Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Presidential Vs Parliamentary Non-Debate

The Presidential Vs Parliamentary Non-Debate
This issue keeps on making the rounds in the Internet as Pinoys debate on the alternatives that can help the Philippines get back on track.
A most common proposal is to change the form of government. I have provided empirical data in previous blogs which show that form of government is irrelevant.
What’s more relevant are the economic policies – are these of a plundering nature or are these of a liberating nature?

The presidential vs parliamentary debate attempts to compare two cars – presenting the parliamentary system as a sleek BMW sedan while the presidential system is a clunky jeep
That’s the furthest thing from the truth – a greatly flawed metaphor.
Government (whether presidential or parliamentary) puts you on a bus – not a BMW, or a car, or a jeep for that matter.
With government, you are the passenger – not the driver.
The driver is whoever you elected to drive the bus.
You either have a driver of one (presidential) – or a team of drivers (parliamentary).
Either way, with government (presidential or parliamentary) on the wheel,  you don’t get to drive – you only get to ride.
Yup – these change the form of government non-debates are taking you for a ride.
Someone else is at the wheel (a president or prime minister who stinks just the same) - someone other than YOU.
On the other hand, individualism puts you on a car that you own – which you drive.
The gaping whole in this non-debate is this – don’t just change the form of your problem – eliminate the problem.
Essence of Government
In plain words – don’t just change the form of government, eliminate the government from your life, from the economy.
Government of One

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