Thursday, January 2, 2014

Why Get Real Philippines Is A Positive Website

January 1, 2014
by Gogs
“That’s  a Negatory Good buddy. “
I am old enough to have briefly participated in the Manila CB radio scene when it was active. CB for you kiddies stands for Citizen’s Band.There might still be some form of it but chat rooms now fill that need. If I recall your typical CB radio had 40 channels. My dad had a powerful walkie talkie that only had channel 14. A shout-out to the Targa group. Whatever that meant. They were the inhabitants of channel 14. My handle was Space Ace. No surprise if you read my previous blog. Negatory is CB lingo for negative or no. If you wanted to sample CB lingo there’s always this.  There might be some of you who are doing your New Year’s  resolutions and one of them might be to be more positive.  Some of you might consider this website negative, meaning you may have to cut it out or reduce your visits.  I am here to convince you that GRP is only negatory or negative for those who are lying to you and want to continue lying to you.
Don't be naive and think there is no pain in life. Is the pain negative?
Don’t be naive and think there is no pain in life. Is the pain negative?
Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
The Man in Black from the movie The Princess Bride.
Some people associate pain with being negative. There is also the saying “no pain, no gain” . Life has always been like that. You will have to voluntarily go through discomfort to get what you want. Noynoy in 2010  on the other hand was trying to sell you something. That he was what the country needed at the helm of the ship of state. Not only did he not ever mention pain. He promised to eliminate two kinds of pain. Corruption and poverty. Noynoy is probably so adept at this that he seems to be convinced he can eliminate both without improving on unemployment. I heard better economic justification from Congressman Alex Shrub of Vice City.
If it is true that if there is  no pain then no gain, what does that say of Noynoy Aquino? His mother died and by simply being her son he gets to be president of the Philippines? That alone is proof that there is something negative of the voter culture of the Philippines.   Once in power  he flails around like a fish whose aquarium just met up with the Martilyo Gang. He may be President of the Philippines but it does not mean he is a leader.
What use is high powered perception if we can not analyze ourselves? Even Clarice says it takes strength.
What use is high powered perception if we can not analyze ourselves? Even Clarice says it takes strength.
 ” You see a lot, Doctor. But are you strong enough to point that high-powered perception at yourself? What about it? Why don’t you – why don’t you look at yourself and write down what you see? Or maybe you’re afraid to.”
I am still trying to understand the negative tag  placed on Get Real Philippines. Keep in mind I am speaking from my point of view as both a contributor as well as one that reads what the others write. My point of view does not necessarily reflect the opinion of all of GRP. When you go to a so called information source, you can go there for one of  two things : information or affirmation. Now that may be a personal thing but there are some places that cater to those incapable of independent thought. The people that depend on such places tend to hate a place like GRP where we offer independent thought. People that oppose GRP fundamentally tend to be the same people categorized by Colonel Nathan Jessup as those who can’t handle the truth.
I know a little bit about personal finance. In order to do your job properly you have to take stock of the person’s assets/ debt/ financial obligations/ dependents and other things. Then you take into consideration external realities like taxes and inflation. All those things may not all be pleasant to deal with but they are all reality. When you go to the doctor, the more unpleasant the diagnostic procedure the more thorough the examination. Blood is drawn, gloved hand up your rectum and other things that make you squirm. The thing is, you have to know what is there before you can improve what is there. Now tell me, is that negative??
In studying Tom Hopkins I learned the Four Stages of Learning. There is the first stage of the learning called the unconscious incompetent. Not only do you not know, you don’t even know that you don’t know. Sometimes to get out of that stage you need that rude awakening. You need that dose of reality. You need to be brought down back to Earth. Some people will call that negativity. Some say that in order to get out of a downward tailspin you have to hit rock bottom. Because for some it takes hitting rock bottom to achieve their moment of clarity. The ascent from rock bottom is called the conscious incompetent stage. The moment when they see their dismal situation for what it really is. Where you realize where you know what you know is not going to get it done. GRP is all about trying to get a dysfunctional society to get to that moment of clarity. Can you really tell me that is negative??
