Thursday, April 18, 2013

Doing business in the Philippines

Do you know how hard it is to do business in the Philippines?

The steps that you need to do to start a business?

That is if you want to do it the legal way.

Starting from DTI to register a company, to get a Homeowners Association permit, to get a Barangay permit, a Mayor's permit, BIR permit to print invoices, Fire Dept. permit, FDA permit if you are dealing with food or drugs, (minimum of one month waiting,just for inspection and another month for approval), the cost to deal with all of these offices which are located so far from each other. To deal with all those clerks waiting for grease money on every transaction, Dept. heads mostly out of office and waiting for their signatures,

Getting all those permits to start a business is so rigorous, time consuming and a major stress, aside from the additional costs and high cost of permits. It is so frustrating and discouraging to do it the legal way, that's why so many business have no permits,

No invoices, no records, not paying taxes, and all violations that make them so vulnerable to harassment of Police, BIR, Barangay, Mayor, Governor, and all agencies.

The country should make it easy for the businessman to start a company, a business, or services the easiest way by consolidating all of those permits in one place. Remove all red tapes and so many people involved in getting a permit. Encourage businessman to legitimate their businesses with easier rules and requirements.

Fred Santos

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