Friday, November 12, 2010

Comments on "She named him Faith"

Sir Delfin,

Isn't it Pretense and the signs of a Fake to pretend to be a Rizalist, loaded with trinkets, long sashes, worthless KGCR or KGOR ranks (Paras is KGOR too, so what is Special about being a KGOR really, where Paras plagiarized and KGOR Samuela did nothing to expel Paras? Where Esguerra, instead of disciplining Paras, sustained the latter's appointment to Regional Commander, Europe. Is it a KGOR/KGCR club or a Rizalian organization, as they claim?), yet hide behind their facade!

Dr Jose Rizal, the man they profess to follow, was a Man of Courage, not once a Coward!

Are Quiambao, Samuela, Esguerra Rizalists or just Fakes playing such?

If they think that Lazir will tire out, lose steam, they who talk about "propagating the ideals of Dr Jose Rizal" are wasting their funds in all their many different Campaigns..., where peope whose eyes could read/see, chuckle at the thought that one Lazir is more than enough for several of them top honchos of a banana KOR (with apologies to a real banana republic)!

They could think they hold the upper hand, having expelled (non-member) Moreno! Ha!

Nelson Mandela was imprisoned 27 years by the abusive Apartheid policies of white South Africa, but those 27 years never broke Mandela's spirit, will and character! Mandela, unlike Quiambao/Samuela/Esguerra, was no FAKE!

No, Lazir is not aspiring for dominance of the KOR, nor for any high rank/position/title! He's not interested in paying his dues where Fakes rule/have a say! Good logic for a non-lawyer!

Lazir is merely throwing a challenge, testing them about all their lies, exposing them as Emperors with no Clothes, their ABUSEs against the good name of Dr Jose Rizal, his country and his people!

How pathetic really that two ex-Supreme Commanders and one aspiring to be (Samuela), have LOST the good fight through DEFAULT, against a newbie, a non-KGOR/KGCR simpleton of a Pinoy Knight named Lazir!

Why? They lost the MORAL HIGH GROUND, their crumbling stand devoid of Credibility, three personalities wanting in Character and Integrity, how could these three effectively counter what is called Simple TRUTH?

The Fight for Rizalism, for victims of Corruption, etc. etc., goes on!

For Country and People!

-Pinoy Knight who is PROUD to make his stand known...while keeping his BP normal at 120/80. Ha!

P.S. - Sir Delfin, let's give them 5 more years...! Perhaps they will then decide to open their mouths and speak their agony/ies about the WRONG they did against the Great Malayan, Dr Jose Rizal! To once more quote Esguerra's (in)famous word, "NAKAKAHIYA!"

Take care, kind Sir Delfin...

-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Inquirer.Net today, 10 Nov 2010...

(Part of) DLSU law profs fire arrow to back UP ‘compañeros’


To shape lawyers, not fixers

Said the DLSU law professors: “Our job as legal educators is to shape lawyers, not fixers. That is why we take plagiarism and other forms of cheating very seriously. We do not want intellectually dishonest lawyers because we know how easily they can succumb to graver forms of corruption. But all our efforts will be in vain if the highest court tolerates the practice.”

The statement was signed by, apart from Diokno, law professors Arno Sanidad, Domingo Añonuevo, Antonio Jamon Jr., Pura Calleja, Wigberto Tañada Jr., Milagros Isabel Cristobal, Ernest Francisco Jr., Anthony Charlemagne Yu and Dennis Funa.

In a phone interview, Theodore Te, a UP law professor and one of those at risk of disciplinary action, described the DLSU law faculty as “activist lawyers.”

Te is himself a member of FLAG as are DLSU College of Law vice dean Rosario Olivas-Gallo and Evelyn Battad.

Praise, not censure

The DLSU law faculty said UP law dean Dean Marvic Leonen and his colleagues in the UP law faculty “deserve praise, not censure, for publicly criticizing the Supreme Court.”

“The members of the court may not agree with them; they may even feel hurt by the words used; but this does not justify the use of the strong arm of the law to gag the law professors into submission,” the DLSU law faculty said, adding:

“We therefore exhort the court to abandon its new definition of plagiarism and dissolve the show-cause order against the law dean and professors of [UP].”

The DLSU law faculty chided the high court for its interpretation of the meaning of “plagiarism” and “institutional attack.”

“In the first, the court conveniently changed the definition of plagiarism to justify a member’s exoneration. In the second, the court mistook the statement of the UP law faculty as an ‘institutional attack’ on the judiciary when the statement was issued precisely to preserve the rule of law in our country,” the DLSU law faculty said.


----- Original Nachricht ----
Von: Delfin Palileo>
Datum: 09.11.2010 17:49
Betreff: RE: [KOR World] FW: She named him Faith

Very well said Sir Lazir.

It has been at least a couple of years and I am still anxious for a reply from the people you mentioned in your correspondences. I am hoping to see a resolution on this but they kept silent on this matter, even the IHQ.

Where are you, the Knights of Rizal?



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