I am not anti Filipino however I am anti dumb. Would you consider me anti Filipino if what makes them go giddy tends to annoy me? Erap, Sharon Cuneta, Tito Vic and Joey, FPJ , Kris Aquino? Does that make me negative, anti Filipino or just a person of discrimination?
 You know when the truth is told, you can get what you want or you can just get old. 
I am not saying that GRP has all the answers. It is just that some people don’t look deep enough to ask the right questions. They just take the path of least resistance either so they don’t have to think or what is worse is they do not see enough to believe they have to think. If this is done right , it is a mirror to society.  Look at technique of Alcoholics Anonymous. My name is Gogs and I am an alcoholic.  You have to confront what is the truth even if it is ugly. Otherwise you can be an ostrich and bury your head in the ground like there is no problem. Some of you will consider that positive. 
Try not to be so negative all the time. Why don’t you offer a little… constructive criticism?
Earlier this year, I had a shocking blood test. You can say some readings on a blood test are negative. But in the words of Tom Hopkins, I never see failure as failure except as the negative feedback I need to change course in my direction. I would not say GRP has monopoly on truth in the world. What I will tell you is that many of us not only tell you an opinion but back it up better than most and even tell you why it is significant in the first place. Assuming the blood chemistry reading is bad news , is it the lab’s fault? Is the lab being negative?? The blood test is a framework. It is there to tell you something. Now it is your choice what to do with that bad reading.  I learned that my glucometer is not accurate. Do you consider that negative?
“Telling the truth is dangerous business ”
In the case of art imitating life. Danes' character in Homeland suffered for sticking to her guns. It did not make her any less right though.
In the case of art imitating life. Danes’ character in Homeland suffered for sticking to her guns. It did not make her any less right though.
Claire Danes was banned from the Philippines for telling the truth. Again proof of the cerebral prowess of our elected leaders. They feel an appropriate response to somebody describing their country as a nightmare is to ban them from visiting that very nightmare. Much like her character in the show Homeland. Carrie Mathison would be the one voice telling it like it is and she suffers the consequences for being right but daring to go against the convention. Big difference between telling the truth and telling people what they want to hear. On a side note, is there another actor who can play an abrasive prick as well as F.Murray Abraham? That is something positive isn’t it? 
This is not Emperor Palpatine. It is Jerry Jones of the currently mediocre Dallas Cowboys. His strategy seems to mirror someone we know.
This is not Emperor Palpatine. It is Jerry Jones of the currently mediocre Dallas Cowboys. His strategy seems to mirror someone we know.
Former President Gloria Arroyo falls anywhere in the guilty scale between Little Miss Muffet and Ursula from the Little Mermaid. I won’t pretend to tell you I know where for sure. I do know that where she ultimately lands in my scale has no bearing on Noynoy’s lack of leadership skills and gumption. What Noynoy brings to the table and what he doesn’t bring to the table is the issue. He was the one who ran for the highest elected office in the land. Facing critics is part of the job he told us he was destined for. All leadership positions require tough skin. Not once has Noynoy in his life ever exhibited tough skin. Well he never once in his life exhibited leadership either. Yet he ran for president and got more votes than Erap. What glory is there in coming in first place if second place goes to Erap? Noynoy may not have tough skin but if anything he has ventriloquist skin. He is good at projecting the blame somewhere else. Never once has he ever shown accountability or humility. We put a non-achiever in the difficult position of leading this country. So the way I see it, we are behind the 8 ball. Does that make me negative?
How do you get to Carnegie Hall? practice, practice , practice.
Ideally the office of the President should be a privilege and an honor. The Carnegie Hall quote implies that to play in a prestigious venue , requires years of preparation and improvement. How did Noynoy get to Malacanang? The Carnegie Hall route? No his mom died. We the Filipino people made that possible. So you can make the argument that we have a president who was neither willing, able or capable. But the voters said its OK so that makes it OK.  MAGIC! Would you consider that a positive trait of the Filipino? Proud to be PINOY!!!!
