Tuesday, March 3, 2015

All-out war: Philippine Army now fighting for the Moro Islamic Liberation Front!

March 2, 2015
by benign0
The only real winner coming out of the Philippine and Malaysian governments’ Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) scam is the terrorist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). It is pure genius. The MILF has locked itself in a ceasefire deal with the government of Philippine President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III effectively hog-tying the Armed Forces of the Philippines. One of the bigger tragic outcomes of this monumental hoodwinking of the Filipino people is the savage massacre of 44 officers of the Philippine police’s Special Action Force by the MILF as the AFP sat on their hands. Most disturbing of all, it is becoming increasingly evident that the MILF will likely get away with this hideous atrocity laughing all the way to the bank.

Indeed, the MILF has so completely hacked into the brain stems of the people who run the Philippine government. It has all but taken over the heads of chief “peace” negotiators Teresita Quintos-Deles and Miriam Coronel-Ferrer who now negotiate on their behalf rather than on behalf of the interests of the Filipino people. And now the MILF have also effectively turned the Philippine military into their own mercenaries!

Our boys: Now fighting the enemy's enemy!
Our boys: Now fighting the enemy’s enemy!

“All-out war” is what AFP chief of staff Gen. Gregorio Pio Catapang Jr now calls it. All out war has been ordered by Catapang against the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) and the Abu Sayyaf, both of which are enemies of the MILF (or so the MILF would have us believe). So now the Philippines is fighting the MILF’s war as well. And for what? So that the “friendship” between President BS Aquino and his terrorist buddies will be saved?
This crisis has proven just how outclassed President BS Aquino’s government is when it comes to dealing with entities that possess vast experience playing chess in the international leagues. First it had allowed China to walk all over it. Now it had put out a welcome mat to Islamic terrorists into its strategic planning core.

The MILF are no juniors when it comes to making fools of entire governments. Former Secretary Rafael Alunan now describes the whole deal with the MILF as a “road straight to hell”. Alunan recounts a 1995 meeting with his intelligence counterparts in Pakistan with whom he exchanged notes about what they knew about the MILF…
The MILF would select recruits from the Philippines, overseas Filipino workers in the Middle East, and religious scholars in Saudi Arabia or Egypt, and send them to Islamabad for further religious studies; then to a madrassah in Peshawar for military training; then across the Khyber Pass into Afghanistan for combat duty; then either smuggle them back in through the back door or the front door whenever feasible. Backdoor meant Sabah, Malaysia.
Alunan’s conclusion is pretty straightforward. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks…
The deceitful and amorphous MILF that proved untrustworthy during FVR’s term remains so to this day. And instead of mounting punitive strikes against the MILF-BIFF Salamat faction (versus the Murad faction that may or may not be sincere) in Mamasapano, the government shielded them, and its bumblers are now fumbling to cover up the monumental act of betrayal that resulted in unnecessarily high casualties!
Philippine president Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III and his Iskul Bukol administration has just only a little bit more than a year to rule the Philippines, and his apologists insist that, given that little bit of time left, Filipinos should allow this government to just work its way through. But with an “all out war” now being waged, a lot more damage can be done in that short period of time. The clear and present danger here is that President BS Aquino has graduated from being a quaintly hilarious gaffe bucket to a monstrous rogue head of state who could plunge the Philippines, and possibly the entire region, into a nightmarish entanglement with a major cell of a global terrorist organisation.

Already, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, a force of more than 200,000 armed personnel with access to 40 million citizens fit for service if called to serve, is suffering a critical breakdown in command structure. It is widely-believed that the Philippine police had kept the AFP out of the loop in its efforts to hunt down its FBI’s Most Wanted targets precisely because of this, specifically because the AFP could not be trusted to keep the MILF (with whom, under BS Aquino’s BBL fantasy, they have become comfy with) out of the same loop.

Normal people would call that a complete breakdown in an entire nation’s ability to operate as a modern country. Not Filipinos. It’s simply business as usual. President BS Aquino has so ingrained an ethic of mediocrity in Filipinos that his apologists have all but converged into a standard script — (1) that Aquino should continue to be supported because he is “not a bad man” and (2) that aspects of the situation are pretty peachy if we ignore all the bad stuff. That’s Tardic Reasoning 101!

How long will Filipinos tolerate bullshittery that passes off as government national policy? That’s up to their voters, of course — which makes real “hope” for a better Philippines as big a delusional fantasy as “peace” in Mindanao under the BBL.

[Photo courtesy Philippine Star.]

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