Sunday, June 1, 2014

Katie Hopkins’ Anti-Islamic Tweets: Is she more than just seeking attention?

June 1, 2014
by Impaler Triumphant
Filipinos won’t have a problem with eating pig fat-laced chocolate, but Muslims do.
So Cadbury had to recall their products when outrage sparked on pig DNA found in their chocolates. To Katie this isn’t a problem. She had a good time riling up the jihadis despite being called a racist.
Mind also that not all Muslims are Malaysian, and not all Malaysians are Muslims. So how could she then be racist? Is Islam even a race?
So she poked fun at the same religious group who declared jihad on Pepsi. So what?
A Muslim mother lamented that they do not know how are they going to cleanse themselves and thus she fears hell from their moon god Allah.
That Muslim woman should save her grief because actually, being bad has nothing to do with what she eats. This isn’t about religious beliefs. This is about moral accountability on a personal level. You’re not bad just because you ate pork, ate in McDonald’s, or went off your diet.
Being bad has a lot to do whether you put anybody else in misery.
If you stuffed your kabit’s bed with taxpayer moneyslit throats of animals and letting them slowly die, and slacked off too much with your studies and yet begging your mother to give you an iPad while she’s working in the Middle East, then you are a bad person. And you should feel bad.
Think about it. You may be what you eat, but does pork specifically “weaken” the morality of anyone? Or even their intellect? Is there even a research that reveals mental retardation due to pork eating? There’s risk of neural degeneration from halal beef–Mad Cow disease. There’s also risk of getting kuru from eating human flesh. But bacon, lechon and chicharon?
If pig DNA does make someone go weak, then why? Surely there is a better explanation than Allahu Akbar and “Don’t you DARE criticize Islam!”
Katie may have been screaming for attention like Kris Aquino, but when somebody repeatedly makes tweets bashing jihadis (in effect butthurt Muslims as well), does that discredit WHY she and Britain First hate Muslims?

Impaler Triumphant

You can't treat people like shit because your religion says to, then expect them to love you.

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