Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hacienda Luisita may be safe: Lourdes Sereno appointed Chief Justice of the Philippine Supreme Court

August 24, 2012

The Philippines has a new Supreme Court Chief Justice. Lourdes Sereno was chosen by President Benigno Simeon “BS” Aquino III to be the new head of the judiciary from a shortlist submitted by the Judicial Bar Council (JBC) today. At 52 years old, Sereno is expected to serve in the role for the next 18 years — unless she is impeached. Given the precedent set by the successful impeachment of her predecessor Renato Corona on trumped up charges and on the back of spurious evidence, that is a possibility no longer as farfetched as it once was.

Given the highly politically-charged circumstances of her appointment, it is likely that those who may be plotting to cut her tour of duty short may already be sharpening their pencils. Sereno is BS Aquino’s woman for the job after all. She had undertaken actions over the last 18 months in line with what it seems is the primary mission of the Second Aquino Presidency, for one, dissenting in key Supreme Court rulings favourable to Corona during his impeachment trial and, more notably, voting for higher compensation to be awarded to the Cojuangco feudal clan when the Hacienda Luisita is subject to the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program.

Thus a Noynoy presidency was apparently deemed critical to ensure that the “right” people were in the Supreme Court over the 2010-2016 presidential term, most likely to ensure that the SC in that period dished out rulings favourable to the presidential Kamaganak Inc which, of course, includes the owners of Hacienda Luisita Inc. (HLI)]. This likely inlcudes keeping the TRO in effect and buying enough time for HLI to get its sorry financial position back in the black.

It’s no wonder then that Noynoy threw a monumental fit when he first faced the prospect of a presidency under a Supreme Court led by Arroyo appointee Renato Corona. To Noynoy, Corona represented an absolute roadblock to the whole point — his mission to his family while President of the Philippines.

A successful bid by Serena to implement her position on the matter of the Hacienda Luisita will result in an estimated Php10 billion windfall for the Cojaungco clan. Failure on the part of the Supreme Court enterprise of Aquino’s master plan may result in bankruptcy for HLI, possibly dragging down along with it a whole raft of creditor businesses likely to be owned by key taipans within the Aquino-Cojuangco Kamaganak Inc.

Nonetheless, it seems good old-fashioned Filipino criteria had been applied in her selection for the role according to Integrated Bar of the Philippines president Roan Libarios…

Libarios described Sereno as very religious and an advocate for greater transparency in the judiciary. “May takot sa Diyos ["she harbours a fear for God"] and she can withstand pressure,” he said.

Looks like Philippine justice is in safe hands then.


    • jona-s says:

      Ummm, I think, like the naysayers here, you are speaking too soon. Sereno has not performed yet for you to declare that she’s ‘mahusay at magaling and matino’. Marcos, Erap and Gloria Arroyo were mahusay and magaling at matino before they occupied Malacanang and look what happened to them? To us?

      Calm down people, let’s observe and wait. Let us give those people in gov’t. the chance to prove their worth before we praise them to high heavens or tear them apart.

      • Ernie says:

        so sound like valte.

      • jona-s says:

        1. “On GMA’s case on dealing with Erap, Trillanes, and Lim but I’ve never seen vindictiveness and malice just like what Noynoy did.” – Daido
        You have never seen vindictiveness and malice in Gloria like what you see in Noynoy? But of course, Daido, you love Gloria and you hate Noynoy. I expect you to say that.

        “2. Speaking of the media, Marcos was a crook bwcause he was pointed as one by media pundits.” – Daido
        Absolutely wrong. Marcos as a crook is not the result of media pundits “pointing him as one”. He is a crook, period.

        3. “People blamed GMA because the media highlighted her faults and made her supposedly anti-masa.” – Daido
        And GMA, being president as she is, cannot do anything about the media faulting her? Mababaw.

        4. “…you’re EMO over GMA and Corona so it’s ok for you to put them behind bars even though the evidence is very weak.” – Daido
        Behind bars? Corona was convicted but there is no prison term. He was just ousted from office. With GMA, she has yet to have her day in court.

