Sunday, July 24, 2011

Coming Full Circle

It has been more than a year since I started blogging. Like any other endeavor in my life – blogging has a purpose. In my case, what started as a trivial stab at the pinoy cultural dysfunction, on my free time, has taken me on a journey that took a hard look at the news, the politics, the economy – and my life experiences in the Philippines and outside the Philippines.

And so as I witness the madness that has enslaved my country – I am grounded enough to know that that I can only save myself – and perhaps a few people who care to listen. But to save the Philippines? It will take more than blogging to save the Philippines – what these actions are have been dealt with ad infinitum ad nauseam – and these will still not make any nonsense to the wowowee state of mind of the Filipinos. Throwing jewels to pigs irritate the pigs because they don’t know what to do with it.

And so I come full circle to the question of who really is the Anti-pinoy?

Let’s turn this around – is there really such a distinct biological species thing as a “Filipino” or is the word a “social construct” of a biological entity called homo sapiens sapiens who happens find himself in the 7,200 Philippine islands?

I recall that in 1883, Friedrich Nietzsche published a book called Also Sprach Zarathustra in which he elaborated his ethical ideal, the Übermensch – a person who rejected the norms of society, living by his own moral code. The name came from the concept about ordinary humanity believing there would be no morals or reasons to live if there was no Other to define morality and reason. Transcending this illusion makes one an “over-man”

The question then is the anti-pinoy in reality – the Filipino as Übermensch?

Should one’s individual personality be defined by a vague amorphous definition of a “Filipino”? Is there even a value to fit the mold of the typical “Filipino”? What is the definition of a “Filpino”? Does it even matter to one purpose in life? Is your happiness defined by being as “Filipino” or advocating for an idealized “Filipino”?

Or is it about – improving one’s lot in life in the pursuit of personal happiness under the rule of law, economic freedom, and personal liberty? Does one necessarily have to be “Filipino” in order to find purpose in life?

I say that there’s more to life than being “Filipino”.

- Above all – more than being “Filipino” – the buck starts and stops with the individual – know thyself, learn to love thyself, and bring out the best in you.

When all are striving to be their best selves – Do you think we’ll have a crappy society? That makes too much sense to the Filipino – and is too much to ask from Juan de la Cruz.

What the Pinoy wants is to have the “best government” as one that takes care of him from cradle to grave, with free lunch, and absolves him/her from any wrongdoing. The Filipino masses are averse to competition. They would rather take comfort in serfdom to the local oligarchy rather than step up and become free men. They would rather have patrons who dispense condoms, hospitalizations, concerts, sardines, trips – at the expense of someone else other than us. There no such thing as a free lunch and the sooner we learn how to fish instead of praying for fish – the faster we get our daily bread.

The Filipino Masses Need Protection? From what exactly? From themselves? :)

The Filipino masses would rather go overseas and live the life of slave (to escape the life of a slave in the Philippines) – than open up the economy and be an active participant in a new world order – one that is transcended by nationality or ideology – the global economy, the global supply chain – while strengthening the local economy through sound market-driven fundamentals.

The Filipino masses would rather violate the rule of law in the name of “the greater good” not comprehending that violating the rights of one – violates the rights of us all. So we have a train of abuses – all in the name of greater good. We take offense at the non-legality of court demolition orders – while being blind to the people who die violently without due process – it’s the height of hypocrisy and it is DISGUSTING.

The Filipino has yet to learn the value of taking care of oneself because he has been made to believe that his only purpose in life is to become “a man for others”.

In doing so – the Filipino has lost the sense that before he can become a “man for others” – he must first become a man – a thinking individual who is fully aware of himself, his individuality, that before defining “others” – he must first define himself. What has been lost in translation is that the Filipino defines himself in terms of others, of his family, of his society – and not on his own terms. In doing so, the Filipino kills himself – his individuality – during the daily grind – trying so hard to conform to a dysfunctional society.

