Monday, November 24, 2014

Filipinos and Philippines Keep Stepping on the Same Rake

#Filipinos and #Philippines Keep Stepping on the Same Rake
There is a Russian saying that goes like this – “to trip twice on the same rake” which means to repeat the same silly mistake. The saying is very apt for the Philippines and the Filipinos. Filipinos don’t just step twice on the same rake, they step on the same rake over and over again.
The Binay versus Trillanes / Drilon / Poe / Mercado is a side show – the bottom line is this – the SC ruling on the use of the discretionary funds is quite clear –
and yet no one is being held accountable.

Considering that the 2010 election results were invalid, it just boggles my imagination why pinoys still put up with this criminal illegitimate usurper of authority.
We shouldn’t be addressing these people as senators, congressmen, mayors or governors. We ought to be sending them all to jail for usurpation of public authority.
But then whaddya expect from pinoys… talamak ang kagunggongan.
Pork Barrel-Ice Berg
If I had followed what some of my contemporaries in the Philippines were doing, I’d probably be out on the streets demanding free lunch, free education, free hospitalization from government.
I am so glad to have followed my personal drum, tasted hunger, faced my own poverty and worked hard and smart to enjoy the conveniences of modern day living without any government aid .
Going on vacation using my own money, money that I worked hard for, and saved ~ and not due to any government lakbay aral bullsyet ~ is very empowering.
I just wish pinoys wake up and realize they don’t need government to make things happen. What we need is to tap into our inner selves and manifest the wealth that has been there all along.
I realize I am new to this theme of “manifestation” and using your imagination to create the life you want ~but by golly I am having so much fun.
It doesn’t matter whether the climate warms up or cools down.. government wants to redistribute your income to its cronies.
It’s one big pile of BULLSHIT.
Frankly, if you put your house in a flood prone area do not expect to remain dry. Do not blame climate change, blame YOUR STUPIDITY.
Walmart workers to go on strike on black friday?
Workers of America unite against Workers of China.
So much for the Marxist scam called “Workers of the world unite.” ROTFLMAO
Government is a secular version of the theocratic tyranny of the dark ages.
Bishops have been replaced by mayors and governors.
Parishes replaced by tax districts.
The synod replaced by parliament.
And the people remain damned and ignorant by the massive illusion pulled over their eyes.
The snake oil peddlers have been replaced by secular con men ~ it is still the same con to make people give up their life and property in the name of the secular god who determines the common good which uncannily resembles the agenda of the powers that be.
Replacing the religious tyranny with a secular tyranny does not remove the tyranny ~ still the same snake in wolves clothing.
Religions of the World
At this point on time, discussing government is futile. Your mind is either enslaved or not.
If you have weaned yourself from the matrix, be prepared for the global economic reset.
All the wars and conflicts being fomented right now are attempts to stem the tide of the awakening – awakening to the fact that government is useless, a parasite we don’t need.
It is an attempt to distract people from moving forward to remove the yoke and tyranny of government taxation and regulation, in order to reclaim the individual’s power over his life, his property, his destiny.
Now, if you still believe in government, good luck with expecting new results from the same old government shit. You will get the shit you deserve.
government is not the solution
By now, you would have already heard that Manny Pacquiao won over Algieri.
Well, Manny Pacquiao will still be clobbered by taxes. Si Manny Pacquiao ang nagsaing, si Kim Henares and kokolekta, at ang mga putang inang Congressman at Senador ang kakain.
On another note (and no offense to Pac-Man), lots of Pinoys are also thankful to Algieri for doing something that lots of Pinoys have always wanted to do – PUNCH A CONGRESSMAN!
punch a congressman

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