Thursday, October 3, 2013

It’s all over

Written by Ninez Cacho-Olivares
Thursday, 03 October 2013 08:00

Noynoy may not be impeached by the House of Representatives, despite the glaring proof of his having bribed congressmen and willfully violated the Constitution by abusing the use of public funds.

He has done it before, and he will do so again, showering congressmen with even more bribes to ensure the killing of any impeachment complaint filed in the House.

But even if Noynoy rides out his term, which ends in 2016, he can no longer claim, nor be seen as being the legitimate president, or even rule without question, as he has lost all moral ground to govern, having been exposed as one of the most corrupt presidents the country has ever had.

He and his administration are done for, as his predecessor, Gloria Arroyo, was already done for in 2006.

Even more telling is that his Liberal Party (LP) and their anointed Mar Roxas, are also done for, after this bribery scandal erupted. And if Noynoy and his LPs, as well as his Senate bets in 2013 even dare to cheat the people out of their electoral choice, just as they did in 2010, assisted greatly by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) and its partner, Smartmatic, which manipulated the polls of 2010 and 2013, they can be sure that a people’s uprising will occur.

The proof of the administration’s cheating is there for all to see: The 60-30-10 pattern of voting in every province, every region, which is a mathematical voting impossibility. It wouldn’t surprise anyone if there were only five senators allied with Noynoy who had genuinely won the elections in 2013.

As for Noynoy’s claimed win in 2010, by the Comelec, hell, there’s still that 8 million votes for which the poll body cannot account.

Not even his yellow manipulated surveys, such as the Social Weather Stations (SWS) and Pulse Asia can change the real public opinion of a corrupt government led by Noynoy Aquino, whose teflon coating has been torn off.

Both the yellow survey firms and Noynoy himself, along with his allies, have lost all credibility and moral right to govern.

Even Noynoy’s daang matuwid slogan is completely without any credibility.

Noynoy and his LPs’ dirty effort to eliminate the opposition was done by their prostituting constitutional offices, such as the Commission on Audit (CoA)’s supposed special audit of the congressional pork, as it was clearly skewed to favor the allies of Noynoy.

How can CoA’s Grace Pulido-Tan claim that the special audit was a nationwide audit or impartial, when only about three senators’ pork were audited 100 percent while the pork of the allies of Noynoy had anywhere from one percent to 10 percent audit and only a few regions were included, with Noynoy and his anointed Mar Roxas, not audited at all? And the claim of Pulido-Tan is that it was not selective?

The fact that there was no audit for the years 2001 to 2006 is already being selective, just as the 2010 to 2012 audit of the congressional pork was not audited.

Even the Malampaya funds audit reportedly will just be focused on the years 2007 to 2009. Obviously, to protect Noynoy and his Budget secretary.

In the more than three years as president, Noynoy, along with his boys, has thoroughly prostituted the government agencies, whether it is the Congress, the Ombudsman and the Department of Justice and National Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Internal Revenue and even the Anti-Money Laundering Council.

Heck, even the Commission on Higher Education and Budget Secretary Butch Abad, as disclosed by two of its ranking officials who had resigned in disgust, have been “bleeding” the national coffers dry.

And Noynoy and his boys have the nerve to claim that they walk the straight and righteous path?

Who believes them now, having been exposed as plunderers and corruptors, using public funds?

They can keep on invoking their mantra of the straight and righteous path, but no one believes them now.

And they can have their yellow surveys claim that Noynoy remains very popular despite all these exposes of their corruption. 

No one, but no one can believe anything they say.

Noynoy, his LPs and his allies are all done for. Finished.

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