Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Filipino Voters Are Utak Palamunin

As I was reading the list of candidates in the coming May 2013 elections, I couldn’t help but notice the same family names starting with Aquino, Villar. Yup it’s the same thieving, corrupt and plundering bastards.
You can’t blame these guys for running – but you can certainly pin the blame on stupid Filipino voters. After all – the candidates are simply supplying the demand of Filipino voters.
Image courtesy of Idea Go / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The Roots of the Trapo Phenomenon – Demand and Supply

And what is the demand exactly? It’s the demand for politicians who will make voters lives easier, who will provide free hospitalization, free education, free contraceptives, free food, free entertainment, free basketball court and what not. Filipino voters, therefore, expect the government to pursue their personal happiness for them. There’s a word for that – PALAMUNIN.
These voters also believe that tax money is a magical source of benefits. These people are totally ignorant about taxation – and its impact on the economy – their jobs, the cost of goods, the cost of electricity, the cost of living. They don’t mind either if their mouths are stuffed with money while they are made to dance like the fools that they are – ey’ it’s free money from the plundering politicians. Well, if someone else is paying for their stuff, who cares about cost right?
The problem with that of course is – the government has no money and the only way it can provide for those services is to raise taxes – which means you get to take less of your income. It is basic mathematics which eludes Filipino voters.
Pinoys however are congenital PALAMUNINs – and are enthused by the idea of “cradle to grave” coverage by the state. I still remember a Philstar writer who said that the Philippines does not have a welfare state. Yeah right.

Misinformation – Who is misinforming who?

That these voters believe government will do everything for them is an indicator that the Philippines will be in deep shit for a very long time.
Sovereign credit ratings upgrade? So what – unemployment is stagnant, underemployment has expanded, hunger has expanded, poverty is still very high.
GDP Growth? So what – unemployment is stagnant, underemployment has expanded, hunger has expanded, poverty is still very high.
More public spending? So what – unemployment is stagnant, underemployment has expanded, hunger has expanded, poverty is still very high.
Corona impeached? So what – unemployment is stagnant, underemployment has expanded, hunger has expanded, poverty is still very high.
Bigger CCT Subsidy? So what – unemployment is stagnant, underemployment has expanded, hunger has expanded, poverty is still very high.
Bigger Pork Barrel? So what – unemployment is stagnant, underemployment has expanded, hunger has expanded, poverty is still very high.
Remember that GDP Growth was being pushed as an indicator of improvement in people’s lives. Remember too, that more public spending, more CCT subsidy, and the impeachment of Corona were sold as measures to reduce poverty. Well – instead of reducing poverty – these measures drove jobs away and expanded poverty instead.
And to top it off – a moron who got elected by his fellow morons – now wants people to shut up and make no mention of SenaTONG Sotto’s plagiarism.
The irony of it is that the online libel law takes off and expands the penalties in the RH bill – ” malicious “disinformation” is penalized”. The thing is who really is doing the malicious disinformation? Take for instance, the matter of population size and population density not having anything to do with poverty. Yet, TONGgressman Lagman keeps on repeating his mantra of the unmet needs.

Kung Ukol, Bubukol – ang Wanbol TONGress

How hard is it to see that Filipinos are poor because the SenaTONGS and TONGressmen – are sitting on the need to remove the 60/40 economic provisions just to get the country on parity with its neighbors in ASEAN.
But hot dang – they passed the Philippine Cybercrime Act in record time. The upside is that this shows that presidential systems can be just as quick – if not quicker than parliamentary systems – if the legislators truly want to pass a bill. But I digress,
SenaTONG Sotto does not want the RH Bill but he is in favor of expanding the coerciveness of the RH Bill – into an online libel law embedded into what otherwise would have been good legislation to protect private property. There’s a word for that – a HYPOCRITICAL DUMBASS.

Resist and Eliminate State Intrusion In the Bedroom

Worse, SenaTONGS included cybersex in the measure. That is just plain outrageous! Specially when one is an OFW – this becomes really annoying. Couples who have been split asunder due to job scarcity (no thanks to the restrictive 60/40 economic provisions – there’s jobs everywhere, except the Philippines) – and whose only means of keeping the intimacy alive is via cybersex – are now criminals. Where were the SenaTONGs and the TONGRESSfolks’ heads when they passed this measure? Counting the pork barrel that’s what.
Note also that cybersex can lead to a reduction of the fertility rate – after all if you have cybersex – your cybersperm and the cyber ovum will not produce real babies. But no, the politicians just want YOUR money – to tax you, so that they can give away “free contraceptives” – and claim to the equally ignorant palamunin voters how altruistic they are. Think about it folks – cybersex does not need “free contraceptives”, and does not raise taxes – and you don’t get to make babies at all.

Orwellian and Socialist Philippines

And now here comes Malacanang saying civil liberties are not being threatened. Lemme see – your liberty of movement is threatened, your liberty of owning your income is threatened, your liberty of expressing yourself is threatened. Talk about deliberately making statements with malicious intent that causes damage to people’s liberties. The Aquino government and the regime which backs it up – starting with the corporatist/fascists in the Makati Business Club – want to monopolize the discussion in the netisphere – as they have done with the economy – with disastrous consequences.
The socialist and Orwellian nature of the Philippine state is as clear as the light of day – and the fortunes of Pinoys remain as bleak and dark. Thank goodness for illiterate, ignorant, and palamunin Filipino voters – it will be business as usual for Aquino’s cronies.
With the passing of the online libel law – Filipino palamunins take it up a notch – they now wait for “free opinions” from government. It’s more fun in the Philippines… NOT.

About the Author

 has written 438 stories on this site.

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