Saturday, July 27, 2013

#Philippines SONA 2013, State of the Nation – All Effed Up As Usual

#Philippines SONA 2013, State of the Nation – All Effed Up As Usual
This is his fourth SONA – obviously four years have passed. When he was approached, he ought to have just turned it down and done the country a big favor. Dolphy was a bigger man who outright said after “I win it, what next?” Interesting how a comedian turns into a statesman while Noynoy turns government into one big comedy of errors (a tragedy for the Pinoy)- a change for the worse.
Noynoy couldn’t refuse the change to “alleviate the suffering the Pinoy should not have to endure. Are you freaking kidding me? After 4 SONAS, joblessness has expanded to 7.5% (up from last year’s 6.9%). Underemployment has expanded, poverty, and hunger has expanded. Indeed, Noynoy faced the challenge – and MADE IT WORSE!!!
The message of the past election was this – the automated machines are seriously flawed – just as they were flawed in the last election. The Philippines has a pretender government – it has usurped public authority based on spurious wholesale electoral fraud.
There is no shortage of vested interests waiting in line for the latest government project they can capture. This is “inclusive” growth – growth for the “in crowd”. As government enters into more debt – the revenue of its cronies increase proportionally – a bill which will be paid for by taxpayers in terms of more taxes and fees for non-existent and/or overpriced existing “services”. Contracts for the picking – pay the prepaid toll and play.
I dunno, I have this loony idea that this aversion to foreign investments might probably be a perverse version of “hiya” given the recent attempts to fix a deal with the Czech. Nakakahiyang mabisto na corrupt, so keep em out and if they come in, dapat may “escort” para di tayo mapahiya sa labas – that’s what the 60/40 is all about – the “old man of the sea” style of doing business in the Philippines ends up with the investors wilting under the yellow and mestizo “badjaos”.
Noynoy previously condemned Arroyo’s CCT Subsidy – and upon sitting in office – expanded it far beyond Arroyo’s wildest dreams. Dinky has “democratized” corruption and has created a parasitic grassroots permanent welfare class to match the equally parasitic permanent corporate welfare of government cronies – and the plunderous legislators. If you increase the number of recipients – have you really reduced poverty? You may have your political base covered – but you can’t cover everyone – and indeed poverty has increased in Noynoy’s watch.
When it came to exercising the power of the pork barrel to buy the vote of each legislator – Aquino outclassed Arroyo in the outright contempt and inferior treatment of supposedly equal branches of government.
Let’s look at the so-called “achievements” of Noynoy on his 4th SONA,
So what if there are more graduates? Nearly all of them are jobless. The ones who have jobs are underemployed. And the smarter ones have left for overseas. The mediocre ones who are willing to kiss ass are left behind to say yes to the crooks gallery known as the Aquino administration.
The Armin and the DepeD are a big joke. We ought to liberalize and privatize schools in the Philippines. Liberalize, so that the usual kolehiyala-magnet schools get some competition not just from Cambridge, Harvard, Oxford but also from Kaplan U, Phoenix U, and a whole lot more of investments into cutting edge education which drives the competitive economies of today and the future.
Strengthening the agriculture sector only benefited the protected domestic middlemen who are in bed with the DA and the local agricultural firms who control everything from seedlings to fertilizer, to pesticides – even the land the crops are grown on. Just look at the livestock and agriculture industry which keeps on asking for protection, but does not improve its production methods – and lets Pinoy consumers bear the brunt of the Pinoy agri producers’ laziness.
In rice for instance, the government and vested interests control the export and import of rice. Thus they can increase production at home for export to foreign markets. The local supplies will be diverted to foreign markets – WHILE foreign supplies are being kept out to keep local prices high!!!
Subsidies are also given to agri-corporations on top of the protections and supply contracts awarded by the DA. The farmers have not improved their lot – nor have consumers or taxpayers. No matter the agricultural crop – it’s the same modus operandi.
If we want to steer fishermen to better waters – they will be better served by having options other than the sea. And for those who opt for the sea – unhampered access to competitive open markets for fishing gear, technology, financing, processing . They should also not be restricted from access to buyers. This is a better path than putting the burden on Pinoy taxpayers.
Isn’t it amazing that we think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medications somehow think that we can pay more taxes to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medications AND A BUREAUCRACY to administer health care. Universal access to lousy government-run health care isn’t much of a deal.
Increasing public spending on health care facilities does not necessarily translate to an equivalent value spent on actual facilities because a huge chunk, probably somewhere around 75% (hypothetically) goes to corruption. Hypothetically – 50% goes to the proponent senatong or tongressman, 25% goes to the admin staff – DBM, COA, agency concerned. Of the remaining 25%, 20% will be cost of goods sold – and the contractor will be crucified to the high heavens for making a margin of 5%.
If we want to drive prices down, we ought to open up the health industry – liberalize and privatize. Let Mayo Clinic and the Cleveland Clinic compete against St Lukes, UP PGH, etc. Let domestic and foreign private investments have faster time to startup and deliver the services needed by Pinoy health consumers … read my lips – CONSUMERS!
Regarding disaster preparedness – the Aquino regime uses disasters as an opportunity to dip into tax money some more. Bad weather happens every year. Reconstruction is good business you know. Why kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Let squatters have their way – do not enforce private property rights. Aquino does not want to displease the political base of iskwats and rent-a-hakot crowd of the Philippines who will readily vote for the powers that be if the price is right.
Let me cut to the chase and spare you the agony of Aquino  being debunked. In plain and simple terms – the transformation of national government agencies from inefficient petty crook-laden institutions towards one that efficiently awards (as in all stops removed) contracts to the cronies has not dented corruption a bit.
ali-baba and forty thieves
The corruption was not destroyed – it was merely transformed.
Daang matuwid my ass.

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