The Filipinos asked for it – they got it – keep on eating pagpag; watching wowowee; being ass wipes, helpers, drug mules, commercial sex workers. Tough luck – lovers of the welfare state will be eating craposis till kingdom come. Am not in the business of helping people who don’t want to help themselves.

Till such time my countrymen wake up from their stupor – there’s more to life than writing about morons. I am so out of the Philippines – and have no regrets – perhaps that I should have left the Philippines earlier and enjoy life where ever the road takes me – or where I choose to create a road, a path, a trail. To hew a path not for anyone else – but because it brings personal joy and happiness.

Au revoir, sayonara, hasta la vista bitches. To life writ large – it’s good to be back.

About the Author


has written 278 stories on this site.

BongV is the webmaster of

13 Comments on “Coming Full Circle”

  • tuod666
    tuod666 wrote on 18 July, 2011, 18:43

    Ignorance has always been the weapon of tyrants; enlightenment the salvation of the free. ~ Bill Richardson


  • dumb-oh wrote on 18 July, 2011, 20:51

    too bad the only countries i care about are in a mess. Tiis muna dito.


  • Lightzout wrote on 19 July, 2011, 8:57

    Call me insane, but I think what we need is a revolution. No, not those peaceful revolution but a bloody one. Because of ‘peace’, we became what we are: Spineless, cowards, weak, idiotic and depended. Perhaps this is the time to kill the unwanted and change for the best.


  • Hyden Toro wrote on 19 July, 2011, 13:56

    We have a lot of Unlearning to do…in order to have a proper mind-set…Our Political Leaders and the entrenched Oligarchy…have made us think in this kind of state…since they own most of the Media; the sources of information. Wowoowee Mentality was imposed on us; to make us think that way…like Mind Conditioning…so that, they can put political candidates (their puppets), who will rule over us…see how our pressing problems, are not acted upon? They give us Political Circus and Political Zarzuelas, instead, to divert our attentions. At the same time; they are picking up our pockets, by increasing prices of basic needs…thru the businesses they own…


  • bokiyo wrote on 19 July, 2011, 21:48

    Pasintabi sa mga atheist :)
    Filipino Catholics know Jesus’ 2 rules “Love God above all else” and “Love your neighbors as you love yourself”. Many dismiss it only as 2 rules, but it was actually 3 rules, hidden on the second one, that if you have to love others, you have to love yourself first. And I agree with BongV here, that if you are to be a man of others, you have to be the man of yourself. And seeing that the many Filipinos have very low self esteem that our individuality is sacrificed. Filipinos tend to save their faces by pleasing others first. And those people who do not conform to the society will be labeled as “Walang Hiya”


  • Al Ace Cadore wrote on 20 July, 2011, 2:38

    if we all try to change the Juan Tamad lifestyle, we will eventually came up to a better solutions. If we make our own plans to excel rather than waiting for the President to make his move alone or just divide the national budget for each filipinos would not help at all. Giving instant property or cash to anyone doesn’t ease the problem, instead making it worse by encouraging people to rely on instant prize schemes rather than pursuing a job. “Pare wag na tayong maghanap ng trabaho, punta na lang tayo ng Sgt. Esguera o sa Broadway” This is one hell of a sympathy gone wrong. We understand that these people or programs just want to help, but it doesn’t meet the REAL NEEDS of the Filipinos. It’s fake, it’s just pure business. If they really want to help, there are more effective solutions, like having a foundation that build schools, barangay clinics, livelihood oppurtunities,etc. A one million pesos cash can make a single person of his family happy, but a one million used to make a school will help hundreds or thousands of student for generations. Think first before you help,or think if what you’ve done really helps.


  • superlucky20 wrote on 20 July, 2011, 2:49

    Going Galt, BongV? Wahahahaha!



    BongV Reply:

    exactly. given 24 hours in a day – why waste time about the Philippines and Filipinos – you can’t help people who don’t want to help themselves. move on.


