Thursday, January 17, 2013

Genuine change? Something just doesn’t add up.

January 11, 2013
We all want change and change has to start from within one’s self and from the basic unit of society.
My parents  made me feel, that I can be somebody great without compromising discipline during the stage where practical reasoning is best developed. So remarkable are the developmental years of a child at the ages 2-8 that the said age range is used to measure the rate of development of young children through GMDS 2-8 or Griffiths Mental Development Scales 2 to 8 years old.
Our society needs to make the most of those years to mold an empowered Filipino out of our children, this way more Filipinos of the now and the next generation will know how to employ critical thinking and demand what is due of them without any need for arrogance.
Our Philippines deserves only the BEST leaders and excellent citizens!
A question just nags at me though, since a lot just doesn’t add up to my aforementioned proposal.
How can a society churn out excellent citizens if many of our parents are abroad as OFWs?  If parents have no time to care for their children due to work or a large family? Worse, if society is plagued with delusions :

That last line made me visceral thus I need to get a practical answer from those  proclaiming moral ascendancy as to how they can address the fact that there is a high rate of abandoned, sold, neglected, prostituted and abused children and the high statistics for suicide in women imprisoned in a loveless marriage.
Is there a high or even a remarkable number of outreach graduates from the many sectarian schools that abound?
How many sectarian institutions offer support to the abused women and children? To products of broken homes?
Do we really want a Philippines where mothers and fathers leave their families as OFWs? Is the Bishop even aware how many families get broken because of this needed Exodus?
How many OFWs go home as a frozen corpse or imprisoned in a foreign prison and raped? How many OFWs shiver during the winter at embassies and consulates because they had to escape an abusive employer or the police?
I need to get their advise based on critical thinking,  as to how would such incidents as the ones I personally know about, can be addressed.
How many more? I don’t want to read the classic, “it’s the cross they have to bear”. As far I know, my Lord Jesus Christ did that for us and died on the cross for us, and I dare not insult that ultimate manifestation of God’s love with any person’s sacrifices. ”…Our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment” (Isaiah 64:6), right?
If one is really so morally upright, how can they turn a blind eye to the facts, and discount the protection that laws can provide?
I do hope the morally ascended are not taking God’s name in vain and are using Holy words to propagate a culture of impunity and apathy.
Having a religion isn’t the same as having faith and being spiritual. Faith is not a religion but a lifestyle. One can go to church or a mosque but leaves, as one came. Nothing was uplifted, nothing was learned, worse nothing understood.
It is clearly seen in how a self proclaimed “believer” condescend and persecute. There is hubris born out of pride, very off tangent to the teachings of Jesus, about humility, understanding, sympathy and unconditional love.
Will such inspire genuine change?
There is no religious, political or economic solution to a spiritual problem.

Ms. Mike Portes

Mike is the author of "Minsan may Isang Puta", one of her articles that has taken a life of its own. It has been almost eight years since she wrote the article and, it is still finding it's way to classrooms, blog sites, fora, search engines and on an Indie film (Garden of Eve/Ganap na Babae). The film was honored as the opening movie at Cinemalaya 2010 and and has won international and local awards and recognition. The teaser, reviews and commentaries are at : Mike's first sole authored book "The Dove Files", available at ( is a collection of popular and new writings in Filipino, Taglish and English which includes the movie stills and screenplay of the viral "Minsan may Isang Puta", that was first printed in Writings 8. As Writings 8 on paperback has given back to Filipinos through the Piglets Unlimited Program of her publisher, the royalties of Mike's first solo book, on the other hand will go to one of the most intelligent scholars of Project Malasakit ( and Definitely Filipino's Baby Mark who badly needs a liver transplant at the soonest possible time. "Minsan may Isang Puta" has been published in magazines and has also been studied in high schools, universities and colleges for PolSci, Filipino and Theater 12 subjects.

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