Play Like a Champion
Living up to an ideal tradition is always hard. Not sure why the country is so confident in a career non-achiever. That to me is a negative trait.
“Every game, you will have a decided schematic advantage.”
Charlie Weiss addressing his Notre Dame players.
I am a Notre Dame fan but I bristled at this bold declaration. It is complete arrogance in a very competitive arena like big time college football. The results later are in recorded history. Play like a champion today is Notre Dame’s motto on wall. Under Weiss there have been not too many game days like that. No signature wins. Noynoy did something similar with Daang Matuwid. Makes a bold declaration the difference is Charlie Weiss only said it once to a closed group. Noynoy bandies that statement no matter what the occasion.
Being positive is voting for someone for their qualities and accomplishments. Not because of their mother.
Being positive is voting for someone for their qualities and accomplishments. Not because of their mother.
Some people have said since May 11 2010, he won the election, get over it support him. Like I said before ingredients + hot water = soup. You can’t have ingredients for a sinigang baboy but expect the finished product to be New England Clam Chowder. It ain’t happenin’. In pinoy culture we have such negative ingredients and that produces negative product. Yet the commentators are considered negative? Benigno Simeon “Noynoy” Aquino is not a leader, never was a leader and never will be a leader. The guy brought nothing to the table in terms of practicial skills. Yet you expect me to consume and digest what the Noy is cookin. It is a bit of a twist on the old axiom garbage in , garbage out. Take away Noynoy’s last name and what do you have? The mistake we made as a nation that day reverberates throughout eternity and specially in 2013. Does pointing that out make me negative or am I just saying we are wallowing in the misery that we ourselves designed.
GRP is negative ? GRP tries to even the scales  because main stream media tries so hard to erase the negativism that is a reality in the life of Noynoy. Noynoy was voted in as the President of the Philippines. He brings up his predecessor every time he makes acquaintance with a microphone or TV crew. Never in a complimentary tone. That is not negative? I am waiting for him to take out Holy Water and chant to her “The Power of Christ Compels You!”
GRP is negative? Peace and order in this country are as of this moment ideals as realistic as headbangers snapping up tickets to a Justin Beiber show. Why? because the Filipino does not value it. We have learned to make all the senseless killing of Filipinos by Filipinos white noise. It comes out in what people do and what people will support with their wallets, their feet and their TV sets. All we do is point it out. It is already there whether or not GRP exists. Yet when some Hong Kong satirist   makes a comment only then does the pinoy get their nose out of joint.
Sometimes we create our own demons.
Sometimes we create our own demons.
You IDIOT! You made me. Remember?
Batman (1989)
GRP is a blog that discusses culture. What tends to come out is the negative results of a negative society. A society that elected Noynoy Aquino on words and deceased family and not action or results . That is NOT positive. You are rewarding inactivity. We live with results from a negative society. Some of us feel awareness to the negative traits is key to improvement. Improvement as in to make better from what you have now. So don’t give me that crap we are negative. We have a society that that does not like to think. Asks for little brains in return for their vote, life is cheap. Yet a website that analyzes the reality of that culture is negative??
Appearance is more important to this administration than  actual performance. That to me is negative.
Appearance is more important to this administration than actual performance. That to me is negative.
Han Solo once said “Keep your distance, though, Chewie, but don’t *look* like you’re trying to keeping your distance.” It is a bit of a subjective call. Whether someone is there to get results or make it look they are the cog in getting results. Considering Noynoy’s less than stellar pre-president resume I would tend to lean just a smidgen towards the latter. He was never a general, CEO, crusading Elliot Ness type cop or even an entrepreneur. If the guy is indeed a doer I have no earthly idea what he did to get that perception.
Many don't want to hear this but Noynoy helped pave the way for Nancy Binay.
Many don’t want to hear this but Noynoy helped pave the way for Nancy Binay.
