Thursday, November 11, 2010

She named him Faith

Sir Ralph,

With your indulgence please...

We have so much Faith in the "normal", we seldom realize that we are actually misled. No one would believe that such a dog born with only 2 legs could "walk"! Faith's owner was one who doesn't quickly give-up! She acted against the expenctations of the many, "going against the river flow"!

As Rizalist, you know just too well that Dr Jose Rizal was also one who went "against the river flow"! Even alone, he fought against mighty Spain and its abusive officials!

My question to you now: Why are you silent about Quiambao's, Esguerra's and Samuela's abuses? You don't believe Lazir?

Well, if Lazir is wrong and Samuela & Quiambao are right, why are the two lawyers silent?

The two were trained in legal argumentation/debate, yet CANNOT respond to simple but factual e-mailed charges of a non-lawyer?

Lazir's words are simple but all too clear: Council of Elders member Rogelio Quiambao is a fake Rizalist, so is Supreme Pursuivant Samuel Samuela. If they were righteous, they would have said a word or two already, in DEFENSE of their deeds! Don't you think so?

Lazir is not even angry at them, but Truth must be said, the way Dr Jose Rizal showed us.

When we toe the line of Abuse, when we keep Silent although we see Wrongdoing around us, when we hail Quiambao and Samuela despite being informed of their Abuse/s, their violation of RA 646, we belong to those who will NEVER try to take a dog born with only two legs!

Is that Rizalism to quickly give-up, to bow to Tyrants?

(Ringing in Lazir's ears are the HOLLOW words of Guansing, as he tried to settle misunderstandings between two Paris KOR chapters: "Be humble...; be humble to yourself...; go down the ground...; admit if you made a mistake...; be proud to say it that you made a mistake...!"

Guansing's words have soundbytes, yet HOLLOW, because he himself NEVER practiced what he preached! He tolerated Paras' Abuses in Europe because he, Guansing, is after high positions, rank, promotions, like Paras. Guansing knows a lot of the Paras wrongdoing, but Guansing would never admit it/them. If he will, that will be the END OF THE HAPPY DAYS of his life, abruptly!)

Lazir is sure of one thing: History is now bringing Judgement upon Quiambao for exalting Fake Paras; upon Esguerra for personally exalting undeserving Guansing, Alcoba, Nollas to KGOR, in Paris, July 2007. History will not be nice to Samuela as well. Sooner or later, someone will speak truthfully and expose the true story of KOR, including those who keep quiet when they see wrong done by some!

Is that Rizalism to look away, just so one will get a higher position, rank or title? How high could one go, with FAKE Rizalism?

Ask "sip-sip" Choy Arnaldo, who reportedly rocketed to KGOR in so short a period of time.

Meanwhile, being true to oneself is what Dr Jose Rizal showed us, though only so few are disciplined enough to get their acts together.

Fake Rizalism rules?


for country and people!

-Proud Pinoy Knight who calls a Spade a Spade!

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