Sunday, October 28, 2012

Toilet Papers Seen as a Big Factor in Philippine Tourism Drive

OK. Bad news: The volume of tourists coming in is shrinking. But the solution to that may have been finally found at last: House Bill 1245 or the Philippine Toilet Paper Availability Assurance Act (TPAA).

The credit goes to a previously unknown party list group, the Palikuran Party List, who won the last position, surprisingly came-up with a very simple yet seen as an intelligent approach to revive the dying tourism in this country

This bill, according to the proud proponent, was not a result of a guessing game but actually a product of a month-long government-funded study conducted on several key tourism areas. A telling conclusion came out showing at the top of the list what keeps tourists not completely satisfied while on stay was that most toilets are insufficiently-equipped, most of them noticeably lacking toilet papers. Thus, House Bill 1245 is now submitted to the House Tourism Committee for initial deliberation which is expected to come-up with a get-go order for bill final deliberation.
In a privilege speech delivered by the Palikuran Representative, he never failed to emphasize why his colleagues must support the bill and he expected they will. All it took was for him to say a seemingly compelling rhetorical question which says, “If a tourist called by nature, after discharging a substance causing inconvenience to him or her, finds out there is no toilet papers to wipe his or her….thing or whatever part, would anyone in this House expect the disgusted tourist would ever come back to that toilet, much less to be in this country again?”
The bill has only one purpose. And that is to make it sure that toilet owners in identified tourist areas must ensure toilet paper is available in their facilities 24/7. The Department of Tourism website will post an advisory that tourist will  expect no more toilet paper shortage in all toilets all the time. Last thing the  DOT officials would want to see is a pissed-off tourist cursing toilet owners for lack of toilet papers.
In line with the country’s tourism banner to entice tourist, the “It’s More Fun in the Philippines”, the availability of toilet papers may now give one more attractive reason why tourist must choose Philippines as their next vacation destination.
Toilet paper is now seen as an important factor to sustain a positive tourism drive. The tourism authority officials are now hoping the President would be delighted after the latter gave them a week to come-up with a reliable solution to the tourism problem or else they would be kicked-out from their job.
This landmark bill is overwhelmingly expected to get unanimous vote of approval from House members and the President is likewise expected to sign it into a law in no time. With this, we may expect to see a rare scenario wherein in lawmakers are unified in one honorable intention to act for the benefit of the tourism industry and the economy as a whole. All it would take is a tourism bill of toilet papers.
With this recent development, the country’s Party List system may not be a waste of people’s money after all. On a press conference, the author of the bill have hinted, given the high probability of success once the bill passed, the toilet paper program may be extended to all toilets all over the country. The lawmaker sounded so positive about it.

Disclaimer: Go figure it out yourself.
Author of this post is the owner of MonkeySocietyblog

About the Author

 has written 6 stories on this site.
Libertarian Buddhist

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