Some people might find GRP negative because we emphasize real life examples of Noynoy’s mental challenges.I know I sure have. OK lets reverse it. When has he been smart? When has he excelled? Not sure how the same people who find Erap and Nancy Binay dumb can find Noynoy smart? Any nation that votes in a president solely because his mother died deserves all kinds of negative feedback when a questionable person produces questionable results. Our standards for intellect are so low that it invites satire and ridicule. Don’t be negative towards those doing the satirizing and ridiculing. Be negative to the people who try to convince you that dumb is the new smart. Be negative to those who actually believe it. It is all how you look at it. One can consider them criticism others can call it areas of improvement.
GRP is not cynical on its own. It is the subject we cover.
GRP is not cynical on its own. It is the subject we cover.
Maybe I am hopelessly naive but a person should serve the country in some exemplary capacity all of their adult life then only because of a superior track record of service then they are given the honor of being our president. What did we do? We put in the son of someone who died. What real winners we are.
Read my GRP blogs or even skim through all of them. My main themes are:
1) We don’t value voting. The Pinoy vote is cheap.
2) We don’t value learning.
3) We don’t value life.
4) We don’t value real achievement.
5) We don’t value due process.
6) We claim to value morals yet foreigners come here to live hedonistic lifestyles.
7) We crave attention no matter how trivial the feat or how inappropriate the connection.
8) We crave attention so much the feat does not even have to be true.
9) Our “popular” government wants to curtail the discussion of ideas among our own citizens.
10) The more unqualified the prospective public servant the better.
11) In 2010 we elected a leader who despite never accomplishing anything views himself as a tough act to follow.
12) Pinoy sense of entitlement is a bad mix with pinoy always victim mentality.
13) public servants think they are serving you by serving themselves.
14) basta pinoy da best.
15) current Daang Matuwid government loves to sweep things under the rug.
16) We believe recognition should come irregardless of achievement and work.
17) Our newspaper of record is so beholden to the president it does not bother to fact check 

If everything I said there is a product of my imagination without any basis on reality then it is a me problem. If I am indeed describing the cultural landscape as it is. That’s not a me problem, that’s an us problem. If I see the problems and you don’t but they are still there, in the words of Colin Cowherd, that’s a YOU problem. The way I see it , GRP is not made of country haters but people who exhibit tough love. People who tend to have less of a blind spot than your typical emo Filipino. It is those type of people that annoy your typical emo Filipino. If you annoy people who are ruled by their emotions and who neglect their logic, in my book you are doing them a favor. You are getting them out of their comfort zone. In between their piss and vinegar explosions they might actually think. Does that make us negative??
We are what we say we say we are and in the end that is all you can expect from us.
We are what we say we say we are and in the end that is all you can expect from us.
Pinoy “news” media are not in the business of telling you the truth. They are there to attract eyeballs or whatever senses their media caters to. At least in the Philippine setting, the way to attract eyeballs is to tell people what they want to hear. There is no critical thought involved or encouraged in Philippine media.With GRP though, “it’s simple really”. “We beg to differ”. It says right there on the top left hand corner of the website.   Then people still get steamed if the content indeed is different from the cliched main stream media and mainstream thought. “We beg to differ” is brutal honesty and people who are so used to being lied to, can’t handle our brutal honesty.
The truth hurts as evidenced by this critic.
The truth hurts as evidenced by this critic.

Do you consider being lied to a positive experience? People can believe what they want to believe about GRP but what if we do indeed take what are indeed lies and poke holes in them? Would we be doing you a favor? Would that favor be positive or negative? Do you tend to call someone disillusioned with who they are or what they are doing negative?? If we had some sort of Marcos agenda wouldn’t that be sniffed out by now? What we are not is sheep.
GRP is polarizing and I personally would not have it any other way. There are people who passionately agree with us and I personally find those people rational and intelligent. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with us but there are those who disagree for the sake of being defensive and in an effort to discredit. I have one word for that: “good”. Copernicus was laughed at by people who did not have 1% the intelligence or devotion. It did not make him any less right. The painful part of the Philippines is the 2013 equivalent of the Copernicus hecklers voted in Noynoy Aquino as president.
The Administration cares more about looking the part instead of being the part. That is why PR is so important. Because they don't have much else.
The Administration cares more about looking the part instead of being the part. That is why PR is so important. Because they don’t have much else.
