Sunday, December 21, 2014

10 Reasons Why Philippines Should Go Federal

Why do we really need to change the unitary system to decentralized federal system?
1) Unlike the present unitary system, in the federal system, we will have a transformation or decentralization of regions to local states or independent state with a national or federal government.
2) States will have devolution of economic revenue i.e., 80% retention of internal revenue with 20% would be contributed to national government.
3) States shall have constitution and bylaws of its own in concurrent to the federal government but residual powers shall be reserved.
4) States shall have state congress of their own and having equal representation to national congress or federal congress elected from each state.
5) States shall enjoy full autonomy on trade, commerce, education, state security, industries and local economic measures.
6) State shall have state supreme court of justice and justices and having a national federal supreme court as appellate court.
7) States shall have constitutional independent commissions and inter-state relation agencies to establish cooperative actions.
8) States may have access support to national guard in the pursuit of peace and order maintaining security against internal or outside threat.
9) States shall be protected from cessation, separation, rebellion, and entitled therefrom a tender support of the Federal government in cases of these as part of the Federal Government.
10) States are responsible for creating appropriate measures, development plan under state constitution.

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