        So, for you to say “the evidence is very weak” is premature at this time. Let’s just wait.

        • Felipe says:


          But of course, Daido, you love Gloria and you hate Noynoy. I expect you to say that.

          Daido loves Gloria?!

        • Daido Katsumi says:


          1. Meh. I’m more like a Noynoy realist and I’ve never treated Noynoy or the Aquinos as demigods. AFAIK, she never did that; Noynoy is the only executive who keeps on chasing his political enemies. It’s just your assumption that I love Gloria or something like that. But if you ask me, she’s a better statesman compared to Noynoy. But the latter wasn’t fit to be president. You’ve been just fed up by what the media tells you. And you fall for it. Proud to be a moron, isn’t it? :D

          2. You focus your EMO on Marcos who apparently shattered the country. Well if Marcos wasn’t around, who would build the nationally funded structures then still heavily used by the country now? After him Cory nor others didn’t even give a lick about national infrastructure or foreign investments. You overrate his atrocities yet many claimed before finding out the truth about him that his time was actually a time where society was disciplined. Two sides of the same coin. People demonize Marcos but take away what he did for the country. People uplift the humanly nice Cory and the Aquinos as demi-gods of the country when just as much corruption happened in her time as much as Marcos did, to go with inefficient decision making as a leader to boot.

          4. Mas mababaw ka. :P TBH, she doesn’t focus on that and she does her job instead. Actually, when the time that she wanted to make Meralco a state-owned company (in order to lower electricity rates and to end its monopoly, she was demonized left and right by the biased media.

          5. Wrong. Corona was ousted from office thru impeachment. Now there are some guys wanted to chase him since he supposedly had criminal charges like graft, etc.

          Point completely missed but what did I expect from someone who had angry mob mindset?

        • jona-s says:


          1. It’s very obvious you have no idea of what you’re talking about. I’ve said it many times before, I did not vote for Noynoy not because I hate him like you but because, in my thinking, there are candidates who are better than him.

          In my readings of you, you’ll not get mad at Noynoy had he not touched or run after Gloria Arroyo and Renato Corona. Your idols. Look, you even declared something that is inaccurate. You said Noynoy is “the only executive who keeps on chasing his political enemies”, which you know is not true. Remember Marcos? Remember Cory? Remember Erap? Remember Gloria Arroyo? All of them ran after their enemies or perceived enemies. I don’t know if Gloria is really the enemy of Noynoy. Who knows, maybe Noynoy is running after her because, like the majority of the people, he is convinced that Gloria should answer for those allegations she allegedly committed while in power.

          2. Marcos overstayed his watch. He could have been a good president had he known when to stop. Cory brought democracy back. In terms of duration of terms, there is no comparison. She was a transitional leader in times of crisis.

          3. I’m not going to argue with you on Gloria Arroyo because you are just reminiscing and imagining things to defend her against accusations of corruption. Why did I say that? Well, what you are saying doesn’t jibe with the reality. What you really want was to have a stage to enumerate Gloria’s “accomplishments” vis-a-vis the allegations of corruption against her. And I’ll let you do that by not contradicting you because people know what the truth is. Anyway, let’s just wait for the right time because she’ll have her day in court.

        • Daido Katsumi says:


          1. Meh. I, myself, never voted for that nutjob. You didn’t vote for him but why are you acting like being a supporter or something? It seems mobsters have no idea what they’re talking about.

          Noynoy chasing his political enemies was actually accurate. Have you ever noticed? The Executive Order 01 is more like a witch-hunt order against FPGMA, which it was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Noynoy’s repated attacks against the past administration in his speeches, and even the travel ban imposed by the DOJ on not allowing her to seek medical treatment abroad yet she was charged of electoral sabotage AFTER that happened? I mean, why do you tolerate incompetence and cowardice? And if you wanted to see PGMA pay for her crimes, then sadly you are looking at the wrong persons and admin to do the job. You and everybody else who are high on this claim the allegations are present, the information is there and she managed to dodge a trial during her term. So if Aquino is stern about his anti-corruption, then why did he not do anything the first thing in order when he became president? Why did she sit on it for over a year only to revisit it again when media caught fire of PGMA needing medical attention? If you think the idiot will actually be able to pull this off, then sir your problem is your faith in the wrong power and system. Godspeed.

