Wednesday, May 4, 2011


In a country that is deeply steeped in religious devotion, CORRUPTION is an abnormality beyond belief, a repulsive and enduring reality of Philippine society, as borne by the following:

• A perception exists that there is an alternating cabal of immoral, corrupt, and incompetent “leaders” in and out of government inextricably linked to unscrupulous and exploitative businessmen who are connected to equally exploitative foreign interests, and supported by a segment of the Philippine military. Wittingly or unwittingly, this despicable, almost invisible network is pushing the Philippines to the abyss of a failed state.

• Almost everyone in our society today believe that corrupt politicians and likewise corrupt government officials proliferate in public offices such as the Department of Public Works, the Bureau of Customs, the Bureau of Internal Revenue, and so forth, and even in the so-called molder of the youth, the Department of Education, and in the Local Government Units — the Governors, Mayors, down to the Barangay Officials.

• As a result, the appalling widespread and deep-seated corruption and greed in the different sectors of Philippine society have permeated the highest echelon of the Philippine military which, under normal condition, is traditionally considered the defender of the people, the bastion of decency, gallantry, chivalry, patriotism, and honor.

• Corruption in the Philippine military has become so massive and systematic, resulting in a dreadful situation of lowly enlisted men and women making do with rags for uniform, smoke-belching rolling coffins for trucks, sole-less contraptions for boots, rusty hand-me-downs for arms, reloads for ammunitions, cardboards for beds and shanties for homes. The contrast is awful as the top brass in their spunky uniforms strut around like peacocks riding in bullet-proof Sports Utility Vehicles, guarded 24 hours a day, seven days a week by a platoon of armed-to-the-teeth bullies ready to shoot anyone at the slightest sign of imagined threat.

• These "gentlemen" — whose education and training depend on the sweat and sacrifices of ordinary folks so that they, soldiers and gentlemen, could inspire and lead our youth — have turned their backs on the very people they are sworn to serve and protect. Moreover, they have become threats to the people who possess the courage to expose them for what they really are: Thieves with a capital "T".

Because we hold sacred our sense of values and belief that “Right is Right” and “Wrong is Wrong,” we take pride in these declarations:

• We realize the pathetic and contemptible contrast between the lives of the corrupt, filthy rich who wallow in luxury, and that of the great masses of suffering, distressed Filipino people not only in the Homeland but all over the world, especially in Arabia to whom belong the millions and millions of looted money.

• Hence, we praise and honor Heidi Mendoza, the fragile-looking auditor disowned by the government agency she had served faithfully, competently, and honestly for many years, a fearless public servant who symbolizes the sterling qualities of those who are serving our people.

• We hold her in high esteem and admiration. Aware of the dangers she would be facing, she nevertheless summoned her inexhaustible courage and bravery to confront "The Generals," their supporters, possible hired assassins who can snuff her life and those of her family. In so doing, she is sending a message to the 100 Million Filipinos that our Homeland has not exactly become the exclusive playing field of evil.

• We are letting the whole world know that we, the undersigned, support Heidi Mendoza in her heroic quest to bring out the truth for the sake of the Filipino people and the future generations.

• In recognition of Ms. Mendoza’s bravery, and as a token of our admiration for her exemplary character, we of the Worldwide Filipino Alliance in the homeland and all over the world, including other believers and supporters of our advocacies, who can understand and sympathize with the financial need of Heidi Mendoza’s family while they are in the midst of this struggle between good and evil, was able to come up with P25,000 as a gift to her family. The amount is infinitesimal. But it represents the hopes, aspirations, and dreams of millions of our people who fervently believe that there might be a better tomorrow for our people and generations yet unborn because of heroines like Heidi Mendoza.

At the moment, we seek Divine guidance and intervention in this uphill battle, and fervently pray:

• That those in power will realize that unless corruption and greed are checked, our nation will never be able to shake off its misery nor fend off the insults heaped upon us as a disrespected people all over the world;

• That once and for all, those who have been invested with the mandate to lead our nation must pursue justice and the rule of law, and punish the guilty;

• That religious organizations, the media, and other social forces in Philippine society should support Ms. Heidi Mendoza;

• That Filipinos all over the world who have the means, no matter how insignificant, should support Heidi Mendoza financially during this critical time in our history when her sole focus and purpose is to realize her higher calling of informing the world the whole truth and nothing but the truth;

• The comparison is practically obscene and demonic. On one hand, through Heidi Mendoza who has offered her life and those of her love ones, the world now knows that millions and millions of looted and corrupted money belonging to the oppressed and maligned Filipino people are enjoyed by a few favored creations of Hell. On the other hand, we can only come up with an insignificant and hilarious amount of P25,000! But there is a divine difference. Included in this small gift are the hopes, aspirations, and dreams of millions and millions of our people and generations yet unborn, those of us who fervently believe that there is a better tomorrow for our people because of heroines like Heidi Mendoza;

• That our people should not be cynical or hopeless. Rather, they should be more vigilant and be more courageous and must do what they can — by any means at their disposal — to smash the multi-headed monster of corruption that is pushing us to the depths of national degradation and ignominy.

Enough is enough!

Para sa Bayan: we hereby write our names below on this document which symbolizes the struggle of generations against evil and greed in our beloved homeland.

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