Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Manila Under Water? No Worries – Let ‘ em Eat Condom

As stormy weather was gathering, PNoy Aquino and his merry tongressmen were discussing the best way to provide the spoils and crumbs to their political base in the coming local elections – the RH Bill and the CCT Subsidy.


Talk about the disaster reduction and mitigation, risk management, urban planning to protect private property is considered a “nose bleed” topic in this collection of rocks full of welfare zombies. Nothing beats claiming to “help the poor” in generating “pogi points” every time.

I have no qualms about getting the poor out of poverty – in fact it is a noble intention.

However, as another American saying for PNoy goes – “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” – and another American saying that goes – “the devil is in the details”.

The socialists and statists believe it is the role of government to reduce poverty. On the other side of the camp are individualists who believe that individuals are responsible for their personal happiness – and not government. Thus far, the lessons of China, Cuba, North Korea teach us which outlook actually provided wealth – so much so that China had to come up with a name for its backpedaling into market-driven economics – “socialism with Chinese characteristics”.

The palamunin Filipinos asked for population control – and BS Aquino did them a favor – he and his Tongressman Abad neglected infrastructure development – which led to deaths that reduced the population. Because Arroyo undertook infrastructure development – and anything she did is “evil” – PNoy will not develop infrastructure.

Perhaps BS Aquino can throw in another “good” thing – not spending on flood infrastructure helped reduce population. People drowned, some will get sick and succumb to it, and the population in Metro Manila is reduced faster than you can say Pork Barrel and Rh Bill. With a smaller population – but still the same amount of CCT subsidy and pork barrel, the Tongressmen can have bigger “retained earnings” to dispose of during the local elections.

And their base will still be happy because of the “freebies”. With wide grins on their faces and tears due to the “kindness” of the trapos – the palamunins will fall in line in order to get a pack of “free sardines”, “free rice” – and some cash money – which they unknowingly paid for in sales taxes and government permit fees and licenses in every waking moment of their lives – “Ignorance is bliss”

Hey you can even throw in the drama of the DTI imposing price controls on the price of rice in calamity-stricken areas. Good lawd – DTI imposes price controls to keep prices of rice low – while BOC imposes price controls to keep prices of rice high – as instructed by DA and NFA – a matter of division of functions and responsibilities according to Ruffy Biazon, the current BOC commissioner. I told Ruffy outright – that it was a classic case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing and another reason for downsizing government and its useless regulations that only hurt consumers. That’s how government “helps” during a crisis… it helps keep costs high to consumers so that vested interests do business as usual.

The seasonality of recurring moonsoon rains and the floods would have been an opportunity to innovate and develop flood control technologies – but no, we’d rather:

* Keep foreign technology out – it’s “evil”; Undecided

* Keep job creating FDIs out so that people keep on building residences in this disaster-prone areas – jobs from foreign companies are “slavery” but when it is ABS-CBN’s or Shoe Mart’s dirt cheap wages – it’s “compensation”. Foot in mouth

* Keep foreign expertise out – only Filipinos know how to handle Philippine disasters. Just send us the aid money – and let us waste YOUR MONEY – our way. Money mouth

For short, we Filipinos don’t want to be taught how to fish – we just want the fish.

Well, check out Manila’s floodwaters – you might get lucky and catch some tilapia or gurami amidst the debris of tires, plastic bags, feces, piss, vagina band-aids, and maybe a used condom.

The storm will be over in days – but the national catastrophe called Noynoy Aquino and his Tongressmen and Senatongs – will be blowing crap and blowing a hole in the tax coffers for years to come.

The RH Bill deliberations were conducted in haste – just like the filing of the Articles of Impeachment. Here’s another American saying for PNoy – “Haste Makes Waste”.

Pro-RH bill say that the majority want it. Well, just because the majority want it – does not make it any less right. Majority of the world believed that earth was flat for a long time – their numbers didn’t make them any more correct. In fact all it showed is that the majority could very well be a large collection of fools.

The Pro-RH bill lobby has been playing up the mystical arguments of the church – and the oligarch media has gobbled it, hook, line, and sinker. The church is not going to win this argument on religious grounds. The only way to regain the momentum is not to use religious arguments – but secular ones, founded on reason, logic, and economics – the sort of debate that Lagman, Abad, and Aquino try to avoid at all costs.

But fortunately for plunderers, most Filipinos are economic illiterates and spineless mendicants, zombies who want “free lunch” at the expense and demonizing of those who are productive, innovative, and creative.

In the late 1800s Rizal quipped, “there are no tyrants where there are no slaves”. Let’s give it an upgrade – “There are no trapos where there are no palamunins”.

We reap what we sow. Payback’s a bitch.

We Filipinos get the leaders, condoms, …. and floods… that we deserve.

Natural disasters are beyond our control but it’s our response which define us.

We either control the crisis or let the crisis control us – thus far, it’s Noynoying as usual.

About the Author


has written 411 stories on this site.

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