          2. What Marcos wanted is progress. Please tell that to Lee Kuan Yew and Mahathir since they overstayed. The former stated the truth that “What the Philippines need is discipline than democracy.” And the latter stated that “Democracy works only when the people understand the limitations of democracy.” Too much democracy can lead to disaster. In fact, this form of government you look for certainly isn’t our current democracy. The people make a spectator sport of it, turn into a mob when it goes haywire and lay reason to do such an act as ‘people power’. I guess not following the process and being orderly and upstanding citizens is not ‘people power’ as well eh? Democracy my a$$.

          3. nd people like you go EMO over PGMA, claiming she stole millions of YOUR money (when its the governments money to begin with. Taxation money ain’t yours son! You aren’t down with that? Complain about taxation without representation!) when she also was an efficient leader that kept the Philippines economy afloat, invested on its economic side and did what she could to keep the government from going astray as she wasn’t going to get any legitimacy as the transitional leader after Estrada. So in this system, she had to what she can to gain allies, even if it meant throwing money at them.

          What you and people are getting mad about is a small deal. There are things we should leave the past alone about because it won’t haunt the future of the country. The constitution still haunts the country in the past, certainly the present and most definitely the future and so is the system of the government if we don’t change it for the better. Much like how we should change how we think about mythical concepts like crab mentality and colonial mentality, like you do. Because people cannot progress if they keep thinking like that and playing the constant victim when things get messed up.

          And please, I don’t believe in a truth that makes one feel better. I know that GMA had that kind of allegations. I don’t buy the ‘GMA is evil’ sh*t.

        • jona-s says:

          1. Meh. I, myself, never voted for that nutjob. You didn’t vote for him but why are you acting like being a supporter or something? It seems mobsters have no idea what they’re talking about.
          I’m “acting like being a supporter”. I’m not going to blame you for thinking that way. With hate in your heart and blinders in your eyes, you will really suspect that I’m a Noynoy supporter. Not only that, I don’t agree with you and the other anti-Noynoy here, hence, it would really be assumed that I am a Noynoy supporter.

          But let me tell you something, I’m a firm believer of a level playing field. Balance views. Counter response and opinions. Opposing ideas. I view blogging like a sport. There are always combatants, protagonists. Two or more sides or teams. But always in contrast. Always opposite.

          No disrespect to the people who run this blog, 9 out of 10 if not one hundred percent it’s all about anti-Noynoy thing. Anti-gov’t.. I also have issues with Noynoy and the gov’t. but I cannot do it because everybody is already doing it. I have to concentrate on issues that will balance the discussion on the board. There’s nobody to argue with because majority of the members are in agreement against the government.

          So I’m have to play the devil’s advocate. The sharpener wherein you can test your ideas or thinking whether it make sense or not.

          Of course the disadvantage is to be called pro-Noynoy, yellow follower, etc. What’s worse is be branded as a moron, idiot, etc. Fine, I can take that because I know where I stand. But can you imagine if I’m really for Noynoy and all you can come up with as a defense is to call me names, to insult and attack me? I will just laugh at you for I know I got you cornered.

          There is really no other way for me except to be your nemesis or else I’ll just be agreeing with you and the others here. There is nothing to oppose because practically everybody agrees on the same agenda.

          2. What Marcos wanted is progress. Please tell that to Lee Kuan Yew and Mahathir since they overstayed. – Daido

          Every leader wants progress. It comes in the territory. But you don’t sell your soul to the devil just to achieve that. And Marcos is not like Lee Juan Yew or Mahathir. Proof? Look at their country now. Marcos was forcibly ousted from power. Can you say the same with Lee and Mahathir? So there.

