Tuesday, May 28, 2013

More on Obama

I shed a few real tears of joy at the news of his first election as President of the US because it was proof, in my mind, that racism was now neutralized in The Land of the Free.

I was also gratified that here was a man, a progressive liberal minded politician, that had captivated me when he spoke at a Democrat Convention as the Key Note speaker in support of John Kerry’s nomination as Presidential nominee.

Alas and alack, he appears now to be a prisoner of the Military Industrial Complex which has undue influence on the government of the US as described by the late President Eisenhower quote:

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complexThe potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist… end. 

It appears that Obama who was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, well justified it seemed at the time, became under the influence of the Military Industrial Complex almost immediately he stepped into the Oval Office and is now a War Hawk.

The most profitable business, with almost no financial risk and guaranteed high rate of return is Arms Manufacture.

It that has no interest in seeking peace. In fact its interest is in continued conflicts as the late General Douglas Mac.Arthur stated; 

It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear.

The unfounded fear at Mac.Arthur’s time was COMMUNISM. 

Now it is TERRORISM which gives the Military Industrial Complex  never ending wars and never ending profits.

Note: …Profits pouring in for US weapons manufacturers… It's economy (US) is built around it as it supplies more weapons to the world than the rest of the world's producers combined, providing about 46% of the world's weaponry. See the video


The reality is that if this complex stopped messing in the affairs of other countries, terrorists would cease to have an interest in America and Americans as is the case in the ex colonial western imperialist countries such as France, Holland, The UK etc.

Example Vietnam that previously terrorized Americans, now welcomes Americans who go there with business contracts instead of Napalm and Agent Orange.

As one Pakistani said to me about his presence in England, We are you over here because were over there.

I have many misgivings about Obama none of which are in line with the Republican nonsense campaign being waged against him at the moment.

In spite of this, and due to the absence of a Third progressive candidate, I would if I had the vote use it to elect Obama again, the alternative being too horrible to contemplate.


PS. I don't know if your question is just rhetoric that does not need an answer but I'll take you as genuine and say yes I know what I am doing which is to expose hypocrisy and, double standards.

I also would like people to use logic and reason in place of blind faith and if possible to make decisions by balancing all sides of given questions.

Greed can advance mankind but unbridled it is self destructive, this is what I hope to make evident.

Conservatism in all political Party's and all religions has always been an obstacle to an increase in human rights and should be eschewed for progressive liberalism.

Education should be for its own sake and not just for corporate fodder.

If one needs a holy dogma I would say only one Commandment is necessary:-

Treat others as you would like them to treat you.

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