Monday, December 22, 2014

Five Ways to Legally Reduce Tax Revenue of the Illegitimate Aquino Regime

Five Ways to Legally Reduce Tax Revenue of the Illegitimate Aquino Regime
Nothing more can be done about the SPENT pork barrel funds. I doubt these can ever be recovered. Moving forward, for me, the most critical thing is no longer recovering the money. Instead the more critical thing is PREVENTING a repeat. The proposition boils down to this – hit the illegitimate Aquino regime where it hurts – the wallet!
You see, taking action AFTER the money has already been taken by government has not worked for Filipinos, EVER.
A new approach is needed, one that has never been done before in the Philippines, EVER. One that takes action BEFORE government attempts to take your money.
Having said that, here’s my question for the day:
Given that the illegitimate Aquino regime is still being propped up by tax revenues – what can be done to reduce these tax revenues without getting in trouble with the equally illegitimate BIR?
The key is identifying the sources of revenue for Aquino – and reducing taxable activity in those areas and/or switching to nontaxable homegrown options.
Here are some ideas to consider:
1) Reduce Electricity Taxes Paid
Every time you pay your electric bill – you are paying taxes. What can you do then? You can reduce electric consumption – or even better you can generate your own electricity – then you don’t have to pay bills and taxes for electricity. Yes, the initial capital expenditure might be more expensive – but you can take advantage of tax deductions for capital expenditures on green technologies.
2) Reduce Food Taxes Paid
Every time you buy from the grocery – you are paying a tax. Instead consider growing your own vegetables. Buy from your local farmers market and pay in cash.
3) Reduce Entertainment Taxes Paid
Every time you watch a movie in a theater, you pay a tax. Everytime you watch TV – the news networks make money from advertisers who in turn pay a tax – on top of the taxes paid by the networks. What can you do? Stop watching TV – get a book, rediscover the art of conversation, take a walk, meditate, play sports.
4) Reduce Travel Taxes Paid
Every time you buy a ticket, pay for gas – you pay taxes. What can you do? Plan your trips, don’t go out unless necessary. Share a ride. Work from home. Use the phone. use email.
5) Reduce Communications Taxes Paid
Every time you use your smartphone – you pay taxes. What can you do? Try to cut down on using your wireless data plan – use Wifi instead. Have a cell phone – free day – or have cellphone-free hours.
Bottom line is to reduce your consumption of taxable goods and services – and substituting those with goods and services that you made yourself.
That way, you still have the conveniences of modern living without propping up an illegitimate Aquino regime.
These ideas are just a start. You, too can add and improve on these ideas. If more and more Filipinos start keeping more of their money, there will be less money for the illegitimate Aquino regime to spend and waste.

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