Monday, October 22, 2012

Giving false hopes to the Muslims

By Jacinto 'Jing' Paras

Everyone in the country seems  to be hopeful that peace will eventually reign in Mindanao. This was the general feeling of our people when President BS Aquino met in Malacañang  with Murad Ibrahim, Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) chairman,  to affix their signatures in a document called Framework Agreement which they saw as the roadmap to a lasting peace in Mindanao. This hope for peace was echoed by many newspaper headlines, one of which said “hopes soar in Mindanao,” another said “Peace is within reach.” These were supported by a statement made by Murad Ibrahim during the signing ceremony where he  said “this is the sound of peace” as he shows a gong which represents a symbol of authority. On the eve of the signing of the framework, Murad likewise said the agreement is “a milestone victory of peace and justice over war and continuous conflict” However, in another statement Ibrahim tends to confuse and downgrade his optimism when he said, that “the Framework Agreement will not by itself end the Moro secessionist problem.
Indeed, despite the MILF chieftain’s optimism that peace will come about, he has doubts as to the implementation, considering the many odds that will befall its operationalization. As early as now, the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) is already expressing its opposition to the Framework Agreement. From his own group, a rebel force headed by Umbra Kato is also expressing its rejection to the kind of agreement forged by Ibrahim with BS Aquino as the Kato’s group wants a separatist Bangsamoro state.
Murad Ibrahim in his speech at Malacañang also stated that the landmark document he signed restores to his people their Bangsamoro identity and their homeland, their right to govern themselves, and the power to to forge their destiny and future by their own hands. Many people think that this statement is pretty loaded. It raised so many vital questions such as, do the Muslims really have their own homeland, like the Palistinians vis-a-vis Israel. Isn’t the Philippines their homeland? And will this Framework Agreement bring about the creation of their own government apart from the Philippine government. What do we mean by expanded autonomy? Does this mean an independent substate under a state of belligerency. Will they have an armed forces of their own apart from the Philippine armed forces?
This confusion prompted Sen. Ping Lacson to ask,  will this Bangsamoro state have its  own police force and will such police force be under the National Police of the Republic of the Philippines? Will this agreement also assure that there will be no Muslim rebel  force that will arise?
The Framework Agreement seems to be just the ignition but as to the whether the vehicle will reach its final destination, is a big question since the road is riddled with sharp nails and no vulcanizing shops are seen along the way. Yet Malacañang and the MILF are presenting a soap opera to the nation, making it appear that peace is at hand. Malacañang has probably spent millions to PR companies to hype up the Framework Agreement as the success in itself when there are no details at hand. This may give false hopes to the Muslim people and would give the idea that the MILF has indeed agreed to settle for autonomy and not their dream of having a state which is independent. 
There is also the question on the  statement that the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) is failed experiment. Why not  improve on the ARMM instead of replacing it, or just change the name of ARMM to Bangsamoro and retain the structure. Why is there a plan to expand the area or territory of the Bangsamoro state to other provinces which includes Zamboanga and Palawan. These are largely Christians communities and making them part of the Bangsamoro government will likely create another conflict as the Christains will not likely allow to be governed by Muslims. Again these problems are very serious that making it appear that peace is at hand again giving false hope to our people.

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