          3. “So in this system, she had to what she can to gain allies, even if it meant throwing money at them.” – Daido

          Is that an admission that Gloria Arroyo bribed people just to gain allies? If so, what kind of leader is she?

          You say that to a pro-Noynoy and you’re a goner.

        • @jona-s: TBH, I’m more like anti-mediocrity and anti-stupidity. In reality, Noynoy is the epitome of those. Same goes with his mom. Period.

        • ‘Every leader wants progress. It comes in the territory. But you don’t sell your soul to the devil just to achieve that. And Marcos is not like Lee Juan Yew or Mahathir. Proof? Look at their country now. Marcos was forcibly ousted from power. Can you say the same with Lee and Mahathir? So there.’

          Flawed argument. So on Marcos’ case, you fully admit that you’re an idiot who overrate his atrocities, etc. like everybody else, w/o realizing the fact that his successor is much more worse. In case you don’t notice, that’s how politics in the Philippines work. Progress can happen if we change our mindset, but many Filipinos swam into the pool of mediocrity and stupidity. And THAT happened when Marcos left. of course, that is what you get.

          ‘Is that an admission that Gloria Arroyo bribed people just to gain allies? If so, what kind of leader is she?’

          Well, that’s how the system works! Everybody is doing it. So the problem is the SYSTEM, not necessarily the people with it.

    • Kahit na makulong si GMA, it won’t make much a difference. Of course, you would love it to happen because what you’re looking for is a small deal.

      Intellectually bankrupted bastard. :P

      • jona-s says:

        Kasi hindi ikaw makukulong. Pero kay Gloria it will be a big difference dahil, like Erap, makukulong siya, if ever.

        • Missing the point. Only proud morons like yourself would think that. If may kasalanan siya then prove it in court, not to rely on the pussyfooting which is trial by media.

          I’ll just leave to the courts. Of course, what do you expect from someone who has an angry mob mindset?

      • jona-s says:

        Aba, ikaw ang nagsabi no’n e. That even if Gloria is incarcerated there won’ be much a difference. I don’t think kahit na abugado ni Gloria sasabihin ‘yan.

        Of course, kaya nga may korte para do’n litisin ang kaso. With regard to “trial by media”, what’s your problem there? Masesentensiyahan ba siya ng media?

        Napaka-nerbiyoso mo e, lol!

        • Daido Katsumi says:

          TROLL. :P

          You still don’t get it, do you? Trial by media is a phrase popular in the late 20th century and early 21st century to describe the impact of television and newspaper coverage on a person’s reputation by creating a widespread perception of guilt or innocence before, or after, a verdict in a court of law. That is what was happening in our country. That term is also connected to another term called mob mentality, which you want to glorify.

          Not being nervous, but I just want to be objective. I’m not some idiot who doesn’t know how politics is ran besides whatever the media feeds to them, including inane trial by medias. The fact is the Philippines LOVES idiots like you who can be easily manipulated to tell whom to hate and whom to love by a simple whim.

          So get your priorities straight for once. Now you know what ‘trial by media’ means. :P

        • jona-s says:

          “Trial by media is a….” Daido

          No need, the term is self-explanatory. You’re just wasting space on the blog. Actually, ‘trial by media’ is your defense to prove that people you idolize are being persecuted through it.

          Aba, more than a month ‘yung Senate investigation/hearing/trial and you’re still blaming the media? On Gloria Arroyo’s part, did we hear you complain ‘trial by media’ when she was lording it over with the Eraps, the Jinggoys, the Lims, the Trillanes, etc.? Priority pa n’yang lumabas ng bansa instead of confronting her accusers here. And you blame media for that?

          During EDSA ’86, media was there when the Marcoses was being pilloried by the people. On EDSA 2, media was again instrumental when Erap was dislodged from Malacanang by the forces of Gloria Arroyo.

