Monday, February 23, 2015

Mindanao Wars: A Clash of Nationalisms

#Mindanao Wars: A Clash of Nationalisms
The Mindanao conflict is a clash of competing national movements. There is the Filipino nationalism molded from the conquered and colonized people of Luzon and Visayas.
Then there’s the Moro nationalism being cobbled primarily from the Maranao, Maguindanao, and Tausug ethnic groups which resisted Spanish colonization for the 300 centuries.
Each nationalism asserts that it owns the inhabitants in a geographical area. Each citizen is a an asset to be taxed – a source of revenue which can be redistributed in the name of the greater good.
The Philippine government however has a head start in turning Filipinos into tax slaves.
The Bangsa Moro in turn wants a cut in the pie – and is willing to die and fight for the right to be the tax overlords over the people residing in the disputed territory.
Both nationalisms will ascribe superiority to its cause of unity.
The nationalists on both sides not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them – or even calling for more.
In the end, individuals on both sides are dead – and there is nothing good about that for any individual – or any family that has to bear the tragedy of the loss.
Both ways – whether under the Philippine or Bangsamoro government – the people inhabiting the areas in contention will be taxed, plundered and regulated to death.
mamasapano-insertReplacing the tyranny of a Filipino government, with the tyranny of a localized government – does not remove tyranny. Nor will replacing a presidential form of tyranny with a parliamentary form of tyranny eliminate the tyranny. Neither will replacing the tyranny of Congress with the tyranny of one man rule eliminate the tyranny.
By now, these conflicts ought to show us the bankruptcy of these nationalisms and the cult of the state and the moral superiority of individualism.
Apparently, Filipinos like hamsters in a wheel, are doomed to fail to learn and doomed to repeat the lessons of history.

Government – pinoy or moro – ain’t the solution folks.
Government – pinoy or moro, is the problem.
The bigger tragedy is that pinoys and moros are fighting on who will be the better tax slaves.

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