There is no such thing as doing something significant without resistance. We all only have 24 hours in a day. There should be certain things that are “not worth it”. GRP gets resistance from MCG online trolls and die hard noytards alike for the simple reason we are a legitimate threat to how they want to present the situation. If we had no basis we would not be worth it. If the government was more worried about producing results then they would have no time for critics. If the government knew deep down inside that they are competent and confident to get the job done, they would not consider funding online trolls. Yet we get them here. Nothing at all wrong with people who disagree with us but the ones whose arguments rarely deviate from the ideas heard in that day’s Malacanang press conference are not there to argue but to be an infomercial.  And like the real world you have to pay for infomercials. The existence of the push back in GRP is proof that something we do connects with fans and detractors alike. That can’t be all negative.
We take shots at the government but that is the right of every citizen on this Earth since the government is funded by the people for the people. When your elected officials are there not for the people but for themselves you have every right to voice concern. When your government feels you should not have that voice that is a huge concern. Manila Standard seems to think so.  (allegedly)
There is nothing more annoying than being in the Philippines during election time. Look at the poverty around you and then look at money spent on promoting politicians. Do you think all this spending comes from thin air? Guess who is footing the bill. Two people: you and me. Will you ever hear that anywhere else? Does that make GRP negative??
Norma Desmond did not evolve when films evolved. Yet she believed herself to be the same star. That is not being positive that is being delusional.
Norma Desmond did not evolve when films evolved. Yet she believed herself to be the same star. That is not being positive that is being delusional.
“There’s nothing wrong with being 50, unless you are acting 20.
Joe to Norma in Sunset Boulevard. (musical)
Its OK to be positive as long as you are not delusional As Joe Gillis tells Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard was not being negative in the text book definition of the word. You can say she was optimistic about her place in Hollywood marketability. What she did was avoid reality. She did not believe she was a has been. She did not believe people no longer flocked to silent films. The world around her changed. She did not adapt to the changes in technology and market for films. There truly is a fine line between being positive and being positively delusional 
Think of your favorite food. Let’s say you enjoy a nice lasagna. A lot of things go into a good lasagna. Quality pasta , cooking at the right time for the right duration. If your pasta is lousy, meat spoiled or you eat it late there goes your enjoyable dining experience with your favorite dish. Many in GRP pointed out the obvious in 2010 leading up to the election. In whatever sites we were each writing for at the time. We tried to make sense how someone so unqualified wanted to capture the highest elected office there is a country. We tried to make sense why there was a foaming at the mouth of the yellow army. Those things did happen. Does that make us negative? Does that make us haters?
This might come as a shock to some. But humility in the eyes of the discerning is far more impressive than braggadocio. Pinoys will oversell themselves and if you try to bring perspective then you are negative. If you truly think I am negative. Don’t forget April 1, 2013 I tried it “your way”. I put myself in the mindset of someone who has seen the light that Noynoy is the one true King of Westeros. That I have seen the error of my sinful ways. The whole idea sounds more ridiculous now than it did April 1.
Much has been made of the so called Gates of Hell reference to Manila. That was the thought of a fictional character in a fictional story with a realistic setting. You may call Dan Brown negative but one thing you can not accuse him of is making up an implausible scene about Manila. I have been to slums in Tondo. I have been to farms in the Visayas. Not once did I ever hear Tolentino of the MMDA give Dan Brown credit for saying the ugly truth. Dan Brown is in a can’t lose situation. The slums and conditions are really there and not leaving anytime soon. Should they improve well Inferno shamed Manila into improving and startled their complacency.
Recently I mocked the pinoy penchant for spreading hoaxes on purpose or from sheer ignorance. In it I included pinoys wanting to make Paul Walker’s death about them and not about him. Everything has to be about them. No good deed is isolated to the source. Pinoys have to hitchhike. Then at the smallest gesture with the smallest pinoy presence there are major eruptions of sound and fury signifying nothing. That is the pinoy way. 