  • ici wrote on 20 July, 2011, 3:03

    you are one of the lucky few who made it out alive…


  • concerned_citizen wrote on 20 July, 2011, 10:11

    And so the exodus continues. The saga of tyranny continues and the masses wallow in their own self-pity and denial. Change won’t happen anytime soon. Not in my generation or the generations to come.


  • Dave Miller wrote on 20 July, 2011, 19:28

    Lightzout is right – it’s going to take a revolution to fix PI. Think French Revolution. In the long run it will be a small price to pay, but it’s going to be nasty while the tables and attitudes turn to the 21st century. And, unfortunately, like France, there’s no cure for the rich and privledged in PI – heads will have to roll.


  • JOn wrote on 21 July, 2011, 7:39

    Congress need to prioritize and focus more of amending our 1987 Constitution. —- Sorry for being off topic.

    December 1, 2010H. E. Benigno Simeon C. Aquino IIIPresidentRepublic of the PhilippinesMalacañangManila

    Dear President Aquino:

    We are honored to transmit to you the first copy of Arangkada Philippines 2010: A Business Perspective. This advocacy paper has been prepared by the seven members of the Joint Foreign Chambers of the Philippines that represent over two thousand members and that are committed to improving trade and investment relations between the Philippines and our home countries.The Arangkada presents the results of nine Focus Group Discussions. Each group was chaired by an industry expert who led research and consultations with the Philippine Government, local business, industry, and economic reform advocates, and domestic and foreign investors. The overall conclusion is that the Philippine economy should focus on accelerating the growth of Seven Big Winner Sectors in order to increase investment and create jobs. These sectors are Agribusiness; Information Technology-Business Process Outsourcing; Creative Industries; Infrastructure; Manufacturing and Logistics; Mining; and Tourism, Medical Travel, and Retirement.The recommendations in Arangkada are consistent with the messages of your administration that change is essential, that jobs must be created, that poverty must be reduced, and that corruption must be ended. Its recommendations support the theme that the Philippines should move twice as fast to compete successfully and catch up with fast-growing Asian economies.We respectfully request to meet with you to discuss the recommendations in Arangkada and to continue and deepen the long-standing partnership between our chambers and the Philippine Government.

    AUSTEN CHAMBERLAINPresidentAmerican Chamber of Commerceof the Philippines, Inc.

    JULIAN PAYNEPresidentCanadian Chamber of Commerceof the Philippines, Inc.

    NOBUYA ICHIKIPresidentJapanese Chamber of Commerce& Industry of the Philippines, Inc.

    JOHN CASEY PresidentAustralian-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc.

    HUBERT D’ABOVILLEPresidentEuropean Chamber of Commerceof the Philippines, Inc.

    EDWARD CHANGPresidentKorean Chamber of Commerceof the Philippines, Inc.

    SHAMEEM QURASHIPresidentPhilippine Association of Multinational Companies Regional Headquarters, Inc.

    Made by investors for investors.
    “Arangkada is a comprehensive ten-year roadmap whose objective is to help create $75 billion in new foreign direct investment, 10 million jobs, and 1 trillion pesos in revenue for the Philippine government”.


  • Al Ace Cadore wrote on 22 July, 2011, 4:27

    i pity those people who depends on what our government can give.. but actually they can’t give anything but trillions of debts.. we always say that the Philipines is one of the richest country in terms of resources.. but why can’t we still pay the debt that passed to us by the late administrations.. because only foreign businessmen and few oligarchs make use of it.. beside these, the present administration focused on nonesense matters such as the case of the election manipulation of the last president, does prosecuting the and imprisonment of the former president helps? it doesn’t even make sense in helping the country! its just pure political agenda! what will be the changes that may occur when the past president is proven guilty of cheating? almost nothing.. if they just focused on low quality education, medical services, illegal drugs, smuggling, etc. rather than a decade long cases of passing senseless laws like “no wang-wang”. This administration is still not the answer.


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