Wednesday, November 14, 2012

America - World's Most Evil and Hated Country

Research by: Poch Suzara

The United States of America is now the most evil and hated country in the world. No other country even comes close.

Amazingly, due to the enormous truth suppression power of America's criminally controlled media, the vast majority of Americans are still totally unaware of these facts.

Let's just examine a few facts to help understand why America has rightfully earned the label of "World's Most Evil & Hated Country".

First, the United States is the military arm of the World's most diabolical criminal cabal which is led by the Black Pope from Vatican City and the Rothschild-led financial titans from the City of London. Of course, since the United States serves as the bully or muscle to murder and make war for this criminal cabal, the United States serves as the ugly face of this evil and hateful organization.

While the Black Pope and the international banking elites hide behind the media they own and control, the United States is right out there in the World's Face, using the most powerful and sophisticated military and intelligence ever seen to rape, murder, and steal whatever they want.

The United States now has more than 700 military bases in some 130 countries around the world. Why? Because we do whatever we want! Do you suppose the vast majority of these 130 countries really want us occupying their countries? Hell No! They have something we want so we TAKE it!

Just ask yourself if you would like the Russians or Chinese to simply move in to America and start occupying our country? I know I wouldn't like it.

We use our CIA to cut an evil deal with the leader of some country we want to take over for their natural resources or some geo-strategic reason, a deal orchestrated by the brains in London and the Vatican.

Then, using our military muscle, we simply move in and set up shop. We've done it numerous times. Check out former CIA henchman John Perkins.

Because war and drugs are the two most profitable businesses, this criminal cabal totally controls both. The wife of Mayer Amschel BauerRothschild once said, "If my sons did not want war, there would be no wars."

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, every war for the past 250 years was intentionally orchestrated by this Vatican-Rothschild-led criminal cabal. If you doubt this, then you are simply uninformed.

This criminal cabal has been running things for a long time. They had Abraham Lincoln murdered. They murdered JFK too. Both of these presidents tried to take the job of printing money away from the Vatican-Rothschild controlled Central Bank.

We have called the Central Bank in America the Federal Reserve Bank since 1913. Of course, this bank is "privately" owned and controlled by the Vatican and the Rothshchild-led bankers. Like Mayer Amshel Rothschild and his sons always said, "Give me control over a nation's money supply and I care not who makes the laws."

Yes, this criminal cabal intentionally started the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, Viet Nam, and all the wars in the Middle East.

These criminals orchestrated the events of 9/11/2001 also. They simply blamed it on Osama Bin Laden because Bin Laden was supposedly hiding out in Afghanistan. And, of course, the criminal cabal needed a good excuse to attack and occupy Afghanistan. Then, the corrupt media easily sold most Americans the lie because most Americans are woefully ignorant.

And, every one of these wars was started due to the lies and deception of our most trusted leaders who have all been working for this criminal cabal. They easily sell these lies to us using their totally controlled media.

These criminals also totally control the world's cocaine and heroin business, frequently using the U.S. Military to transport huge shipments into America on Military aircraft. They then hand over the drugs to the Mafia who use their sophisticated distribution network to get the drugs into the hands of American citizens.

The United States has been totally controlled by this criminal cabal for a long time. Even FDR was a criminal puppet and traitor. He knew about the Pearl Harbor attack days before it ocurred, yet allowed it to happen because the cabal needed the United States to get involved in WWII.

The United States military has murdered millions of innocent men, women, and children all over the world for many years. Most of the folks in the military are totally unaware of the real truth, why they are really fighting.

Lies, lies, and more lies is the way it has always been. Israel's Mossad, literally a creation of the Rothschilds, and the equivalent of our CIA, has a motto which they even display on their offices which reads, "By way of deception, thou shalt do war."

Ladies and gentlemen, you have been lied to your entire life by the people you have looked up to for leadership. This includes the President of the United States, your senators, your religious leaders, your mainstream media, and more.

With access to the internet, at least for now, you can dig, dig, and dig some more. There are hundreds of sources to study. Yes, there are some disinformation agents out their trying to confuse and distract you, but if you study a lot, you'll discover a lot of the truth.

Check out The Money Masters, The Empire of the City, Eric Jon Phelps' 1800 page book entitled Vatican Assassins. This will get you started.

Poch Suzara is a citizen of the United States of American; a citizen of the Philippines; and a Senior citizen of the world

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