Friday, September 26, 2014

Will Gullible Pinoys Fall For Nonoy's Climate Change Scam

Posted by  on Sep 25, 2014

Will Gullible #Pinoys fall for #Noynoy’s #Climate #Change Scam
Global climate change is a convenient bogeyman used by governments worldwide to scam taxpayers into giving up more of their liberties and their money to fund dubious government programs based on junk science.
Funny how incumbent elected government officials, with humongous houses, convoys of high capacity cars and SUVs, TV shows that need serious wattage in order to broadcast their propaganda, wasteful lifestyles – are asking people to reduce their carbon footprint.
Frankly, if you downsize government – that’s a whole lot of carbon footprint gone. However, as you will see, there is more to this carbon footprint issue than meets the eye.
tricking kids
The adage “if you think education is expensive, try ignorance” is very applicable to the useful idiots who fill the streets with clamors of their own demise. Wait till they have to pay carbon taxes – and then their carbon taxes are redistributed to a crony manufacturer/supplier.
That the climate changes, is not being argued.
Climate does change from time to time. In fact, the planet just emerged from a Mini Ice age in the 1800s and has been warming up during the 1900s. It can also be noted that the 10th century was WARMER than it is today.
What’s being argued is whether the climate change (previously branded as global warming) is anthropogenic or not.
The notion that the cause of the change is man-made is being used by government to impose restrictions and taxation.
Tax money will be redistributed to public agencies (and their suppliers), non-profits (and their suppliers), grants, consultants, and public “information dissemination” programs related to climate change – aka the climate change industry/cronies.
Review of empirical data has shown that the forecasting models used by alarmists were oversensitive to CO2 data.
Fact of the matter is that despite the steady increase in CO2, only a minimal percent is from man made causes and the bulk is of natural origin – AND warming of surface temperatures has been on hiatus for 17 years!

The Economist magazine shocked the global warming party faithful in March, 2013 when it published:
“OVER the past 15 years air temperatures at the Earth’s surface have been flat while greenhouse-gas emissions have continued to soar. The world added roughly 100 billion tonnes of carbon to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010. That is about a quarter of all the CO2 put there by humanity since 1750.”
Forbes magazine followed up in May 2013 that:
Human emissions of CO2 are only 4 to 5% of total global emissions, counting natural causes. Much was made of the total atmospheric concentration of CO2 exceeding 400 parts per million. But if you asked the daffy NBC correspondent who hysterically reported on that what portion of the atmosphere 400 parts per million is, she transparently wouldn’t be able to tell you. One percent of the atmosphere would be 10,000 parts per million.
The atmospheric concentrations of CO2 deep in the geologic past were much, much greater than today, yet life survived, and we have no record of any of the catastrophes the hysterics have claimed
The “consensus” is there is global warming. “Consensus” however is not science.
Behind all of these rubbish is the More than 97% of active climate scientists are in consensus MYTH:
The small number of climate scientists actually supporting the Al Gore/IPCC claims of catastrophic global warming and the actual AGW “predictions” has always been a major embarrassment. As a result, the left/liberal/greens have been forced to fabricate bogus support that can’t stand up to any form of scrutiny.
First, it was the claim that 2,500 IPCC-related scientists agreed with the 2007 IPCC report. Soon afer it was discovered that the actual number of scientists who actually agreed with the report contents was only 25.
Next, when the 2,500 shrunk to 25, a couple of University of Illinois researchers conjured up a 2-minute online, anonymous survey that they hoped would deliver some big numbers to crow about. They solicited 10,257 earth scientists and only 77 chose to answer the online survey (yes, only 77). 75 of those “climate scientists” agreed with the survey’s two questions (yes, only 2 questions).
Voila, the infamous and widely publicized “97%” of climate scientists (75 divided by 77) who thought man was the cause of global warming turned out to be a numeric joke.
As a side note, in order to assure an initial high survey percentage, the two researchers did not ask major segments of the scientific world to participate. Those would be the segments that were known to be critical of the AGW theory, including: solar scientists, space scientists, cosmologists, physicists, meteorologists and astronomers.
Science has found that the global warming models have greatly erred in the various forecasts – consistently.
For those who are familiar with the scientific method, any theory that made rotten predictions was junked.

However, let me suspend disbelief on the climate change fraud and consider the fact that Noynoy has been calling for climate change programs in the Philippines (scam and double scam alert).
The ruse is if climate change persists , the Philippines could face:
* more food and water shortages,
* more poverty,
* and more droughts and floods

REALLY, let’s look at these one by one
* more food shortages – that’s the PHL government restricting the flow of food (aka… trade restrictions on imported rice, meat, etc)
* more water shortages – that’s DUE to inefficient government agencies and crony firms
* more poverty – that’s the PHL government restricting the flow of jobs into the Philippines (uses the constitutional 60/40 protectionist policy to protect cronies – at jobseekers’ and consumers’ expense)
* more droughts – that’s the PHL government and cronies getting in the way of more efficient private-led water resource management
* more floods – that’s the PHL government zoning flood prone areas for residential use. when you build houses in flood prone areas, you will get flooded!
Do you seriously believe that a de facto government which:
* stole/stalled/wasted the donations to Yolanda and Pablo victims
* bungled a bus hostage attempt
* chokes the entry of efficient LRT and other transportation service providers to protect cronies
* earns the title of having the stinkiest airport in the world
* awards contracts to cronies
* routinely breaks contracts
* corrupt to the core
can be trusted to formulate and implement a minimally acceptable climate change mitigation program?
The climate change agenda is another SCAM to get tax money for USELESS GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS based on JUNK SCIENCE.
If it has to come to that – frankly, I choose the dynamic and spontaneous order that arises from the voluntary and inclusive participation and collaboration of PRIVATE individuals and organizations to meet the different demands of diverse localities (hopefully there will no Noynoy ot Binay or Dinky or Henares or Abad to waylay and do an epal hijack of the communication signals between the private parties).
Just wondering –
1 – What happens to plants when there is a reduction in CO2?
There is a reduction in plant population.

2. What happens when there is a reduction in plant population?
There is a reduction in food for animals and humans.

3. What happens when there is a reduction in food for animals and humans?
Some animals and humans die?

So – this reduction in CO2 was really all about seeing more animals and humans die?
What do YOU think?

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