Saturday, August 4, 2012

The RH Bill: A Glaring Example of Filipino Palamunin Culture

The clamor for the passage of the RH is a glaring, blinding flash of the obvious that most Filipinos have the outlook, attitude, and mindset of FREELOADERS, MOOCHERS, BEGGARS, and LOSERS.


And those who aren’t BEGGARS yet – or about to become one – want MORE DOLEOUTs – instead of removing the obstacles to job creation and economic growth.

The proposition of the RH bill is very simple – that providing “free” RH services will alleviate poverty – and that “high population” growth causes poverty. To address poverty – population needs to be controlled.

Not only is the solution (“free lunch – free condom, free hospital”) wrong but the assumptions are wrong.

Here’s are some points that need to be considered:

1. Poverty in essence is a lack of choices – in goods, services, and jobs.

2. The lack of choices is not imposed by population size – but by government regulations and policies which restrict the flow of goods and services.

3. The increases in family size is prominent in agrarian economies as families rely on huge family size to provide cheaper labor that will till the family farms, therefore having higher income.

4. In transitioning economies, huge family size is used as a hedge against poverty. Children are seen as investments who will yield a return in the near future as they get jobs that can help the family.

5. In developed economies, family sizes are smaller because working people have less time to procreate. For short, jobs is a natural contraceptive which does not cost tax money.

6. Couples who have high educational attainment have smaller family sizes.

7. Population growth and fertility rates have been declining worldwide – regardless of government spending or not because technology has allowed the dissemination of information more rapidly and more widely.

Now to take your mind away from these facts, the PALAMUNINs and their enablers will tug at your heart string and make an emotional appeal – and if need be, send you on a guilt-trip for being “selfish” and “greedy” and not sharing to the poor.

So what’s the RH bill angling to do that individuals can’t do for themselves?

Condom? Geezus effin christ – if you are old enough to have intercourse you are old enough to pay for your own condom. And it just boggles the imagination that if I gave a poor person who now has 8 children – his poverty will be alleviated because he is now holding a condom funded by the pork barrel of Tongressman Lagman and the long list of brown-nosed tongressmen who follow Aquino and Abad like flies buzzing the anal orifice of a cow.

Hospitalization? If you are old enough to pay for a motel, texting 24/7, internet cafe 24/7, San Miguel Beer magdamagan – shouldn’t you be able to afford a visit to an obstetrician? Talk about screwed up priorities – then having the rest of us clean up after these PALAMUNINs shit.

Education about RH? Isn’t Sex-ed a subject that’s being taught in schools? Heck, TV, Radio, Cable, Media is full of sex, advertising is full of sex – the sort of stimulus that makes you look see dressed chicken when you see a poultry farm. All that money is being used to sell – sex sells goods! There’s already a lot of movies, TV shows, and materials being put out by volunteer groups of all shapes and sizes.

The essence of the PALAMUNIN culture is this: ako’y mahirap lang kaya dapat tulungan ako ng gobyerno (I am poor therefore government should help me).

I have nothing against helping people in dire straits. However, I don’t extend the kind of help which enables people to be stuck in their predicament. I am not about to become an enabler or kunsintidor of the lazy – nor do I intend to glorify the victim mentality.

The problem with feeling entitled to government assistance is this:

1. Government has no money.
2. To give money away, government has to take the money from someone else.

What makes these tongressmen, Filipino Free Farters, RH Bill supporters believe that my money is better spent on PALAMUNINS instead of my own RH, my children’s RH. If I spend my money on RH for my family and my children – that’s one less expense for government – and less burden for taxpayers – so why saddle up with the tax burden when RH can be done without any government expenditures?

Enabling PALAMUNINS and expanding the palamunin culture only ensures the expansion of poverty, joblessness, hunger, underemployment because government takes away money from the private sector via payroll taxes, fees, (as in the aborted PhilHealth fees on OFWs), “sin” taxes.

All the while, we thought that only the recipients of the CCT subsidy are PALAMUNINs. Hell no, greatly mistaken. ALL who partake from taxpayers money and spend it on WELFARE – social or corporate – ARE PALAMUNINs.

There’s a better way than to remain as a Pathetic, Pulpol, Patay gutom, Pobre, Palamunin Pinoy who can’t afford a condom but can afford Globe text messaging 24/7.

Here’s another American adage for BS Aquino and Lagman to chew on – “Don’t give fish, teach people how to fish instead”.

About the Author


has written 409 stories on this site.

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