Monday, August 22, 2011

Pinoys Who Think Ninoy Aquino Would Have Made The Country Better are Idiots

It is August 21 once again and the cheesy Filipinos would do the whole tiresome thing of taking the emo route of glorifying Ninoy Aquino whose only real claim to fame was getting his head shot upon his return to The Philippines. I have always kept wondering why The Filipinos keep saying that he “COULD HAVE BEEN” a great leader, he “COULD HAVE BEEN” the savior of The Philippines, “COULD HAVE BEEN” this and “COULD HAVE BEEN” that… It was always something from the imagination seen through rose colored glasses whenever projections are made about how Ninoy could have saved The Philippines but that bullishness is more like bullshit.

Are you kidding me? I think to myself. The guy never really accomplished much. Like his slacker son Noynoy, he really did not get any bills passed into law during his years as a lawmaker. All he did was oppose everything and blab about dictatorship, fascism and spout such trite cliches that revolve around those concepts. Of course, Da Pinoy masses would just lap up whatever he says like how they easily get mesmerized by a telenovela character as he over-acts his script complete with a “nanlilisik ang butas ng ilong” facial expression.

The mistake Filipinos do is that on a proforma basis, they come to the conclusion that The Philippines would be rich and prosperous if only some dead man had not died. I beg to differ, even in the case of Ninoy because his past “performance” could not become the basis of what he could DO. All he was able to do was oppose, oppose and oppose! He was really never able to BUILD or ACCOMPLISH anything. Any schmoe could oppose and condemn all the “isms” they could state but what have they actually done? Ninoy Aquino has not done anything to ADD VALUE to Philippine Society and merely made Marcos his straw man to use for his dog and pony show.

Even his claim to have ended the Huk rebellion by supposedly “making” Luis Taruc surrender is controverted by what was stated a source more credible than Ninoy Aquino’s own delusions. The last paragraph about the Huk Rebellion from the website Global Security . Org states:

Beginning in 1951, however, the momentum began to slow. This was in part the result of poor training and the atrocities perpetrated by individual Huks. Their mistreatment of Negrito peoples made it almost impossible for them to use the mountain areas where these tribespeople lived, and the assassination of Aurora Quezon, President Quezon’s widow, and of her family by Huks outraged the nation. Many Huks degenerated into murderers and bank robbers. Moreover, in the words of one guerrilla veteran, the movement was suffering from “battle fatigue.” Lacking a hinterland, such as that which the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) provided for Viet Cong guerrillas or the liberated areas established by the Chinese Communists before 1949, the Huks were constantly on the run. Also the Huks were mainly active in Central Luzon, which permitted the government to concentrate its forces. Other decisive factors were the better quality of United States-trained Philippine armed forces and the more conciliatory policy adopted by the Quirino government toward the peasants.

What Ninoy Aquino Could Have Become

Ninoy Aquino came from an oligarch family. He has not really accomplished anything worthwhile aside from opposing to no end without really building. If ever he became President, he would have been just your regular run of the mill TRAPO who is full of “pambobola” that the masses would just adore like what they are doing now with Noynoy. You have to remember, even Marcos said nice things such as “this country would be great again” which the masses just lapped up and look how that turned out. Ninoy’s sweet words were the same, they were just fuel to propel him to the pinnacle of power that he aimed for. Getting shot was already a given risk but still he took it because for any intelligent and calculating person, risk is factored in and weighed against the benefits. He saw the benefits and was willing to take the risk, which just happened to have turned out for the worst.

“Heroes” Are The Opium of Da Pinoy

These Pinoys who develop yellow fever during times like these are just using Ninoy Aquino as some kind of an opium for their never-ending hero addiction. They have to snap out of it. Their “could have been” scenarios and statements that the country could have been better had their hero just been luckier just give illusions and delusions that a “hero” is the solution to the problems of Da Pinoy. They thought Cory was a “hero” but the country did not progress under her, and now it is the same “hero” theme that put Abnoy Aquino in power and look where that is getting Da Pinas.

Like what has been always said here in AP, there really is no need for heroes and hero worship is actually counterproductive. The people just need to think a little deeper, work a little harder and have a little bit more consideration for their fellowmen. This nonsense that Ninoy Aquino said that “The Filipino is worth dying for” is just plain rubbish. If he really meant that, then he just wasted his life on a bunch of nincompoops who are basically just wasting space on the planet. Da Pinoy has yet to prove that they are worth anyone’s time of the day because they have yet to get real. Part of getting real is to stop these “could have beens” and snap back to reality. The country is in the crapper, people are leaving in droves, families are torn apart, our compatriots are being stripped of their human dignities all over the world. No amount of imagining what the world could have been had Ninoy not croaked would change that. Only if we acknowledge our faults and change than can we progress and all these festivities surrounding the anniversary of a political risk gone awry shows that we still have a long way to go.

  • markad wrote on 21 August, 2011, 5:22

    Although I agree that hero worship should stop but insulting him is not. It was a different timeline and one should not see what he has done or not have done in the context of the present situation.


    AJ Reply:

    It is not insulting when they stated the facts, are you aware about his betrayal to his co-party mate during Plaza Miranda Bombing dude?


  • Chiruu wrote on 21 August, 2011, 7:26

    That’s well said and spot-on as well.


  • Anonymous wrote on 21 August, 2011, 12:32

    “All he was able to do was oppose, oppose and oppose! He was really never able to BUILD or ACCOMPLISH anything.”

    Ironic for you to say this. Isn’t this what Antipinoy is doing as well?


    Ray Rodriguez Reply:

    But AP is not looking to be lionized as heroes. It is just calling for everyday people to think normally and ethically. It is better than dying for your country like what Ninoy did.


    Tikboy Tikas Reply:

    Most of the AP Crowd and Authors too are known to be mostly engineers, architects, supply chain managers… people who BUILD and ACCOMPLISH. None of the AP authors are mere blabbermouth politicians like Ninoy or Noynoy.


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