Sunday, May 8, 2011

Poverty and dignity


MANILA, Philippines – According to the family grapevine, my great grandfather Leon used to say that if a beggar comes to you with palm extended, you must always give something because a person in such dire need has to swallow pride and dignity just to survive. I suppose Lolo Leon also meant that as you give the mendicant some sustenance, whether spare change or a piece of bread, you should do so in a manner that will not further demean one who in such abject conditions. That was in the early 20th century, perhaps times have changed.

These days, there are so many activities that masquerade as charity, pretend to help the poor but only trample on their dignity and engender a culture of mendicancy. Easy money has become the norm and those who wield the gold feel they are entitled to ridicule, degrade, and demean those who they claim to help. Early on, we Christians are taught the corporal works of mercy that include feeding the hungry and caring for the sick, that what we do for the least of our brethren we are doing to God Himself, that charity is love so it is the greatest of all virtues.

Lamentably, helping the poor has been converted into a vulgar spectacle worse than any animal circus. To make matters worse, the unwitting victims of this fraudulent manna from a fake heaven are so dazzled by the prospects of easy money that they lose that innate sense of dignity and pride pertaining to rational beings.

Yes, I am referring to W. Revillame and his ilk, the calloused producers and opportunistic sponsors of such tasteless television shows that make capital of poverty. They have corrupted society, converted us into a nation of mendicants. Too bad there are no Republic Acts, Ordinances, and Executive Orders against all these crimes committed in the name of charity and poverty alleviation!


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