Saturday, December 20, 2014

10 Foods Proven to Trigger Kidney Stones

Your kidneys play a vital role when it comes to filtering waste out of the body. Each day, these organs on either side of the spine, filter more than 200 quarts of blood and 2 quarts of waste products before it’s flushed out of the body via urination.
Obviously, healthy kidneys are essential for proper detoxification. However, certain foods can cause kidney stones and keep these organs from functioning optimally. Here are ten foods that encourage kidney stone development…

1. Excessive Caffeine

Too much caffeine—in the form of coffee, tea, and soda—can stress out the kidneys and lead to the development of kidney stones due to higher calcium levels in the urine, and even kidney failure due to the stimulant qualities that can cause organ exhaustion.

2. Rhubarb

If kidney stones are hereditary, you should steer clear of foods that contain oxalates (the material that makes up the actual stones). Rhubarb is one food that’s particularly high in oxalates.

3. Artificial Sweetener

You probably use artificial sweetener in your coffee as opposed to sugar in order to cut calories. And maybe you opt for diet soda for the same reason. However, studies show that non-caloric sweeteners impair kidney function if consumed long term. So it’s best to opt for natural sweeteners like honey, stevia or agave instead.

4. Meat

Animal proteins are also linked to kidney stones and organ damage. And those who consume a high-protein diet put particular stress on their kidneys because protein waste is difficult to eliminate form the body efficiently. Meat is also high in uric acid, a common cause of kidney stones.

5. Sardines

If you’re prone to kidney stones, you’ll also want to curb your diet of any foods that are high in purines (an organic compound that boosts aroma). Sardines are extremely guilty of purine content so don’t pop that can top.

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