Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Philippines after the Second Aquino Presidency: A profoundly-DAMAGED country!

March 10, 2015
by benign0
Suddenly, people are crying Vindictive! as outraged Filipinos now seek justice for the unnecessarily enormous casualties sustained by the Philippine National Police’s (PNP’s) Special Action Force (SAF) and direct a long-overdue outpouring of anger against Philippine President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III.
44 elite police officers are now dead thanks to the savagery of an Islamic terrorist group that the Philippine government under President BS Aquino was astoundingly foolish and vain enough to negotiate with as equals. Yet some people now appeal to the public to see that this is really just an unfortunate outcome of a web of thousands of intertwined historical and political variables at work and that all this is really nobody’s fault.
Jesus H. Christ, give us a break.

noynoy_aquinoEven if, for argument’s sake, we suppose that this appalling death toll was not President BS Aquino’s fault, the fact is someone killed those 44 men. And because they died in combat within a war zone, somebody was in command of those killers. Thus the conclusion is straightforward. Somebody killed those 44 police officers.
At the very least the perpetrators of this war crime should be hunted down and brought back to Manila to face their accusers. But no. Even these crooks are being coddled by the government of President BS Aquino!
It is incredibly baffling that one would even propose that this issue be regarded as too complicated to assign accountability. How convenient. The fact is, police officers were killed by bullets somebody shot out of a firearm purposely aimed at them. What is so difficult to understand about that??
The argument in vogue nowadays is that we should all move forward and “build” rather than “rip apart”.
What a crock of shit.
Sometimes something needs to be demolished before a new more modern structure can be built. If the Philippine government and the “democracy” that supposedly lends credence to it needs to be ripped apart, then so be it.
The fact is, the government of President BS Aquino has always been a dud. Indeed, it has now proven to be worse than a dud — it is borderline criminal. Filipinos in all their world-renowned idiocy already gave it a free pass after it was found to have violated the public trust and made off with hundreds of millions taxpayers’ money to fund a witch hunt to save Uncle Peping’s hacienda. Now, 44 dead police officers later, minions of this same government are now calling for the public to again turn their backs to a much-needed quest for accountability!
How many more times will Filipinos succumb to the tired allure of an old mid-1980s narrative around dead “martyrs” and their prayerful son who went on to be the Reluctant President? Are his critics the “vindictive” ones around here?
I think not.
President BS Aquino invented vindictive politics. Indeed, under his watch a former president awaiting trial remained incarcerated beyond a reasonable period within which justice should have been served. Suffice to say, the Second Aquino Presidency has been the most divisive in Philippine history — turning the entire country into a virtual two-faction society: on one side all those who are loyal to the Yellow colour of the Aquino-Cojuangco clan and, on the other side, all the rest. Now if that isn’t an act by an incumbent government that does not have the effect of ripping apart the fabric of an entire society, I don’t know what is.
I’m hoping Filipinos have had enough of idiots appealing on behalf of the humanity of their president. Kesyo their president is “only human”, “imperfect”, and “burdened” by the immense responsibility of running a country of 101 million.
Excuse me, but presidents are presumably elected because they can do stuff most ordinary schmoes can’t. I mean, it was once safe to assume that only an infinitessimally small handful of mortals possess the rare chops to be president of the Philippines, right?
It seems, however, that President BS Aquino has all but destroyed that notion that Filipinos are entitled to expect their presidents to be exceptional people.
The presidency of BS Aquino has heralded a new era of utter mediocrity in the Philippines — one where fatal errors are excused and banal incompetence is regarded as normal in the Chief Executive of the land.
True reform in the Philippines will only be seen when Filipinos in unison say enough is enough. President BS Aquino has not encouraged Filipinos to aspire to be at their best. Instead, he has encouraged them to continue to hang on even more firmly to that comfy culture of mendicancy that has long been a tradition — one where pwede na yan passes off as ACHIEVEMENT and bahala na serves as a proxy for VISION.
President BS Aquino has done a lot of damage to the Philippines. One more year of his rule means another year’s worth of profound damage to an already deeply-damaged society.

When will enough be enough?

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