You can have the nicest camera but if you keep taking pics of filth and grime at some point you might blame the camera for being dirty. It is the subject stupid. If your subject and your environment is gloomy, grumpy and dingy. That is no longer the camera’s fault. Speaking for myself I write what I write about simply as a counter to what I perceive as an abundance of misinformation around me. I hear it from parts of my family. I see it in mainstream media. I am glad the Internet is there to give us a fighting chance to question that which is forced down our throats as the truth. The beauty of having blogged a while is like anything a pattern emerges. I wrote about Noynoy while the Cory funeral was fresh in our minds. If voting in somebody based on a death in his family and not because he is capable is not negative I have no idea what is.

When something goes wrong / I’m the first to admit it

So some of you think GRP is negative? Paul Simon’s song evokes something we have never seen from the Noynoy administration. That something is a concept called humility. In the words of Colin Cowherd, we have never seen Noynoy Aquino own his baggage. If there is one thing that would drastically affect the output of GRP and reduce the blog flow by at least 50%?? When the day comes that all of us can accept what comes out of Edwin Lacierda’s podium at face value. I think I would lose all my political material. Till that day comes, we will be here. Putting the BS from BS Aquino into perspective.
A lot of people take two totally different things then build their own bridge in between. It’s like a leap of faith. What I suspect some people don’t seem to get about GRP is that some people here try to define that leap of faith. ABC If you are going from A to C what is B? We identify what is there. If what is there happens to be negative or worse have reality distorted so it is spun off as a positive not sure why negative is the best label. 
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
― Thomas A. Edison
Don’t confuse critical with negative, don’t confuse suck up public relations job with positive, don’t confuse sugar coating / window dressing with positive. Don’t confuse telling it like it is to an audience who does not see it how it is with negative. People are always going to have different opinions and different ways of looking at the same thing.  Sometimes instead of proposing a bunch of answers to whatever readers will read, it is better to propose a bunch of questions so the reader can make up their own mind better than they did before they read whatever I said.
Face it, Noynoy  never sought the presidency. The guy never prepared himself to what this job entails. I am in no way knocking fast food chains. But they all have management training programs to their credit. The military has an officers training program. But to be a senator you just have to be a long serving OJT. To be president you just have to point to famous parents toobscure the fact that you did nothing exemplary in your time in elected office. This is dysfunction that must be pointed out. It is already negative and pointing it out does not make the pointer negative.
I have no idea how some people can say the simple solution is not to write. What they are really saying is when confronted with a situation have no opinion. Well, then don’t read. Not just GRP but anybody. Don’t be selective and do not seek out alternate points of view. Writhe in your cage of myopia. Or should people like Edwin Lacierda be untouchable? He will have the monopoly of truth while by your viewpoint we should shut up. Only Edwin can speak? Sorry. There are just some people here that enjoy making a point or feel they will not accept the manure being shoveled in front of them. (Thank you Beano Cook RIP) People who say that are usually emotionally tied to whoever you arguing against and can’t think of anything logical in which to counter you.
“I don’t know anything about music. In my line you don’t have to. “
Noynoy annoys me because you have all these people celebrating him for something he is not. The guy lacks the tools to fulfill his role. Some people interpret his motherhood statements as positive.  Some people get whipped into a frenzy when Noynoy talks about how good his administration is and how good his term WILL be but never states his method on how to achieve it.  They never heard the expression talk is cheap.  There is a difference between being positive and just placating. Come to think of it I never heard him state any personal achievements on the campaign trail. I call it writing a check he can’t cash. Does stating that make me negative?
GRP is often a real life case study. This is what they told you before but this is what you are getting now. This is what they are telling you now and this is what happened before when they said that before. Hold these goofs accountable. Any media not just GRP that attempts to give perspective to an electorate that has the memory of Nemo’s friend Dory is fundamental to a society that wants to improve and make correct decisions. That is negative? Just because we don’t spend all day in Malacanang waiting for a story break does not mean we can not make people think. The ABS CBNs and the PDI’s of this world have access. What good is access if the truth is compromisedbecause of that access??
