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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tagalismo made "Pilipinos" dumb

Tagalismo made "Pilipinos" dumb. The so-called electorate became no more than stamping pad for crooks in office during the tagalog republic.

Marcos and the tagalist society "ang bagong lipunan" undermined our democratic institutions, our sense of propriety and all the social taboos in pre-marcos society.

We never recovered from this damage to our ethos and our morals.

Civics became just a propaganda tool to better control the functioning illiterates given the so-called "right to vote" without knowing why and what for.

This wasnt the case before. During election time Filipinos often chose what they perceived to be the most educated and the most intelligent.

The mistake was they erroneously thought that all who were intelligent and educated had the best intentions of the country. So they voted in Macoy.

And our nations were cursed ever since because now they chose the most personable and who promised them the moon instead of moral character and competency.

The mentality of "Pilipinos" is that they live in lala land. They are deluded in the perception that it is the government that give jobs to people.

That the government is the one who create jobs instead of the individual and creativity. Such ignorance in civics made us like fallen angels from what once was a promising future.

Today, they think government and the crooks they vote into office will give them food and jobs. They have surrendered everything for dependency.

They destroyed individualism and liberty for a bit of gruel imported from china. Or in this nutrienless day of processed food age, the "instant noodles" of not thinking things through.

This rot continues. And the fictive national language from the macoy tagalist republic is one more legacy from the fascism that did not leave us.

For democracy works only in the assumption that voters will vote the person because that person represent their values. Conversely, the flipside is that often the people get the leaders they deserve.

"Pilipinos" search in every election for the messiah of change that will never come. Politics is just family business these days. And we continue to be deluded because we are scared shitless of fighting for real postive change. Hence we are apathetic.

We carry that stench of dumbness like a drug.

My two cents on a world shaped by fascism.


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