          Now, you want media out of Gloria Arroyo’s case and her date with history for alleged corruptions she committed during her term? Incredible!

          DO NOT LIE. You are not objective and you know why? It is clear as the blue sky that you hate the present administration and you love the previous one that has been notoriously dismissed by the people.

          Every time negative comments is thrown in the direction of Arroyo/Corona, you froth in the mouth. Where is objectivity there?

          No need for you to lecture on ‘trial by media’ because your intention is not really to share, inform and enlighten people about it but to justify why you are defending Gloria Arroyo and Renato Corona.

          Ang linaw sa mga very increminating posts mo e. And you have the gall to proclaim here that you want objectivity?!


        • Trosp says:

          What kind of statement is this -

          “Kasi hindi ikaw makukulong. Pero kay Gloria it will be a big difference dahil, like Erap, MAKUKULONG SIYA, IF EVER.

          And who wants the media out in GMA’s trial?

          Comprehending Daido’s comment, it’s the trial by media that is the issue and not the media per se.

          Jeez…calm down kid. Pwede mo namang basahin ng dahan-dahan bago ka sumagot ng nobelang counter comment.

        • Daido Katsumi says:

          jona-s: I think the one who is lying is some guy who went on emotional outbursts rather than logical thinking.

          On GMA’s case on dealing with Erap, Trillanes, and Lim but I’ve never seen vindictiveness and malice just like what Noynoy did. Instead, she focused more on doing her job.

          Speaking of the media, Marcos was a crook bwcause he was pointed as one by media pundits. On Cory’s case, she have done nothing but to pay her media friends to make things look good in her so idiots like you will bwlieve in

        • Daido Katsumi says:

          jona-s: I think the one who is lying is some guy who went on emotional outbursts rather than logical thinking.

          On GMA’s case on dealing with Erap, Trillanes, and Lim but I’ve never seen vindictiveness and malice just like what Noynoy did. Instead, she focused more on doing her job.

          Speaking of the media, Marcos was a crook bwcause he was pointed as one by media pundits. On Cory’s case, she have done nothing but to pay her media friends to make things look good in her so idiots like you will believe in the Cory Hype Machine. People blamed GMA because the media highlighted her faults and made her supposedly anti-masa. While the media who are close with the Aquinos won’t look critically on their mistakes, especially on thw current president’s ineptitude. See the bias?

          If the allegations against her are proven, then she should be on a fair trial. Not trial by publicity and other nonsense. And please, what I’ve seen on the PNoy admin is not on hate; it’s more like seeing reality. Disgust, annoyance, blunders, blame games, vengeance, malice, blood. This is what the current admin brings. Those controversies from the past admin? They were just sensationalized by the biased media. There us no progress with INCOMPETENCE mind you.

          And you’re telling me that I’m defending Arroyo and Corona? Well, it seems that someone who is preferring the rule of law, due process, and fairness means that I’m defending those people, right? In fact, what happened to Corona is all politics; the very reason why the senators gave the man the guilty verdict is because to save themselves from people like you. People who treat the government as a spectator sport. From the angry mob.

          And still, my objective is to enlighten people and I’m not lying to anyone. At least I’m not some moron who will just believe to what the media says. BTW, you’re EMO over GMA and Corona so it’s ok for you to put them behind bars even though the evidence is very weak. Mob society is what you prefer. And it’a a proof of your posts.

        • jona-s says:

          Trosp – What kind of statement is this -
          “Kasi hindi ikaw makukulong. Pero kay Gloria it will be a big difference dahil, like Erap, MAKUKULONG SIYA, IF EVER.

          That’s a direct and clear statement for an answer, Trosp. I think you forgot to relate it to the question so you got lost.

          Comprehending Daido’s comment, it’s the trial by media that is the issue and not the media per se. – Trosp

          How can you say such a thing? Trial by media is a product of media. Trial by media is the consequence of the action of media. If you say trial by media is the issue, it goes without saying that media is the culprit or is involve.

          If you think media is not the issue, there’s no point in making trial by media an issue.

