Saturday, August 18, 2012

Does Sotto’s “Plagiarism” Make the RH Bill Any Less Flawed?

So, Tito Sotto was caught with his hand in the cookie jar? Does this mean the RH bill is now correct and flawless because Sotto was caught “plagiarizing”? NO SIR – NOT A FAT CHANCE!


While the author chastised Sotto for lifting her works, she also praised Sotto for bringing the fact to light that the pill does harm people we love.

The other item the author mentioned is that women should not be deprived of choice.

I have a feeling that this issue about “choice deprivation” will be interpreted by pro-Rh as a license to empty your wallet and spend it on contraceptives.

It reminds me of an incident in Tweeter where I was told that education is a “right” – and that RH is a “right”.

I replied that:

I have a right to my wallet – YOU DON’T.

You have a right to your wallet – I DON’T.

RH Bill Not Supported by Empirical Data – Distract People and Demonize Sotto To Take Away the Heat

The motive of bring up Sotto’s faux pas is to destroy his character. They did it with Corona – they are gonna do it to Sotto. Not that the Senate does not know the tricks of the trade. These pro-Rh folks think that playing up the plagiarization issue will make the facts less credible. It’s a classic case of shooting the messenger and dumping the message.

That’s really classy and MORONIC of the Pro-RH folks. Clearly the empirical data is not on their side because:

1. There are countries with higher population than Philippines and are way richer.

2. There are countries with lower population than Philippines and are way poorer.

3. There are countries with higher population density than Philippines and are way richer.

4. There are countries with lower population density than Philippines and are way poorer.

In Grade Four Science class (assuming CHED has not changed the curriculum) these observations would have already led one to the conclusion that population and population density are not relevant in determining what causes poverty.

It’s the sorta feeling that tells me about the devaluation of education in the Philippines. Sure they have their BS, Masters, and PHDs BUT they are just good at rote memorization and are unable to interpret data. But I digress.

The demonization of Senator Sotto’s plagiarism does not make the Rh Bill’s flawed premises any more correct. It’sanother non-issue of the Pro-RH lobby to distract people’s attention to the fact that:

1. Women should be in control of their health care – not the whims of a bunch of Tongressmen and Senatongs.

2. Women who have jobs and careers – who have alternatives to being stuck in a household as a baby factory – opt to POSTPONE raising a family.

Why subsidize Pinoy palamunin housebands? Getting a Binuhi sa NURSE is a headache that one would rather not have – spend that money on a cruise in the Carribean instead!

3. Poverty is a lack of economic choices – not a lack of contraceptives.

For short, the media hype on Tito Sotto’s plagiarism is a logical fallacy known as a “red herring”

A red herring, according to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), is a clue which is intentionally or unintentionally misleading or distracting from the actual issue.[1] The term is mostly used to claim that the argument of another person is not relevant to the issue being discussed. In mystery fiction, a clue or lead that turns out not to be relevant to the solution of the mystery would also be a red herring.

You can trust Pinoys to be on the irrelevant side of the issue – you know like discussing condoms and impeachments – while Rome is burning.. or Manila is going under water.

It’s the ECONOMY student! Cool

About the Author


has written 417 stories on this site.

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