Monday, November 10, 2014

Major First Amendment Victory in Tennessee Leaves Muslims Fuming

The sweet sound of victory rang out strong in Tennessee after two Christian groups won the right to speak about the “encroachment of Sharia Law” in the United States at a high school. After being told by CAIR that their beliefs would effectively contaminate the safe and inclusive environment that the school is supposed to foster, ACT! for America and Freedom X Association contacted their lawyers, who sued the school (which bowed to the demands of the Muslims) for infringing on their First Amendment rights. Three weeks later, the school conceded and allowed the Christians to speak.
Representatives from the Christian-based groups, ACT! for America, along with William J. Becker from the Freedom X association, sued a school district in Knoxville, Tennessee for a violation of their rights to free speech.
Originally, school officials gave the green light allowing ACT! for America to host a discussion about the encroachment of Sharia Law in America, but predictably, local Muslims and CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) contacted the school to object to the announced event.
Abdel Rahman Murphy, a Muslim Imam at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, contacted the school’s superintendent, arguing that although he supported the right to free speech, he felt the event would endanger the “safe and inclusive learning environment” of the school.
The radical “civil rights” group CAIR was quick to jump on the opposition band wagon, with Director Ibrahim Hooper screaming that the discussion vilified Muslims, claiming that the school hosting the event would send “an implicit message of endorsement for the bigoted views of the speakers.” He said in his letter to the school:
“We believe this event will be viewed as having the endorsement of school officials and has the potential to promote bullying and to create a hostile learning environment for Muslim students. It may also serve to create a negative impression of Islam and Muslims in the minds of students of all faiths.
“We support the First Amendment right to free speech — even the kind of hate speech used by these speakers — but believe, because of the need for a safe and inclusive learning environment, that a school is not the proper setting such an event.”
“I therefore respectfully request that you review district policies to determine whether you high school is an appropriate venue for a potentially hate-filled program.”
After the school cowered to the harsh Muslim opposition, the event was canceled. That’s when representatives from the Christian groups sprang into action. On August 4 they filed suit against the school district and just short three weeks later, the lawyers for the school conceded, realizing that “litigation would have been futile.”
In addition to paying the plaintiffs’ attorney fees, the district also rewrote the school’s policy which governs the use of the facility. It read:
“[a]pproval for use of school buildings and property will not be withheld based upon the content of the message or viewpoint of the applicant.”
Sharia Law and the Constitution are wholly incompatible and we cannot allow any section of our laws to be subverted by their barbaric version of “justice.” Even small victories like this, which allows the truth to be told and does not pander to the force of the Muslims, will make a big impact in the long run. I for one couldn’t be happier with the school’s decision. 

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