Friday, March 6, 2015

Are Filipino soldiers too YELLOW to fight Islamic terrorists when given the order?

March 6, 2015
by benign0
We will fight when called to fight. These are the only words we want to hear coming out of the mouths of our fighting men and women. But that’s not the way Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief of Staff General Gregorio Pio Catapang Jr sees it, however. In an interview with “social news network”, Catapang was quoted as saying the following words:
It’s easy to call for war but I hope they’re the first ones willing to be called to active duty. I hope they’re the first ones to volunteer to be on the front lines. I don’t think they even know what kind of war they’re talking about.
Never before have such chickenshit words come out of the mouth of a soldier.
Rappler has always been a sounding board for Yellow thinking; in this case, literally.
Rappler has always been a sounding board for Yellow thinking; in this case, literally.

Soldiers are not paid to philosophize about war and peace. They are paid and conditioned to kill the enemy when given orders to do battle. The armed forces serve at the command of civilian authorities. That’s the deal, as I recall. Let that debate be had amongst civilian circles where it all begins. In the mean time, the armed services’ job is to maintain a sufficient level of preparedness to fight if and when the order comes. In most normal societies, it is usually the military that is pumped up for war and the civilian government serving as the control valve for all that testosterone. Not in the Philippines. Here, it is the other way around. Filipinos are fuming over the impunity of an arrogant Islamic terrorist group that had successfully hoodwinked an entire national government into negotiating with them as equals. War is a real solution now that 44 police officers lie dead after being savagely massacred by these terrorists thanks to the command paralysis that kept the Army’s hands tied seeing that the Moro Islamic Liberation Front were involved.
Yet, now, we are hearing the supreme military commander of the Philippines’ armed forces telling us…
Sure, let’s go to war. You go first.
To begin with, who is necessarily calling for war to begin with? The key civilian debate here is whether to continue with the fantasy of “peace” in Mindanao that is President BS Aquino’s pet project, the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL). It is an idiotic logical leap concluding that war will break out if the BBL is junked. Indeed, whether or not war breaks out is really up to the enemy party here, those who illegally wield arms and who stand accused of butchering 44 Philippine police officers.
War is but an option for Filipinos. But it is an entire way of life for the enemy: Mindanao’s Islamic terrorists. So back to the fundamental question:
Who is being the war freak here?
The moronism of people like General Catapang and a whole bunch of Senators doing all the talking and philosophizing about war here can be traced to one thing: the absence of no less than the President in this “debate”.
President BS Aquino has remained tight-lipped about the truth and just as tight lipped about a roadmap out of this mess. Both are things one would normally expect a president to be a singular authority on.
Not in the Philippines.
In the Philippines and only in the Philippines, soldiers pontificate about war and peace, state negotiators defend enemy ideology, and Presidents schmooze with terrorist chieftains. Filipinos have come to see these insults to modern human civilisation as normal parts of their way of life.
How do we extricate the Filipino from the perversion of civilisation that the Philippines has become?
For starters, people like General Catapang should shut the hell up.
This is how real warriors assure non-combatants:
Pagnagka-bakbakan, stidi lang kayo dyan. Kami ang bahala.
Who put those stars on this guy anyway? He should be sent back to basic training.

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