Friday, May 16, 2014

Philippine activism FAIL: Now that the Napoles Lists are out WHAT NOW?

May 16, 2014
by benign0
I desperately need to ask all the idiots who made a lot of noise clamouring for the release to the public of all these Napoles Lists this simple question:
What now?
See, I’ve long asserted that a proper and modern investigation of the pork barrel scam can be mounted without these lists. For that matter, we don’t need the help of all these “whistleblowers”. We can throw them in prison tomorrow and still dig up the truth if there is a sincere will to do so. More importantly, we do not even need Janet Lim Napoles. Indeed, it was Napoles who created all this confusion to begin with by distributing these inconsistent lists to these bozos (among them the President, the Justice Secretary, and an ex-police chief no less). Pretty clever, if you ask me. I think Napoles really deserves her millions — and Filipinos really deserve to be stolen blind. Science has long proven that nature tends to reward intelligence.
Everyone in the Philippines’ little clique of self-appointed “thought leaders” have been played for fools. It is a no-brainer that Filipinos have long known that Philippine Senators and House representatives steal pork barrel funds as a matter of routine. Back on the 13th August 1996 — eighteen years ago — the Philippine Daily Inquirer had published an “award-winning” exposé on Pinoy-style pork barrel thievery.
Back then, there was no Napoles, no bad-hair-day media-whore whistleblowers, no Napoles Lists, no social media “activists”, no “#ScrapPork Network”, and no “daang matuwid” BS president. All the data needed to nail crooked Senators and House Representatives to the wall already existed — just as these all exist today. Perhaps the auditors who were responsible for ensuring the security of these public funds should be thrown in prison as well.
Now that the Napoles Lists are out, we see the idiotic tweets and Facebook rants of every “activist” and her dog now dismissing them as “sanitised”. Well, thanks a lot. You’ve all been had because you all would rather dance to the tune of the popular sentiment of hollow-headed “indignation” instead of applying a bit of thinking for a change.
It’s simple, really.
The investigation need not revolve around Napoles. It should revolve around a full audit of all funds channeled through Congress over those last 18 years (at least) since the Inquirer ran that report. With all this technology at our disposal and all the pontificating about Big Data by IT consultants, you’d think that all that would be possible in the 21st Century.
All these bozos on social media keep harping about “freedom of information” (FOI daw). Well, the acid test for an FOI “advocacy” is staring them in the face. It is not about putting stuff on websites or making fancy iPad apps that a bunch of latte-sipping Starbucks barnacles can play with in their so-called “tweetups”.
Are there no intelligent activists nowadays? Thanks to this crop of hollow-headed digital parliamentarians, these Napoles Lists and the idiots who waved them like flags for weeks — mere pieces of asswipes now — were made out to be the most important components of the investigation into national pork barrel thievery.
Holy wild goosechase Batman!
Rather than move the initiative forward, it is now hopelessly setback. That’s Pinoy-style “activism” for you. Paatras ang asenso. Guess what: we are in for another Senate tele-inquiry. That’s like asking a crook to investigate his own crime. Pretty much enough to keep this Bobotante Nation distracted for the next two years — enough time for President Benigno Simeon “BS” Aquino III to escape.
Hoy Pinoy, sumayaw ka na lang ng ocho-ocho.
Welcome to the 1990s. We can only hope Marty McFly will show up in his DeLorean and whisk Pinoys Back to the Future.

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