve apostles and is quite infamous for betraying his friend Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. His reasons remain hotly debated to this day with some going on to say that his betrayal allowed for the death of Jesus and the eventual salvation of mankind. However, the most prevalent thing about him was his act of betrayal and is widely hated because of it. I don’t know about our Non-Christians readers but majority of Christians ultimately recognize Judas Iscariot as the archetypal “traitor”.

The clearest thing remembered about Jesus and Judas was that the latter was willing to SELL his friend for a measly 30 pieces of silver. In those days, 30 pieces of silver was the basic price for a slave. It could probably get you a guy that can carry stuff for you or at least a hale and hearty meal. But 30 pieces of silver wouldn’t afford you a hot slave girl or slave boy and it wouldn’t afford you a good home. At best, it could get you through one day with a full stomach and probably a place to stay for one night.
The same can be said for the measly bribe politicians during elections are willing to offer our dumbstruck fellow Filipinos. It doesn’t matter if it’s five thousand pesos, five hundred pesos or just plain fifty pesos. It won’t be enough to let you MAKE major changes in your life. Worse yet, you only end up betraying your fellow Filipinos to the greedy, ruthless and selfish oligarchs that run the country and will CONTINUE to run the country if you don’t stop voting for them.
It’s amazing really when I hear that most Pinoys say that they hate “traitors” when many of their own leaders are traitors who are guilty of betraying their own people. By allowing politicians to bribe you into voting for them, you are essentially betraying your fellows by SELLING them into the hands of brutal oligarchs who have time and time again raped, robbed, brutalized and killed them for their own gain. By accepting bribes and voting scumbags into office, you are no different from Judas Iscariot who allowed his friend Jesus to experience a slow and agonizing death the same way that your countrymen are experiencing a slow and agonizing death at the hands of self-centered oligarchs.
Happy Easter everyone and may you find many eggs!


Thaddeus Grimwald is an avid writer and supporter of the GRP website and writes his own fiction in his own Grow Up Philippines website. To check out his works of fiction, you can check the FOLLOWINGHired Help.

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