A fundamental self help concept states that a wise man learns from their mistakes. A more evolved version of that is that a wiser man learns from other people’s mistakes.People here will take a well known issue and offer a fresh perspective or bring up an issue that may not be in the spotlight. You can think of some GRP blogs as free voters education. Laugh if you want but 99% of the electorate think campaign road shows with dancing girls and obnoxious ads ARE voters education. We give you a retrospective of the past. We compare what politicians say with what they have actually done. We cut through the crap politicians feed you. You can still chew on it in the end if you want but we offer you an alternative. Is that negative?
I am not a reporter. I just write from the heart. I pose questions and suggest answers based on what is going on. Somewhere along the line I hope I can make some people think. Of course there are sheep out there totally incapable of thinking. I wrote about Noynoy since he was mulling over whether to run or not in September of 2009. I wrote down my observations and interpretations of his campaign. I am lucky enough to have been able to continue to write in a great forum like GRP for over a year now. Based on current events I can safely say that even with hindsight I do not regret writing one word. No Noytard or mainstream media  outlet has ever proved my convictions wrong . It’s a free country. You may call that being negative, I call it making a realistic assessment of things.
Two easiest things to do in the world: 1) tell people what they want to hear 2) spend someone else’s money. I think I summed up Noynoy’s life ever since he came into public consciousness because of the death of his mother. Let me rephrase that because he did nothing significant for the first 50 years of his life, it took his mother’s death to get him on the radar of the pinoy voter. You must have some skill set. By the same token the two hardest things to do: 1) back up your bold claims 2) be accountable to the people who’s money you spent. Noynoy is classic case of do as I say not do as I do. If you did what he did you would be doing nothing.
If you recall the old story of the Emperor’s New Clothes. He had nothing on. Yet the whole populace was hoodwinked into believing he had something spectacular on. That story was first told centuries ago and it applies today. Noynoy Aquino became president as devoid of skill as the Emperor was devoid of clothes. Back in early 2010 the Philippines experienced Noynoy mania. Why exactly? It was then I discovered a website called Anti Pinoy. It had benign0 and Ilda among the writers. Despite all the hype emanating from the campaign there was Anti Pinoy making sense. Asking the right questions. Hence the genius of their name. They did not go against the pinoy consensus just to go against it. They went against it because they dared used logic instead of emotion which is so not pinoy.
In a sense negative reaction can be lumped in with positive reaction. Just like depriving a flame of oxygen will snuff out the flame, I don’t know how many hard working bloggers would still go on if we met up with complete apathy. It’s just like fans of a losing team. Boos should be music to the ears of the owner because they are coming from paying customers who care about your product. If all you had was apathy that is a different ball game.
I simply can not be proud of something trivial like a beauty contest or a basketball tournament in the face of all this negativity that people refuse to acknowledge exist. I have been very clear about that. Violence, needless death, lack of order. You can’t expect me to proud of that. You can’t expect me to believe that the negativity that this is there should be glossed over.
Finally you may wonder why despite GRP being what it is, we seem to attract our share of both fans and detractors, informed and uninformed. The more Facebook likes a GRP blog has it is always accompanied by people who disagree vehemently. Usually the more someone may label a piece in GRP as negative, there is a fair cross section that it also speaks to. It reminds me of one of my favorite movies Private Parts. There is a scene that shows that there are benefits to being polarizing. Not playing it safe. Going out on a limb. Tweaking sensitivities.
Kenny accuses Howard of being the Anti Christ. Funny how some people accuse some GRP authors of being the same.
Kenny accuses Howard of being the Anti Christ. Funny how some people accuse some GRP authors of being the same.
Researcher: The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes. The average Howard Stern fan listens for – are you ready for this? – an hour and twenty minutes.
Pig Vomit: How can that be?
Researcher: Answer most commonly given? “I want to see what he’ll say next.”
Pig Vomit: Okay, fine. But what about the people who hate Stern?
Researcher: Good point. The average Stern hater listens for two and a half hours a day.
Pig Vomit: But… if they hate him, why do they listen?
Researcher: Most common answer? “I want to see what he’ll say next.”

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