Wednesday, October 27, 2010

INVITATION FOR Oath Taking Ceremony/06th Nov.2010 in Hilton Hotel, Brussels/Memo No. 001

So now we are going to have another charade, with an oath-taking ceremony no less! Why are we having such an event, other than as an official gloating ceremony; and who is going to administer what oath and why and to whom, I wonder? Why does the invitation come from an Area Commander and not from the Regional Commander, whose show this is; or is it? Who is the 'eminence grise' in all of this and why do we tolerate such underhand, on-going behaviour? Is this pay-back time for favours received, I cannot help but wonder.

Is this 'Memo 001' a Belgium Area or Europe Region Memo I wonder. I certainly will not grace this comic event with my presence, especially as it is arranged at a time and on a day that seem to be chosen not to suit those who might have to travel and want to get back home on the same day.

Is this what being a Knight of Rizal is actually all about?

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Dear Brother Knights of KOR Diamond

I invite you all to the OATH TAKING CEREMONY OF THE EUROPEAN APPOINTEES on Sat. Nov. 6, 2010 at 4 p.m. at Hilton Brussels, followed by reception, dinner, dance.

Information about this event you will find in attachment. It is a letter with the official invitation of our newly assigned European Regional Commander Sir Antonio Guansing, KGOR. In another attachment, the Memo 63 of KOR International Headquarters you find the Overseas Apointments.

Please distribute this also to related friends or people who are possible interested in becoming a member of our growing organisation!


Yours sincerely

Sir Dominiek Segaert, KGOR
Chap Comm KOR Diamond

Area Commander KOR Belgium

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