Friday, February 28, 2014

Why Philippine Government Dislikes Marijuana: It’s About Your Taxes, Stupid

Why Philippine Government Dislikes Marijuana: It’s About Your Taxes, Stupid
You know why politicians like Sotto think marijuana is dangerous?
Because weed smokers can easily see through the bullshit of the typical pinoys… and make fun of it.
Not only that – they become more creative and can see things in a different light – and realize they are surrounded by stuck up morons who just want “free lunch”.
You know why alcohol companies (think: San Miguel, Asia Brewery) don’t like marijuana to be legalized?
1 – It’s competition!!!
2 – It’s more economical to get a buzz with just one joint than to buy 6 beers – AND – NO HANGOVERS
3 – You don’t need special equipment to grow weed (unlike the distilleries needed for alcohol) – ergo, you cease to become a potential customer of booze.
You know why cigarette companies don’t like marijuana to be legalized?
1 – It’s competition!!!
2 – Weed actually has medical benefits!!! compare that to cigarettes which only dump carcinogenics into your body
3 – Comes a with buzz that cigarettes can’t match

You know why big pharmaceuticals hate legalization of marijuana?
1 – It’s competition!!!
2 – marijuana actually treats diseases.
Theraputic Effects graph
(one side effect: the munchies!!! aka food trip – compare that to the side effects of taking big pharma’s medications -
  • Abdominal pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Loss of appetite
  • Memory loss
  • Palpitations
  • Problems with coordination
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Skin rashes or hives
  • Swelling of hands or feet
  • Syncope (loss of consciousness or fainting)
3 – it’s something you can plant in your backyard (you cease to be a potential client of big pharma)
You know why the police does not like the legalization of marijuana?
1 – they will have no more pretext for requesting more tax-funded budgets due to the phoney “drug war”
2 – job security – lesser police will be needed since police are no longer needed to enforce a tyrannical law.

You know why the military dislikes the legalization of marijuana?
* happy people don’t shoot other people
* it will awaken soldiers to the stupidity of the premise of war
You know why the Philippine government does not like the legalization of marijuana?
1 – They can no longer use the phoney drug war as a justification for increasing taxes and public spending
2 – They will have reduced taxes from the alcohol companies
3 – They will have reduced taxes from cigarette companies
4 – They will have less taxes from big pharma
5 – You start thinking independently as your mind expands (the government and the elite want you to have the IQ of a dumbass).

You know why traditional politicians do not like re-legalization of marijuana?
Because it’s one less “cause” they can use to justify plundering of tax money in the name of a fake drug war.
You know why organized crime does not like re-legalization of marijuana?
Because it will reduce the price of marijuana as more legal suppliers enter the market and create competition.
You know why organized crime likes re-legalization of marijuana?
They will no longer be chased by cops and sent to jail. They no longer have to give protection money to cops, prosecutors, judges, and government officials.
The sale price of marijuana may reduce but they are able to expand market share and they have lower operating costs due to elimination of overhead for pay-offs.
Sanity is a crime in the land of the insane.
The most common argument among Pinoys is that re-legalization of weed will increase rape of women.
Why will women get raped after smoking weed?
Did Carl Sagan do that?
Did Willie Nelson that?
Did Obama rape women after smoking weed?
Did Bill Clinton rape women after toking?
Did George Washington rape women after smoking?
Did Richard Branson rape women after smoking weed?
Did Michael Phelps rape women after smoking weed?

Thee last thing a toker wants to do is rape women – that’s not cool dude. :P
The notion that more women will get raped after re-legalizing weed – is RIDICULOUS
Obviously, the vast majority of marijuana users are neither addicted nor almost addicted to cannabis. Their use doesn’t escalate over time, they can enjoy its effects without endangering some major element of their lives.
But the fact that most who smoke don’t get addicted to marijuana does not mean, however, that it isn’t potentially addictive.
You have no freaking idea right? i suppose you are high? Or maybe, you are not high and still have no fuckin idea? Correct?
Here’s what happened in Portugal -
Twelve years ago, Portugal eliminated criminal penalties for drug users. Since then, those caught with small amounts of marijuana, cocaine or heroin go unindicted and possession is a misdemeanor on par with illegal parking. Experts are pleased with the results.
One gram of heroin, two grams of cocaine, 25 grams of marijuana leaves or five grams of hashish: These are the drug quantities one can legally purchase and possess in Portugal, carrying them through the streets of Lisbon in a pants pocket, say, without fear of repercussion. MDMA — the active ingredient in ecstasy — and amphetamines — including speed and meth — can also be possessed in amounts up to one gram. That’s roughly enough of each of these drugs to last 10 days.
How about, you are not high AND still ignorant of the effect of legalizing marijuana
* Lesser people in jail – less taxes needed to pay for prisons, jail personnel, litigation of cases.
* It also eliminates “drug war” related corruption throughout the entire justice system. In one swoop it breaks the link between organized crime and the entire corrupted justice supply chain – cops, prosecutors, judges, politicians
* More non-violent and productive people contributing to the economy
* Instead of expenses on prisons and enforcement of the fake drug war – government can generate taxes from marijuana sales.
Just because weed is legalized does not mean all people will start smoking.
Are you telling me that if weed is legalized, YOU will smoke weed? :)
Chill out bro :D
The bottom line is this, what people take into their bodies is their business – not of government.

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