          Don’t tell me, in your own theory, trial by media was perpetrated not by media but by the military?

          Naloko na!

        • Trosp says:


          “Kasi hindi ikaw makukulong. Pero kay Gloria it will be a big difference dahil, like Erap, MAKUKULONG SIYA, IF EVER.

          You’re telling us that just like Erap MAKUKULONG SIYA. So, for that one, it is with certainty.

          And I’m wondering why there is this predicate “IF EVER”.

          Just like what it’s obvious, you are a logic confused dud.

          As for the media according to you:

          “How can you say such a thing? Trial by media is a product of media. Trial by media is the consequence of the action of media. If you say trial by media is the issue, it goes without saying that media is the culprit or is involve.”

          The way how your Penoyista’s mind work, it is therefore the media’s fault.

          Just like if somebody’s killed by a gun, it’s because of the gun.

          There is this comment I’ve just posted in this blog

          “Correlation Does Not Equal Causation

          Correlation between two things does not prove that one causes the other.

          For instance:

          Virtually all heroin addicts drank milk regularly as children.

          Therefore, drinking milk leads to heroin addiction.”

          I don’t expect you can grasp that one with the way your mind works.

          Hindi ka na kailangang lokohin.

        • jona-s says:

          “And I’m wondering why there is this predicate “IF EVER”.” Trosp
          Good question and, if I may add, a really very easy one. The use of ‘if ever’ is predicated on the expected filing of cases against and eventual trial and conviction of Gloria Arroyo. ‘If ever’ she is convicted. That is the idea of the sentence.

        • Trosp says:


          Ganyan ka bang kabobo?

          Wag mo na kaming idamay.

          ““And I’m wondering why there is this predicate “IF EVER”.” Trosp
          Good question and, if I may add, a really very easy one. The use of ‘if ever’ is predicated on the expected filing of cases against and eventual trial and conviction of Gloria Arroyo. ‘If ever’ she is convicted. That is the idea of the sentence.”

          Kundi ka ba naman bobo, mauuna pa ang conviction bago ang filing ng case.

          Tapos ang lakas ng loob mo na mag-comment. Bagay nga na magkasama kayo ni fishball.

        • @Trosp: So what can you expect from angry mobsters like jon-asss? For them, they don’t believe on the ‘Innocent until proven guilty’ term. It’s more like the “guilty until proven innocent”.

          @jona-s: You’re playing the devil’s advocate but it seems you’re like that other guy here who played his version of the devil’s advocate. I’m putting things in better perspective than you who is behaving like the uninformed retards in the Salem witch trials. Hello we are in 2012 but since it’s the Philippines in question, it might as well be 1684!

        • Trosp says:


          He is not a mobster. He is a troll.

          But then, tigas lang ng mukha nya kung mag comment pa sya rito.

          Hiniya na nga sa kabobohan nya babalik pa ulit!


          Kapag bumalik, matigas talaga ang mukha.

        • Jona-s says:

          “Kundi ka ba naman bobo, mauuna pa ang conviction bago ang filing ng case.” – Trosp

          In sequence na nga ang ginawa ko hindi mo pa rin naintindihan? O, heto basahin mo uli ha,

          “…expected filing of CASES against and eventual TRIAL and CONVICTION of Gloria Arroyo.” – jonas

          Ang Linaw e!

          “Tapos ang lakas ng loob mo na mag-comment.” – Trosp

          I’ll admit, malakas talaga ang loob kong mag-comment especially sa mga nakikita kong faulty statements like yours. Hindi baga’t I corrected your wayward assumption when you wrote this?

          “Comprehending Daido’s comment, it’s the trial by media that is the issue and not the media per se.” -Trosp

          I’ve showed you Daido’s comment against the media to prove to you that, contrary to what you are saying, you really did not comprehend him.

          Bueno, bago mo ako awayin look at your posts/comments first at linisin mo para hindi makita yung mga dumi.

          Peace bro!

          NB. Read more comments at

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