Sunday, October 21, 2012

Why does Malaysia claim the Spratly Islands and Sabah when the Philippines claims them too?

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I am from Sabah and everyone here 100% would never want to belong to the filipinos. Filipino illegal alien immigrants come here steal and commit crime and are an eyesore everywhere. I wish it was legal to shoot all the illegals here. We will all fight and die for the state if ever filipinos dare to touch us. 

Malaysia can claim the Spratly Islands and Sabah as theirs as Malaysia has the WILL & STRENGTH to protect and occupy both Spratly Islands and Sabah. While the Philippines cannot claims the Spratly Islands and Sabah, because all they can do is talk, talk, talk & talk and claim all over the internet, via blog, via facebook, VIA TWITTER & etc, without the WILL & STRENGTH. Why?

1) Malaysia is the only country that successfully defeat the communist insurgent in the whole wide world. Malaysia & The Philippines communist insurgents problem started about the same time, but the Philippines until now cannot defeat the NPA communist, even after more than 40 years! If Philippne Army invade Sabah, the Malaysia Army will slaughter the Philippine Army just like we slaughter the communist decades ago. Now want to claim Sabah? Even the NPA, u guys cannot beat them, now what to take a fight with the Malaysia Army? What a shame...

2) Philippines Army are also facing insurgents group like MILF,MNLF & Abu Sayaf, & until now cannot even defeat one of them for decades now! Even the MILF u guys cannot beat, now want to fight the Malaysian Army? What a shame...

3) Philippine Army of 120,000 soldier cannot even defeat the 500-1000 Abu Sayaf fighter! Even 500 -1000 bandits also u guys cannot beat, now what to take away Sabah from Malaysia? What a shame....

4) Philippine Air Force don't have any operational jet fighter!!! Malaysia have 18 Mig-29, 8 F-18 & 18 Su-30, all are considered the latest & the most modern fighter aircraft in the world. All are equipped with Beyond Visual Range (BVR) missiles. Philippine Air force don't even have an operational aircraft & NO air to air missile (forget about Beyond Visual Missiles), now shamely want to claim Sabah? The Philippine Air Force will be slaughter by the Malaysia Air Force like peanuts! What a shame....

5) Philippine Army don't have any Main Battle Tank. Malaysia have PT-91M Main Battle Tank. Maybe not the best in the world, but considered the best in this region. U guys don't even have an anti tank missile (ATM), now shamely want to claim Sabah? Our Malaysia PT-91M will roll over your soldiers away & blow away them to pieces easily. What a shame....

6) Phillipine Navy have only 2nd hand World War 2 era ship that was build in 1943 as it's main capital ship. Donated by the Americans. Plus no surface to surface missile, only equipped with 76mm guns. Malaysia have tons of modern frigates, corvettes & Offshore Patrol ships, all equipped with the latest & modern electronic sensors & surface to surface missiles. It's going be a massacre if your navy want to pick a fight with our Navy. Now still want to claim Sabah? What a shame....

7) Philippine Navy have no submarine. Malaysia have 2 Scorpene submarines & 1 Quessant submarines. The Scorpene submarine is considered as one of the best & quitest submarine in the world with torpedo & sub-surface to surface missiles. The sub-surface missile, SM-39, can be fired underwater to target surface warship 50km away & equipped with GPS, in case want to fire at ports. Actually, Malaysia bought 4 Scorpene but claim only 2. Your navy don't even have a decent capability for submarine warfare & don't even have any submarine, now want to fight with a navy who have the most modern diesel submarine fleet in the region? Your World War 2 era ships will be massacred easily by our modern submarines. What a shame....

8) Finally, why did u guys always BEGGING from the Americans, South Koreans, Thais, Singaporeans, Australians and China to give you guys FREE or CHEAP 2nd hand military hardware? Why do u guys need to BEG from them? Most of donated 2nd hand ships should be scrapped anyway, but because u guys keep BEGGING from them, they feel pity to this little child & give it away for FREE or CHEAP to u guys. Can u guys have dignity & buy those military hardware using your own money instead of BEGGING from other countries to supply it for u guys? And please, if u want to buy any military hardware, don't buy a 2nd hand one, buy a brand new ones. If u guys still buy 2nd hand military hardware instead of brand new ones, it just show how cheap & poor u are. U guys cannot even buy a brand new military hardware, always BEGGING from other countries for 2nd hand ones, now want to claim Sabah? What a shame...

There any many more I want to write, but I guess its enough for today. Your own mess inside your country also cannot handle, now want to take care of another new territory. In your dreams lah...

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